Learning How To Learn notes-Coursera
-Designed By Dr.Hannibal Lecter
回忆比思维导图有用before you deeply understand material.
More practice.
Don’t just read answer as if you understand them.Try to do it all by yourself so that you can strengthen them in your mind.
Learning things in places that are not only study room.Different surroundings can reduce stress when you in exam.
No disturbing such as TV,messages when studying.
You can be at focus and diffuse mode at same time.
Accept 无预期报酬,多巴胺 can help study.
不要怕学的内容too much,at first it is hardest,then more and more easy.
采访 Director of American society of science(Norman Fortenberry):
Scott Yang
1、 学语言:尽量不用母语。
2、 Self Explanation:一张白纸,为别人解释,卡壳就去看书。
3、 比喻:电压≈高度。
4、 积极性提高
5、 学习计划
6、 Edx,MIT Open course.
7、 学习分几块,别磨,集中注意力,高强度。
Amy Aklon
1、 别拖延
2、 跳读文字
3、 贴便笺
4、 睡觉:缓慢呼吸
1、 Promoto
2、 找借口逃避
3、 成为习惯的主人
4、 日积月累
5、 习惯:节能机制
6、 回报:好的学习奖励
7、 信念!!
1、 心理方法激励自己
2、 Process!!not Product~~
1、 降噪耳机
2、 改变对信号的效应
3、 Cue
1、 location
2、 time
3、 how you feel----远离
4、 veaction
3、 routine:重设旧习惯:坐在椅子上,坚持
4、 Reward:更大的挑战,更大的回报,小的实在的deadline
5、 Believe you can do it.
6、 志同道合的人在一起。
三、Weekly list of key tasks
Daily todo list before sleep(Planning quiting time)
创新方法:Memory Balance.
1、practice question
Renaissance Learning and Unlocking Your potential
One:1.Physical Exercise:better than drug
(star)Learn using metaphor and analogy
Work profitably with teammates
Perform well an tests
会有same period:totally not understand what you are talking about -> can‘t avoid [brain 努力消化
Two:No need for genuis envy\
Add 回顾 while studying
like study baseball:关闭意识system
强大的 workingmemory will blook your 思维
IMposter syndrome 冒充者综合症
Three:Change your thoughts,change your life.
Darwin:approaching matreial with a goal of learning it on,you own give you a unqiue path to mastery book,teach are only one part of one science.
Take pride of yourself especially some good quality that you own,
Right beain:整体概念(回去 check the answer)
Find your blind point:专注于同领域的人精诚合作,集思广益
本以为get A but failed:study with friends:发现偏离之处.
Bad:study group to social group. 减少闲聊,确保在轨道内行进.
1. member being late;
3. Talking about nonsense out of topic -
-> Find another group
Did you work with classmates on homework problems?(至少和其他人对过答案?)
Did you attempt to outline everyhomework problem solution(Before discuss with your classmates)
Did you participate actively in homework group discussions
Did you consult with the instructor
understand ALL of your homework probl solution?
ask in class for explanations of homework problem solutions that weren‘t clear to you?
A study guide?
attempt to outline lots of problems solutions qucikly?
go over the study guide and problems with classmatesand quzi one another?
A review session?
get a reasonable nt‘s sleep before the test?
Hand Start-Jump to easy
先解决简单问题 .X
get paper-> 浏览,了解概况 -> 开始解:from 最难,当停滞不前或不确定是否正确:1~2min 跳过这题(allow diffuse mode start to work) ->再找一道难题[大脑不同部位能同时处理不同思维][避免思维定式,错误思维](必须要有强大的自制力,一旦停滞,果断转向下一题)(解释了走出考场后想到解法)
Helpful Hints:
考试焦虑症:This test me afraid->got me excited to do my best!
Face your fears!Have a "plan B"(worst condition)
Optional:Part One:How not to prepare for test
(Dr.Richard Felder & Dr.Rebecca Brent)
Wrong things:
1. Only 翻书划线,看题
1. write key points
2. rewrite questions
3.serious study group
4.leave food in refridgerator
Learning How To Learn notes-Coursera