var people = { name: "lxb", age: "22", eat: function () { console.log(‘eat‘); } };
2.工厂模式:建造类型的模式, 重点是创造对象
function CreateObj( name, age ){ var obj = new Object(); obj.name = name; obj.age = age; return obj; } var o1 = CreateObj( xx, xx ); var o2 = CreateObj( xx, xx );
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第三步: //测试:F12查看 window.onload = function () { var oAlertSuccess = new popAlert(); //实例化 oAlertSuccess.show();//显示 } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
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; (function (window, undefined) { var module = {}; //定义组件 //插件1 var popAlert = function (opt) { this.opt = opt || {}; } // 输出 popAlert.prototype.show = function () { var oDiv = document.createElement("div"), that = this, aClose; this.opt[‘class‘] ? oDiv.classList.add(‘alert‘, this.opt[‘class‘]) : oDiv.classList.add(‘alert‘, "alert-info"); oDiv.innerHTML = "<a href=‘javascript:;‘ class=‘close‘>x</a>"; oDiv.innerHTML += this.opt[‘content‘] || ‘请添加内容‘; document.body.appendChild(oDiv); // 绑定事件 aClose = document.querySelectorAll(".alert > .close"); aClose.forEach(function (ele) { ele.addEventListener(‘click‘, function () { that.hide(this.parentNode); }); }); } popAlert.prototype.hide = function (obj) { obj.style.display = ‘none‘; }; module[‘popAlert‘] = popAlert; //为组件添加插件一 window.module = module; //暴露组件到外部 })(window, undefined);
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; (function (window, undefined) { var module = {};//定义组件 //插件1:警告框 var popAlert = function (opt) { this.opt = opt || {}; }; popAlert.prototype.show = function () { var oDiv = document.createElement("div"), that = this, aClose; this.opt[‘class‘] ? oDiv.classList.add(‘alert‘, this.opt[‘class‘]) : oDiv.classList.add(‘alert‘, "alert-info"); oDiv.innerHTML = "<a href=‘javascript:;‘ class=‘close‘>x</a>"; oDiv.innerHTML += this.opt[‘content‘] || ‘请添加内容‘; document.body.appendChild(oDiv); var that = this; aClose = document.querySelectorAll(".alert > .close"); aClose.forEach(function (ele) { ele.addEventListener(‘click‘, function () { that.hide(this.parentNode); }); }); }; popAlert.prototype.hide = function (obj) { obj.style.display = ‘none‘; }; //插件2:模态框 var popModal = function (opt) { this.opt = opt || {}; }; //显示 popModal.prototype.show = function () { var that = this; var modalHtml = "<div class=‘modal fade‘>";//进入的方式:飞入 modalHtml += "<div class=‘modal-dialog‘>";//布局 modalHtml += "<div class=‘modal-content‘>";//模态框盒子 //标题 modalHtml += "<div class=‘modal-header‘>"; modalHtml += "<button type=‘button‘ class=‘close‘>x</button>"; modalHtml += "<h4 class=‘modal-title‘>" + (this.opt[‘title‘] || ‘可定制title标题‘) + "</h4>" modalHtml += "</div>"; //内容 modalHtml += "<div class=‘modal-body‘>"; modalHtml += this.opt[‘content‘] || ‘可定制content内容‘; modalHtml += "</div>"; // 底部内容 modalHtml += "<div class=‘modal-footer‘>"; modalHtml += this.opt[‘footer‘] || ‘可定制footer底部内容‘; modalHtml += "</div>"; //尾部标签 modalHtml += "</div>"; modalHtml += "</div>"; modalHtml += "</div>"; //按钮 modalHtml += "<h2>"; modalHtml += this.opt[‘tip‘] || "可定制tip提示信息"; modalHtml += "</h2><button class=‘btn btn-primary btn-lg‘ data-toggle=‘modal‘ data-target=‘#myModal‘>"; modalHtml += this.opt[‘btn‘] || "可定制btn按钮文本"; //输出到bady var oldHTML = document.body.innerHTML; //保存旧的文档 document.body.innerHTML = oldHTML + modalHtml;//添加插件 //绑定x点击事件 关闭框 var that = this; var oClose = document.querySelector(".modal .close") oClose.addEventListener("click", function () { that.hide(this); }); //绑定显示事件 var open = document.querySelector(".btn[data-toggle=modal]"); open.onclick = function () { var oModal = document.querySelector(".modal"); oModal.style.display = ‘block‘; oModal.classList.add(‘in‘); //遮罩层 var backdrop = document.createElement("div"); //新建一个div backdrop.setAttribute(‘class‘, ‘modal-backdrop in‘); //为div添加类名 document.body.appendChild(backdrop); } } popModal.prototype.hide = function (obj) { var objParents = findNode(obj, "modal"); //当前.close的父辈元素 .modal objParents.style.display = ‘none‘;//隐藏模态 document.body.removeChild(document.querySelector(".modal-backdrop")); // document.querySelector(".modal-backdrop").style.display = "none"; } //公共的方法: //找到关闭按钮的指定父节点 function findNode(obj, classname) { var aClass; var regExp = new RegExp(classname); while (obj = obj.parentNode) { aClass = Array.prototype.slice.call(obj.classList); //类数组--->数组 if (aClass.length && regExp.test(aClass[0]) && aClass[0].length == 5) { break; } } return obj; } //把插件存入组件 module = { popAlert: popAlert, popModal: popModal }; window.module = module;//把组件暴露到外部 })(window, undefined);
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