当你创建一个对象并给它赋一个变量的时候,这个变量仅仅 引用 那个对象,而不是表示这个对象本身!也就是说,变量名指向你计算机中存储那个对象的内存。这被称作名称到对象的绑定。
[python] view plaincopy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
shoplist = [‘apple‘, ‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]
print "we copy the shoplist to mylist directly \"with mylist = shoplist\" "
mylist = shoplist # 直接使用等于,此时mylist与shoplist只是指向一个对象的两个名字
print "\tNow the shoplist is : %s"% shoplist
print "\tNow the mylist is : %s"% mylist
print "delete the first item of shoplist"
del shoplist[0] # 此时删除shoplist 或者mylist 中的元素效果是一样的,都会对那个列表对象直接进行操作
print "\tNow the shoplist is : %s"% shoplist
print "\tNow the mylist is : %s"% mylist
print "\nThis time we use slice to cope the shoplist \"with mylist = shoplist[:]\" "
mylist = shoplist[:] # 使用一个完整的切片复制,此时mylist只是与shoplist有一样的内容的两个对象!
print "delete the first item of mylist"
del mylist[0] # 此时删除mylist中的元素不会对shoplist中的元素造成影响!
print "\tNow the shoplist is : %s"% shoplist
print "\tNow the mylist is : %s"% mylist
[plain] view plaincopy
long@zhouyl:~/python_test$ python cite.py
we copy the shoplist to mylist directly "with mylist = shoplist"
Now the shoplist is : [‘apple‘, ‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]
Now the mylist is : [‘apple‘, ‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]
delete the first item of shoplist
Now the shoplist is : [‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]
Now the mylist is : [‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]
This time we use slice to cope the shoplist "with mylist = shoplist[:]"
delete the first item of mylist
Now the shoplist is : [‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]
Now the mylist is : [‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]
[python] view plaincopy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
name = ‘longerzone‘ # 先定义一个字符串
if name.startswith(‘lon‘): # startwith 用来测试字符串是否以给定字符串开始。
print ‘Yes, the string starts with "lon"‘
if ‘z‘ in name: # in操作符用来检验一个给定字符串是否为另一个字符串的一部分
print ‘Yes, it contains the string "z"‘
if name.find(‘zon‘) != -1: # find方法用来找出给定字符串在另一个字符串中的位置,或者返回-1以表示找不到子字符串。
print ‘Yes, it contains the string "zon"‘
delimiter = ‘_*_‘
mylist = [‘Brazil‘, ‘Russia‘, ‘India‘, ‘China‘]
print delimiter.join(mylist) # str类也有以一个作为分隔符的字符串join序列的项目的整洁的方法,它返回一个生成的大字符串。
[plain] view plaincopy
<span style="font-size:18px;">long@zhouyl:~/python_test$ python string.py
Yes, the string starts with "lon"
Yes, it contains the string "z"
Yes, it contains the string "zon"
python 学习笔记 3 -- 数据结构篇下,布布扣,bubuko.com