\#!/usr/bin/env bash \#Author Leslie Guan \#make sure you have the root permission \#Usage . install_ag.sh set -x TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d Leslie.Guan.XXXXXX) cd ${TEMP_DIR} wget https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher/archive/master.zip TAR_DIR=$(unzip *.zip) TAR_DIR=${TAR_DIR%%/*} TAR_DIR=${TAR_DIR##*:} cd ${TAR_DIR} apt-get install -y automake pkg-config libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev --force-yes ./build.sh && make install cd ../../ rm -rf ${TEMP_DIR} ag -V set +x
apt-get install silversearcher-ag
\#!/usr/bin/env bash \#Author Leslie Guan \#make sure you have the root permission \#Usage . install_Ag4Vim.sh set -x TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d Leslie.Guan.XXXXXX) cd ${TEMP_DIR} wget https://github.com/rking/ag.vim/archive/master.zip TAR_DIR=$(unzip *.zip) TAR_DIR=${TAR_DIR%%/*} TAR_DIR=${TAR_DIR##*:} cd ${TAR_DIR} cp cp {plugin,autoload,doc} /usr/share/vim/vim73/ -rf cd ../../ rm -rf ${TEMP_DIR}
set +x
ag HelloWorld ag HelloWorld path/to/search
Ag HelloWorld Ag HelloWorld path/to/search
e to open file and close the quickfix window o to open (same as enter) go to preview file (open but maintain focus on ag.vim results) t to open in new tab T to open in new tab silently h to open in horizontal split H to open in horizontal split silently v to open in vertical split gv to open in vertical split silently q to close the quickfix window
man ag
time ag -i activity real 2m42.568s user 0m16.049s sys 1m29.358s
time ack -i activity real 5m17.780s user 1m35.830s sys 0m17.521s
time grep -Hrni activity .
It searches code about 3–5× faster than ack. It ignores file patterns from your .gitignore and .hgignore. If there are files in your source repo you don‘t want to search, just add their patterns to a .agignore file. *cough* extern *cough* The command name is 33% shorter than ack!
Ag (the_silver_searcher) 安装使用,布布扣,bubuko.com