[root@centos6 ~]# Display all 2840 possibilities? (y or n) [root@centos6 ~]# useradd test1 [root@centos6 ~]# echo "test1" | passwd --stdin test1 Changing password for user test1. passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. [root@centos6 ~]# useradd test2 [root@centos6 ~]# echo "test2" | passwd --stdin test2 Changing password for user test2. passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@centos6 ~]# mount /dev/sdb1 /home/ >> 挂载也没什么好多说的了
[root@centos6 ~]# mount -o remount,usrquota /home [root@centos6 ~]# mount | grep home /dev/sdb1 on /home type ext4 (rw,usrquota) [root@centos6 ~]#
-u :针对用户扫瞄档案不目弽的使用情况,会建立 aquota.user
-g :针对群组扫瞄档案不目弽的使用情况,会建立 aquota.group
-v :显示扫瞄过程的信息;
-f :强制扫瞄文件系统,幵写入新的 quota 配置文件 (危险)
-M :强制以读写的方式扫瞄文件系统,只有在特殊情况下才会使用
[root@localhost etc]# quotacheck -avu quotacheck: Your kernel probably supports journaled quota but you are not using it. Consider switching to journaled quota to avoid running quotacheck after an unclean shutdown. quotacheck: Scanning /dev/sdb1 [/home] done quotacheck: Cannot stat old user quota file /home/aquota.user: No such file or directory. Usage will not be subtracted. quotacheck: Old group file name could not been determined. Usage will not be subtracted. quotacheck: Checked 3 directories and 0 files quotacheck: Old file not found. 接下来就是开启这个功能 (既然on是开启 那不用想off就是关闭该功能了只加一个a选项就行) [root@localhost etc]# quotaon -auv /dev/sdb1 [/home]: user quotas turned on [root@localhost etc]#
[root@localhost etc]# edquota -u test1 Disk quotas for user test1 (uid 1011): Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard /dev/sdb1 28 0 0 7 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
上面是输入edquota代码之后的脚本,在里面修改参数。用户test2也是如此 下面就是我设置之后的脚本
Disk quotas for user test2 (uid 1012): Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard /dev/sdb1 28 50 100 7 0 0 ~
还有就是报警的时间命令为edquota -t
[root@localhost etc]# edquota -t Grace period before enforcing soft limits for users: Time units may be: days, hours, minutes, or seconds Filesystem Block grace period Inode grace period /dev/sdb1 7days 7days ~ ~ ~ ~
设置完毕后用quota -uvs 跟用户名来查看设置的情况
quota -u 后跟用户名显示quota限制值可以跟一个或多个 -v显示每个用户在文件系统的限制值 -s用单位表示 限制值大小比如M -g 跟用户组 [root@localhost etc]# quota -uvs test1 Disk quotas for user test1 (uid 1011): Filesystem space quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/sdb1 28K 50K 100K 7 0 0 [root@localhost etc]#
上面也可以规整一个repquota -avus (查看全局)
[root@localhost etc]# quota -uvs test1 Disk quotas for user test1 (uid 1011): Filesystem space quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/sdb1 28K 50K 100K 7 0 0 [root@localhost etc]# requota -aus bash: requota: command not found... [root@localhost etc]# repquota -avus *** Report for user quotas on device /dev/sdb1 Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days Space limits File limits User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace ---------------------------------------------------------------------- root -- 20K 0K 0K 2 0 0 test1 -- 28K 50K 100K 7 0 0 test2 -- 28K 50000K 100000K 7 0 0 Statistics: Total blocks: 7 Data blocks: 1 Entries: 3 Used average: 3.000000 [root@localhost etc]#
我在test1下创建个文件大小1M 刚才设置最大1M [test1@localhost ~]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=new bs=1M count=1M sdb1: warning, user block quota exceeded. sdb1: write failed, user block limit reached. > 直接报错 磁盘满了写不进去 sdb1: write failed, user block limit reached. dd: error writing ‘new’: Disk quota exceeded 1+0 records in 0+0 records out 49152 bytes (49 kB) copied, 0.00172157 s, 28.6 MB/s [test1@localhost ~]$ ls new
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