<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>My JSP 'index.jsp' starting page</title> <!-- 引入样式,能够把ext-all.css换成ext-all-access.css | ext-all-gray.css改变样式--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./extjs4.1/resources/css/ext-all.css"> <!-- 开发模式引入ext-all-debug.js,公布模式引入ext-all.js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="./extjs4.1/ext-all-debug.js"></script> <!-- 语言包 --> <script type="text/javascript" src="./extjs4.1/locale/ext-lang-zh_CN.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function() { //绝对布局 Ext.create("Ext.form.Panel", { title : "Absolute Layout", width : 300, height : 275, layout : { type : "absolute" }, defaultType : "textfield",//默觉得文本类型 items : [ { x : 10, y : 10, xtype : "label", text : "username:" }, { x : 80, y : 10, name : "to", anchor : "90%"//定义位置(锚) }, { x : 10, y : 40, xtype : "label", text : "password:" }, { x : 80, y : 40, name : "subject", anchor : "90%" }, { x : 0, y : 80, xtype : "textareafield", name : "msg", anchor : "100% 100%",//宽和高 value : "文本域默认值" } ], renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); //手风琴布局 Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", { title : "Accordion Layout", width : 300, height : 300, defaults : { bodyStyle : "padding:15px"//用户自己定义CSS样式被应用到panel的body元素上 }, layout : { type : "accordion", titleCollapse : true,//同意通过点击标题栏的任何位置来展开/收缩子项Panel animate : true,//表示对所含面板进行展开/收缩时, 面板的打开/关闭使用动画效果 //'true'表示当每一个面板展开时, 都将面板移动到容器的第一个. 'false' 则保持顺序不变. activeOnTop : true }, items : [ { title : "Panel 1", html : "Panel content!" }, { title : "Panel 2", html : "Panel content!" }, { title : "Panel 3", html : "Panel content!" } ], renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); //锚定布局 Ext.create("Ext.Panel", { width : 500, height : 400, title : "AnchorLayout Panel", layout : "anchor", renderTo : Ext.getBody(), items : [ { xtype : "panel", title : "75% Width and 20% Height", anchor : "75% 20%" }, { xtype : "panel", title : "Offset -300 Width & -200 Height", anchor : "-300 -200" }, { xtype : "panel", title : "Mixed Offset and Percent", anchor : "-250 20%" } ] }); //自己主动布局 Ext.create("Ext.Panel", { width : 500, height : 280, title : "AutoLayout Panel", layout : "auto", renderTo : document.body, items : [ { xtype : "panel", title : "Top Inner Panel", width : "75%", height : 90 }, { xtype : "panel", title : "Bottom Inner Panel", width : "75%", height : 90 } ] }); //边界布局 Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", { width : 500, height : 300, title : "Border Layout", layout : "border", items : [ { title : "South Region is resizable", region : "south", // position for region xtype : "panel", height : 100, split : true, // 手动调整大小 // 假设有四个值, 则分别依次应用于上,右,下,左. margins : "0 5 5 5" }, { // xtype: "panel" implied by default title : "West Region is collapsible", region : "west", xtype : "panel", margins : "5 0 0 5", width : 200, collapsible : true, // 是否同意收缩 id : "west-region-container", layout : "fit" }, { title : "Center Region", region : "center", // center region is required, no width/height specified xtype : "panel", layout : "fit", margins : "5 5 0 0" } ], renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); //卡片布局 var p = Ext.create("Ext.tab.Panel", { width : 500, height : 300, layout : "card", title : "Card Layout", items : [ { title : "Card 1", html : "Card 1" }, { title : "Card 2", html : "Card 2" } ], renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); p.getLayout().setActiveItem(0);//激活指定的面板. //列布局 // All columns are percentages -- they must add up to 1 Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", { title : "Column Layout - Percentage Only", width : 350, height : 250, layout : "column", items : [ { title : "Column 1", columnWidth : 0.25 }, { title : "Column 2", columnWidth : 0.55 }, { title : "Column 3", columnWidth : 0.20 } ], renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); // Mix of width and columnWidth -- all columnWidth values must add up // to 1. The first column will take up exactly 120px, and the last two // columns will fill the remaining container width. Ext.create("Ext.Panel", { title : "Column Layout - Mixed", width : 350, height : 250, layout : "column", items : [ { title : "Column 1", width : 120 }, { title : "Column 2", columnWidth : 0.7 }, { title : "Column 3", columnWidth : 0.3 } ], renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); //填充布局 Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", { title : "Fit Layout", width : 300, height : 150, layout : "fit", items : { title : "Inner Panel", html : "This is the inner panel content", bodyPadding : 20,//这个值被应用到全部的边界 border : false }, renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); //横向布局 Ext.create("Ext.Panel", { width : 500, height : 300, title : "HBoxLayout Panel", layout : { type : "hbox", align : "stretch" }, renderTo : document.body, items : [ { xtype : "panel", title : "Inner Panel One", width : 200 }, { xtype : "panel", title : "Inner Panel Two", flex : 1 }, { xtype : "panel", title : "Inner Panel Three", flex : 1 } ] }); //纵向布局 Ext.create("Ext.Panel", { width : 500, height : 400, title : "VBoxLayout Panel", layout : { type : "vbox", align : "center" }, renderTo : document.body, items : [ { xtype : "panel", title : "Inner Panel One", width : 250, flex : 2 }, { xtype : "panel", title : "Inner Panel Two", width : 250, flex : 4 }, { xtype : "panel", title : "Inner Panel Three", width : "50%", height : 200 } ] }); //表格布局 Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", { title : "Table Layout", width : 300, height : 150, layout : { type : "table", // The total column count must be specified here columns : 3 }, defaults : { // applied to each contained panel bodyStyle : "padding:20px" }, items : [ { html : "Cell A content", rowspan : 2 }, { html : "Cell B content", colspan : 2 }, { html : "Cell C content", cellCls : "highlight" }, { html : "Cell D content" } ], renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); }) </script> </head> <body> <br> </body> </html>