解决方法:修改存储过程,在begin 后面添加 SET NOCOUNT ON。
不管多复杂的sql存储过程 只需要在第一个大的begin后面添加 如下:
ALTER proc [dbo].[proc_enterylist] @qybm varchar(50),@strWhere varchar(2000)=‘‘,@stratrow int,@pagesize int ,@total int out as begin SET NOCOUNT ON /*在此处添加*/ declare @fcompnbr varchar(50) --如果传进来的是[FCompanyId] ,则取 太乱。 if exists(select 1 from [QY_JBXX] where [FCompanyId] = @qybm) --如果传进来的是[FCompanyId] ,则取 太乱。 begin select @fcompnbr = @qybm end --结束 else begin select @fcompnbr = FCompanyId from [dbo].[QY_JBXX] where QYBM = @qybm end create table #b(fnumber int ,fname varchar(200),forder dec(10,4) ,ftype varchar(50)) create table #t(id int identity,xm varchar(200) null,sfzh varchar(50) null,XB varchar(10) null,zslx varchar(200) null,zslxname varchar(2000) null,zsjb varchar(100) null, zczsh varchar(100) null,zczy varchar(100) null,zsyxqjssj datetime null,fzsj datetime null,fzjg varchar(200) null,forder int null,rowspan int null,showname int null,showid int null) insert into #b select distinct fnumber,fname,forder,FType from CF_Dic_Person where ftype =‘zcrylx‘ order by forder insert into #b select distinct fnumber,fname,forder/100,FType from CF_Dic_Person a where ftype =‘qtlbry‘ and not exists(select 1 from #b b where a.fnumber = b.fnumber) update #b set forder = 5000 where fnumber=407 if (@strWhere=‘‘) begin insert into #t(xm,zslx,sfzh,xb,zsjb,zczsh,zczy,zsyxqjssj,fzsj,fzjg,zslxname,forder) select b.xm,b.zslx,a.sfzh,a.xb,b.zsjb,b.zczsh,b.zczy,case when b.zslx=407 and b.zsjb=115 then ‘2250-12-31‘ else isnull(b.zsyxqjssj,‘2250-12-31‘) end ,b.fzsj,b.fzjg,c.fname,c.forder from RY_RYZSXX b left join RY_RYJBXX a ON A.rybh = B.rybh left join #b c on b.zslx = c.fnumber where b.zszt!=-1 and b.qybm =@fcompnbr order by sfzh,c.FOrder desc end else begin declare @strsql varchar(2000) select @strsql = ‘ insert into #t(xm,zslx,sfzh,xb,zsjb,zczsh,zczy,zsyxqjssj,fzsj,fzjg,zslxname,forder) select b.xm,b.zslx,a.sfzh,a.xb,b.zsjb,b.zczsh,b.zczy,case when b.zslx=407 and b.zsjb=115 then ‘‘2250-12-31‘‘ else isnull(b.zsyxqjssj,‘‘2250-12-31‘‘) end,b.fzsj,b.fzjg,c.fname,c.forder from RY_RYZSXX b left join RY_RYJBXX a ON A.rybh = B.rybh left join #b c on b.zslx = c.fnumber where b.zszt!=-1 and b.qybm = ‘‘‘+ @fcompnbr + ‘‘‘ ‘ + @strWhere + ‘ order by sfzh,c.FOrder‘ exec(@strsql) end update #t set forder = b.sumorder from #t a,(select sum(forder) sumorder,sfzh from #t group by sfzh) b where isnull(a.sfzh,0) = isnull(b.sfzh,0) -- update #t set rowspan = b.rowspan from #t a,(select count(1) rowspan,sfzh from #t group by sfzh) b where isnull(a.sfzh,0) = isnull(b.sfzh,0) -- update #t set showname = 1 from #t a,(select min(id) id,sfzh from #t group by sfzh) b where isnull(a.sfzh,0) = isnull(b.sfzh,0) and a.id = b.id declare @shid table (id int identity,sfzh varchar(50) null) insert into @shid(sfzh) select sfzh from (select sfzh,max(forder) forder,min(id) id from #t group by sfzh) dd order by forder desc,id update #t set showid = b.id from #t a,@shid b where isnull(a.sfzh,0) = isnull(b.sfzh,0) select @total = count(1) from #t select top (@pagesize) * into #output from (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY showid) AS RowNumber, * from #t) aa where RowNumber > @stratrow --翻页重新计算 update #output set rowspan = sl from #output a ,(select sfzh,count(1) as sl from #output group by sfzh) b where isnull(a.sfzh,0) = isnull(b.sfzh,0) update #output set showname = 1 from #output a ,(select sfzh,min(id) id from #output group by sfzh) b where isnull(a.sfzh,0) = isnull(b.sfzh,0) and a.id = b.id select * from #output ORDER BY showid select (select count(1) from #t a) as zssum ,count(1) sl,zslxname,zslx from #t c group by zslxname,zslx end GO
若存储过程已经定义好,不希望再修改,这时可以通过模板数据集>数据库查询处调用存储过程,并在调用前增加SET NOCOUNT ON,最后执行的语句为:
SET NOCOUNT ON exec proc_enterylist ‘${qybm}‘,‘‘,0,1,20