作者:Ternence Zhang
This is a listing of possible papers that could be included in a foundational set of influential publications in network science. Network science is a new, emerging, diverse, interdisciplinary field
so there is no large, concentrated set of journals that are easy to use to find network papers even though several new journals were recently established and new academic programs in network science are beginning to be offered in universities throughout the
world. You can use some of these papers or others of your own choice for your team’s set to analyze and compare for influence or impact in network science for task #3.
Erd?s, P. and Rényi, A., On Random Graphs, Publicationes Mathematicae, 6: 290-297, 1959.
Albert, R. and Barabási, A-L. Statistical mechanics of complex networks. Reviews of Modern Physics, 74:47-97, 2002.
Bonacich, P.F., Power and Centrality: A family of measures, Am J. Sociology. 92: 1170- 1182, 1987.
Barabási, A-L, and Albert, R. Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science, 286: 509-512, 1999.
Borgatti, S. Identifying sets of key players in a network. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 12: 21-34, 2006.
Borgatti, S. and Everett, M. Models of core/periphery structures. Social Networks, 21: 375-395, October 2000
Graham, R. On properties of a well-known graph, or, What is your Ramsey number? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 328:166-172, June 1979.
Kleinberg, J. Navigation in a small world. Nature, 406: 845, 2000.
Newman, M. Scientific collaboration networks: II. Shortest paths, weighted networks, and centrality. Physical Review E, 64:016132, 2001.
Newman, M. The structure of scientific collaboration networks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98: 404-409, January 2001.
Newman, M. The structure and function of complex networks. SIAM Review, 45:167-256, 2003.
Watts, D. and Dodds, P. Networks, influence, and public opinion formation. Journal of Consumer Research, 34: 441-458, 2007.
Watts, D., Dodds, P., and Newman, M. Identity and search in social networks. Science, 296:1302-1305, May 2002.
Watts, D. and Strogatz, S. Collective dynamics of `small-world‘ networks. Nature, 393: 440-442, 1998.
Snijders, T. Statistical models for social networks. Annual Review of Sociology, 37: 131–153, 2011.
Valente, T. Social network thresholds in the diffusion of innovations, Social Networks, 18: 69-89, 1996.
1)构建networkof Erdos1作者合著者(你可以使用我们网站https://files.oakland.edu/users/grossman/enp/Erdos1.htmlor的文件包括Erdos1.htm)。你应该建立一个合作者网络Erdos1大约有510名研究人员的文件,与鄂尔多斯的一篇论文的合著者,他但不包括鄂尔多斯。这将需要一些技术数据提取和建模工作获得的节点correctset(鄂尔多斯合作者)和他们的链接(彼此连接ascoauthors)。有超过18000行Erdos1的原始数据文件,但是很多人不会用因为它们链接Erdos1网络之外的人。如果有必要,你可以限制你的网络的规模分析,以校准你的影响力度量算法。一旦建立,分析该网络的属性。(不包括鄂尔多斯——他是最有影响力的,将连接到网络中的所有节点。在这种情况下,它的co-authorship营造网络与他,但他不属于网络或分析。)
3)另一种类型的影响测量)比较研究论文通过分析的意义重要的作品,从其出版。选择一些新兴领域的基础性文件网络科学从附表(NetSciFoundation.pdf)或论文你发现。使用这些文件来分析和开发一个模型来确定它们的相对影响力。构建的影响(合著者或引用)网络和计算分析适当措施。论文在你设定你认为是最具影响力的网络科学,为什么? 有类似的方式来确定个体的作用或影响测量网络研究员? 考虑如何测量作用、影响或影响特定大学的部门,或在网络科学杂志吗? 讨论开发这些措施和方法需要收集的数据。
5)最后,讨论科学、理解和建模的影响和影响在网络的效用。可以个人、组织、国家和社会使用影响方法改善人际关系,做生意,和做出明智的决定吗? 例如,在个体层面,描述如何使用你的措施和算法选择谁试图与合著者为了尽快提高你的数学的影响。或你如何使用你的模型和结果来帮助决定毕业学校或导师的选择为你的未来学术工作吗?
这是一个可能的论文清单,可以包含在一组基本的有影响力的网络科学出版物。网络科学是一个新的、新兴、多样化、跨学科领域所以没有大型、集中组易于使用找到的期刊网络报纸,尽管一些新的期刊最近网络科学的建立和新的学术项目正开始在世界各地被提供在大学。您可以使用其中的一些文件或其他你的选择你的团队的设置来分析和比较影响或影响在网络科学任务# 3。
Erd?s, P. and Rényi, A., OnRandom Graphs, Publicationes Mathematicae, 6: 290-297, 1959.
Albert, R. and Barabási, A-L.Statistical mechanics of complex networks. Reviews of Modern Physics, 74:47-97,2002.
Bonacich, P.F., Power and Centrality:A family of measures, Am J. Sociology. 92: 1170-1182, 1987.
Barabási, A-L, and Albert, R.Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science, 286:509-512, 1999.
Borgatti, S. Identifying setsof key players in a network. Computational and Mathematical OrganizationTheory, 12: 21-34, 2006.
Borgatti, S. and Everett, M.Models of core/periphery structures. Social Networks, 21:375-395, October 2000
Graham, R. On properties of awell-known graph, or, What is your Ramseynumber? Annals of the New York Academyof Sciences, 328:166-172, June 1979.
Kleinberg, J. Navigation in asmall world. Nature, 406: 845, 2000.
Newman, M. Scientificcollaboration networks: II. Shortest paths, weightednetworks, and centrality.Physical Review E, 64:016132, 2001.
Newman, M. The structure ofscientific collaboration networks. Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA, 98: 404-409,January 2001.
Newman, M. The structure andfunction of complex networks. SIAM Review,45:167-256, 2003.
Watts, D. and Dodds, P.Networks, influence, and public opinion formation. Journal of ConsumerResearch, 34: 441-458, 2007.
Watts, D., Dodds, P., andNewman, M. Identity and search in social networks. Science, 296:1302-1305, May2002.
Watts, D. and Strogatz, S.Collective dynamics of `small-world‘ networks. Nature, 393:440-442, 1998.
Snijders, T. Statisticalmodels for social networks. Annual Review of Sociology, 37:131–153, 2011.
Valente, T. Social networkthresholds in the diffusion of innovations, Social Networks, 18: 69-89, 1996.