1 //创建新对象,根据类名 2 AVObject *gameScore = [AVObject objectWithClassName:@"GameScore"]; 3 [gameScore setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1337] forKey:@"score"]; 4 [gameScore setObject:@"Steve" forKey:@"playerName"]; 5 [gameScore setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"cheatMode"]; 6 [gameScore save];
1 //保存对象到服务器 2 [gameScore save]; 3 //后台保存 4 [gameScore saveInBackground]; 5 [gameScore saveInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL successed, NSError* error){/*do somthing*/}];e
1 //更新 2 [gameScore refresh]
1 //删除对象 2 [gameScore deleteInBackground]; 3 [gameScore deleteInBackgroundWithBlock:...]; 4 [gameScire delete]//不推荐
1 //如果有objectId的话 2 AVQuery *query = [AVQuery queryWithClassName:@"GameScore"]; 3 AVObject *gameScore = [query getObjectWithId:@"51a90302e4b0d034f61623b5"]; 4 //访问对象的属性 5 int score = [[game Score objectForKey:"score"]intValue];
1 //计数器 2 [gameScore incrementKey:@"score"]; 3 [gameScore saveInBackground]; 4 //数组 添加元素到数组末尾 5 [gameScore addOject:"100" forKey:"some"]; 6 //添加元素到对应位置,如果字段不存在,就创建 7 [gameSocre addUniqueObject:""forKey"ss"]; 8 //移除 9 [gameScore removeObject: forKey:];
1 // Create the object. 2 AVObject *gameScore = [AVObject objectWithClassName:@"GameScore"]; 3 [gameScore setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1337] forKey:@"score"]; 4 [gameScore setObject:@"Sean Plott" forKey:@"playerName"]; 5 [gameScore setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"cheatMode"]; 6 [gameScore setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"pwnage", @"flying", nil] forKey:@"skills"]; 7 [gameScore saveInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) { 8 9 [gameScore setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"cheatMode"]; 10 [gameScore setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1338] forKey:@"score"]; 11 [gameScore saveEventually]; 12 }];
AVQuery *query = [AVQuery queryWithClassName:@"GameScore"]; query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyNetworkElseCache; /* kPFCachePolicyIgnoreCache 查询行为不从缓存中加载,也不会将结果保存到缓存中。 kPFCachePolicyIgnoreCache 是默认的缓存策略。 kPFCachePolicyCacheOnly 查询行为会忽略网络状况,只从缓存中加载。如果没有缓存的结果,这个策略会导致一个 AVError kPFCachePolicyCacheElseNetwork -- 查询行为首先尝试从缓存中加载,如果加载失败, 它会通过网络加载结果。如果缓存和网络中获取的行为都失败了,会有一个 AVError kPFCachePolicyNetworkElseCache -- 查询行为首先尝试从网络中加载,如果加载失败, 它会从缓存中加载结果。如果缓存和网络中获取的行为都失败了,会有一个 AVError kPFCachePolicyCacheThenNetwork -- 查询首先从缓存中加载,然后从网络加载。在这种情况下, 回调函数会被调用两次,第一次是缓存中的结果,然后是从网络获取的结果。因为它在不同的时间返回两个结果,这个缓存策略不能和 findObjects 同时使用。 */ //设置缓存有效期 query.maxCacheAge = 24*3600; [query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) { if (!error) { // Results were successfully found, looking first on the // network and then on disk. } else { // The network was inaccessible and we have no cached data for // this query. } }]; // Then, elsewhere in your code... AVQuery *query = [AVQuery queryWithClassName:@"GameScore"]; query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyNetworkElseCache; [query findObjectsInBackgroundWithTarget:self selector:@selector(findCallback:error:)];
1 //1对1 对象关联 2 // Create the post 3 AVObject *myPost = [AVObject objectWithClassName:@"Post"]; 4 [myPost setObject:@"I‘m Smith" forKey:@"title"]; 5 [myPost setObject:@"Where should we go for lunch?" forKey:@"content"]; 6 7 // Create the comment 8 AVObject *myComment = [AVObject objectWithClassName:@"Comment"]; 9 [myComment setObject:@"Let‘s do Sushirrito." forKey:@"content"]; 10 11 // Add a one-one relation between the Post and Comment 12 [myComment setObject:myPost forKey:@"parent"]; 13 14 // This will save both myPost and myComment 15 [myComment saveInBackground]; 16 17 //也可以不要对象,用objectId关联 18 // Add a relation between the Post with objectId "51a902d3e4b0d034f6162367" and the comment 19 [myComment setObject:[AVObject objectWithoutDataWithClassName:@"Post" objectId:@"51a902d3e4b0d034f6162367"] 20 forKey:@"parent"]; 21 22 //n对n 23 AVUser *user = [AVUser currentUser]; 24 AVRelation *relation = [user relationforKey:@"likes"]; 25 [relation addObject:post]; 26 [user saveInBackground]; 27 [relation removeObject:post];
AVOS Cloud 学习笔记(二) 功能总结(What it can do?),布布扣,bubuko.com
AVOS Cloud 学习笔记(二) 功能总结(What it can do?)