USE [MainDb] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[pcPaChatOnLineUserLogSelect] Script Date: 06/20/2014 13:56:54 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO --获取求职者的15日内联系人列表,或者有留言的企业,按照未读消息个数以及联系时间倒序排列 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pcPaChatOnLineLogSelect] @PaMainID INT--求职者的ID AS BEGIN if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N‘tempdb..ChatLog‘) and type=‘U‘) drop table ChatLog create table ChatLog ( ChatID int, CpName Nvarchar(20), LastMsg smallDatetime, LastDate smallDatetime ) --查出企业联系个人 insert into ChatLog select ID, FromID as UserID, Adddate, sum(case isviewed when ‘0‘ then 1 when ‘1‘ then 0 end) as UnReadCount from ( select Chat.ID, Chat.ChatType, FromID, ToID, Sender, Chat.AddDate, IsViewed from MainDB..ChatOnline as Chat, MainDB..ChatOnlineLog as ChatLog where Chat.ID = ChatLog.ChatOnlineID and ChatType=2 and ToID=@PaMainID and --表示自己发送的,或者对方发送的自己没有查看的 ((sender=1) or (sender=0 and isviewed=‘0‘)) )T group by ID, FromID, AddDate --select * from ChatLog --查出个人联系企业的 insert into ChatLog select ID, ToID as UserID, Adddate, sum(case isviewed when ‘0‘ then 1 when ‘1‘ then 0 end) as UnReadCount from ( select Chat.ID, Chat.ChatType, FromID, ToID, Sender, Chat.AddDate, IsViewed from MainDB..ChatOnline as Chat, MainDB..ChatOnlineLog as ChatLog where Chat.ID = ChatLog.ChatOnlineID and ChatType=1 and FromID=@PaMainID and --表示自己发送的,或者对方发送的自己没有查看的 ((sender=0 and isViewed=‘0‘ ) or (sender=1)) )T group by ID, ToID, AddDate --select * from ChatLog --结果,并获取企业的ID,hr的名字,企业的名字 select T.ID as ChatOnlineID, T.UserID as ChatUserID, Cp.ID as CpMainID, Cp.Name as CpName, Ca.ID as CaMainID, Ca.Name as UserName, Cp.SecondID as SecondID, T.AddDate, T.SumUnRead, (case when (datediff("s", getdate(), O.refreshdate)) > 120 then 1 else 0 end) as IsOnline,--在线与否 (case when (GetDate()-T.AddDate>15 and T.UnReadCount = 0) then 1 else 0 end) as IsHinden--是否显示 from ( --分组,排序,求和 select ID, UserID, AddDate, UnReadCount, RowIndex=Row_number() over (partition by userID order by AddDate desc), SumUnRead = sum(UnReadCount) over (partition by userID) from ChatLog --where ((GetDate()-AddDate<=15 and UnReadCount = 0) or (UnReadCount>0)) ) T left join MainDB..Job Job on Job.ID = T.UserID--对于企业来说,聊天的ID是JobID left join MainDB..CaMain Ca on Job.CaMainID = Ca.ID left join MainDB..CpMain Cp on Ca.CpMainID = Cp.ID left join MainDB..CpOnline O on Ca.ID = O.CaMainID where T.RowIndex = 1 Order by T.SumUnRead desc END