///////////////////////const 指针的三种状态/////////////////////
注意:const 的前后顺序
const 在类型之前 ---可以修改指针包含的地址,不能修改指针指向的值
const 在变量之前类型之后 ---可以修改指针的指向值,不能修改指针地址
// 1.指针指向的数据为常量,不能修改,但是可以修改指针包含的地址
int HoursInDay = 24;
const int* pInteger = &HoursInDay;
cout<<HoursInDay<<" "<<*pInteger<<endl;
//*pInteger = 55; //不能通过指针修改指向的值
cout<<HoursInDay<<" "<<*pInteger<<endl;
int MonthsInYear = 12;
pInteger = &MonthsInYear; //可以修改指针指向的地址
//*pInteger = 13;
//int *pAnotherPointerToInt = pInteger; //指针的类型不同不能用于拷贝
int DaysInMonth = 30;
int* const pDaysInMonth = &DaysInMonth;
*pDaysInMonth = 31; //Ok! value can be change
int DaysInLunarMonth = 28;
//pDaysInMonth = &DaysInLunarMonth; Cannot change address!
int HoursInDay = 24;
const int* const pHoursInDay = &HoursInDay;
//*pHoursInDay = 25; cannot change pointed value 不能修改指向的值
int DayInMonth = 30;
//pHoursInDay = &DayInMonth; cannot change pointer value 不能修改指针
void CalcArea(const double* const pPi, //const pointer to const data
const double* const pRadius, //i.e.. nothing can be changed
double* const pArea //change pointed value,not address
//check pointers before using!
if (pPi && pRadius &&pArea)
*pArea = (*pPi) * (*pRadius) *(*pRadius);
int main()
const double PI = 3.14;
cout << "Enter radius of circle: ";
double Radius = 0;
cin >> Radius;
double Area = 0;
cout << "Area is = "<<Area<<endl;
const 指针的三种使用方式,布布扣,bubuko.com