*一、Xcode 插件下载:*
VVDocumenter下载: https://github.com/onevcat/VVDocumenter-Xcode
The best way of installing is by Alcatraz. Install Alcatraz followed by the instruction, restart your Xcode and press ??9. You can find VVDocumenter-Xcode in the list and click the icon on left to install.
If you do not like the Alcatraz way, you can also clone the repo. Then build the VVDocumenter-Xcode target in the Xcode project and the plug-in will automatically be installed in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins. Relaunch Xcode and type in /// above any code you want to write a document to.
If you want to use other text beside of /// to trigger the document insertion, you can find a setting panel by clicking VVDocument in the Window menu of Xcode. You can also find some other useful options there, including setting using spaces instead of tab in the panel or changing the format of generated documentation.
开发中我遇到的问题:下载Xcode经常使用插件并解压至~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins,Xcode6.2下其他插件均可使用。只有VVDocumenter不行。
The recommended way is to clone GitHub project and compile the tool from Xcode. As cloning GitHub project will create the link to the main repository, it greatly simplifies future upgrading too. To install, type the following in the Terminal:
git clone git://github.com/tomaz/appledoc.git
This creates appledoc directory. Within you can find appledoc.xcodeproj Xcode project; open it and compile appledoc target - this should work out of the box, however your system must meet minimum system requirements, see below. I recommend you copy resulting appledoc executable from build directory to one of the directories in your path (echo $PATH) to make it easily accessible.
Optional: Appledoc is selfcontained and contains the necessary template files. IF you want to modify these default from Templates subdirectory to one of the expected locations:
~/Library/Application Support/appledoc
You can also use install-appledoc.sh script to perform quick installation. Open Terminal and switch to appledoc directory. Type following command:
sudo sh install-appledoc.sh (if you need templates add ‘-t default’)
It compiles appledoc and installs its binary to /usr/local/bin and templates (if wanted) to ~/.appledoc by default. You can override this directories with -b and -t options respectively. For example:
sudo sh install-appledoc.sh -b /usr/bin -t ~/Library/Application\ Support/appledoc
Alternatively with Homebrew:
brew install appledoc
Homebrew does not install templates by default.
Below is a working script that can be added to the Xcode Build Phases, Run Script
#appledoc Xcode script
# Start constants
# End constants
/usr/local/bin/appledoc --project-name "${PROJECT_NAME}" --project-company "${company}" --company-id "${companyID}" --docset-atom-filename "${company}.atom" --docset-feed-url "${companyURL}/${company}/%DOCSETATOMFILENAME" --docset-package-url "${companyURL}/${company}/%DOCSETPACKAGEFILENAME" --docset-fallback-url "${companyURL}/${company}" --output "${outputPath}" --publish-docset --docset-platform-family "${target}" --logformat xcode --keep-intermediate-files --no-repeat-first-par --no-warn-invalid-crossref --exit-threshold 2 "${PROJECT_DIR}"
注:target=”iphoneos”,引號里内容换成你的工程target名,否则build会有错。Build成功后,在Xcode打开 -> help -> Documentation And API Reference,就可以查看生产的工程帮助文档。此方法一。
appledoc --output ./doc --project-name spring3g_v525_test --project-company "spring3s" --company-id "com.ch" .
appledoc --no-create-docset --output ./doc --project-name spring3g_v525_test --project-company "spring3s" --company-id "com.ch" .
注:”.“ 和前面的符号一定要加 空格 否则就会报错。–company-id參数也要传。加入–no-create-docset參数,会在./doc文件夹下生成网页文档。
./doc文件夹下docset-installed.txt文件记录了生成help Documentation保存路径。
*六、appledoc Demo*