yum groupinstall "Development tools" -y yum install zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel gdbm-devel db4-devel libpcap-devel xz-devel -y cd /usr/local/software && wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.2/Python-3.6.2.tgz tar xf Python-3.6.2.tgz cd Python-3.6.2 ./configure -prefix=/usr/local/python -enable-shared make && make install ln -s /usr/local/python/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3 3、在运行Python之前需要配置库: echo /usr/local/python/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf && ldconfig 4、运行演示: python3 -V Python 3.6.2 5、升级一下pip pip3 install --upgrade pip
2、脚本内容 /usr/local/checkall.py
cd /usr/local/
python3 checkall.py
import subprocess as t import time import os, sys import socket import requests import redis # =============================================================================================================== # pip3 install requests # pip3 install redis # =============================================================================================================== # 地区名称 Area_Name = ‘199测试服务器‘ # 是否需要检查Tomcat2 NeedCheckTomcat2 = False # 数据库所在的IP DB_IP = ‘‘ # WEB所在的IP WEB_IP = ‘‘ RedisPort = 6379 NeedCheckPort = {‘MYSQL服务‘: 22066, ‘REDIS服务‘: RedisPort, ‘SSDB服务‘: 8888, ‘NGINX服务‘: 80, ‘ICOMET服务‘: 8000, ‘RABBITMQ服务‘: 4369} SphinxList = [‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_member.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_paper.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_tk.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_tk_my.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_group.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_my.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_paper_my.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_cloud.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_wkds.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_publish.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_publish_resource.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_publish_paper.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_publish_wk.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_zy.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_news.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_kyyj.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_xzt.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_hd.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_allpublish.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_wktostudent.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_bbs_topic.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_bbs_post.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_notice.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_blog_article.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_supervise.conf‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/csft_seach.conf‘ ] # =============================================================================================================== # 检查指定IP的服务端口 def check_port(address, port): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(3) try: s.connect((address, port)) s.close() return True except Exception as e: s.close() return False # 检查磁盘 def check_disk(): # 检查是不是存在指定的MOUNT盘 var = t.getoutput("df -h | cat -n ") success = False for line in var.split("\n"): if ‘/usr/local/tomcat7/webapps/dsideal_yy/html/down‘ in line: success = True if not success: return False # 尝试写入文件,是不是正常 try: testFile = ‘/usr/local/tomcat7/webapps/dsideal_yy/html/down/test.txt‘ with open(testFile, ‘w‘) as data: print(time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘, time.localtime(time.time())), file=data) # 输出默认为sys.stdout success = True os.remove(testFile) except IOError as err: success = False return success # 检查服务端口 def check_serviceport(): for (k, v) in NeedCheckPort.items(): success = check_port(DB_IP, NeedCheckPort[k]) if not success: return k # 检查 Tomcat def check_Tomcat(): var = t.getoutput("ps -ef | grep tomcat") success = False for line in var.split("\n"): if ‘/usr/local/tomcat7/conf/logging.properties‘ in line: success = True if not success: return False # 判断是不是 Tomcat僵死掉 try: requests.get("http://" + WEB_IP + "/dsideal_yy/adminlogin/captchaText", timeout=1) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: return False except requests.exceptions.Timeout: return False # 判断验证码是不是能正常生成? r = requests.get("http://" + WEB_IP + "/dsideal_yy/adminlogin/captchaText") if r.status_code != 200: return False else: # 下载图片 try: r = requests.get("http://" + WEB_IP + "/dsideal_yy/adminlogin/captchaImage?text=" + r.json()[‘text‘]) with open(‘/usr/local/software/picture.jpg‘, ‘wb‘) as file: file.write(r.content) # 用完就删除了吧 os.remove(‘/usr/local/software/picture.jpg‘) return True except Exception as err: print(‘Tomcat检查发现异常:‘ + str(err)) return False # 判断 Tomcat2 def check_Tomcat2(): var = t.getoutput("ps -ef | grep tomcat") success = False for line in var.split("\n"): if ‘/usr/local/tomcat7_2/conf/logging.properties‘ in line: success = True return success # 检查是否存在检查挂盘定时任务 def check_disk_crontab(): file = open(‘/etc/crontab‘) success = False for line in file: # 每分钟进行检查 if ‘* * * * * root /usr/local/checkdisk.sh > /dev/null 2>&1‘ in line: success = True file.close() return success # 检查磁盘的定时脚本是不是与启动脚本中的挂载方式一致 def check_diskShAndRcLocal(): typeA = ‘‘ file = open(‘/usr/local/checkdisk.sh‘) for line in file: if ‘sshfs -o nonempty,allow_other,reconnect‘ in line: typeA = ‘ssh‘ if ‘mount -t cifs -o‘ in line: typeA = ‘samba‘ file.close() typeB = ‘‘ file = open(‘/etc/rc.d/rc.local‘) for line in file: if ‘sshfs -o nonempty,allow_other,reconnect‘ in line: typeB = ‘ssh‘ if ‘mount -t cifs -o‘ in line: typeB = ‘samba‘ file.close() if typeA == ‘ssh‘: print("########################################################################################") print(‘########发现现在在使用sshfs方式挂盘,如果可能 ,还是建议使用samba的方式进行挂盘!########‘) print("########################################################################################") if typeA == typeB and typeA != ‘‘: return True else: return False # 检查处理程序的状态 def checkWinFormExist(): try: r = redis.Redis(host=DB_IP, port=RedisPort, db=0) # r.set(‘WinForm_GetSwf‘,11111) ret = r.get(‘WinForm_GetSwf‘) if ret is None: return False else: return True except Exception as err: print(‘Redis访问异常:‘ + str(err)) return False # 检查sphinx服务状态 def checkSphinx(): for c in SphinxList: var = t.getoutput(‘ps -ef | grep ‘ + c + ‘ | grep -v grep‘) n = 0 for line in var.split("\n"): n = n + 1 if n == 0: print(‘Sphinx检查失败:‘ + c) return c # 检查sphinx 定时增量索引的配置是否正确 def checkSphinxInc(): SphinxShList = [] for c in SphinxList: a = c.replace(‘.conf‘, ‘.sh‘).replace(‘/usr/local/sphinx/etc/‘, ‘/usr/local/sphinx_sh/‘) SphinxShList.append(a) for c in SphinxShList: Found = False with open(‘/etc/crontab‘, ‘r‘) as f: for line in f: if c in line: Found = True break else: Found = False if not Found: return c # 检查sphinx 在自启动脚本中是不是存在 def checkSphinxRcLocal(): for c in SphinxList: with open(‘/etc/rc.d/rc.local‘, ‘r‘) as f: Found = False for line in f: if c in line: Found = True break else: Found = False if not Found: return c if __name__ == "__main__": # 检查磁盘 if not check_disk(): print(‘1、磁盘检查失败,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘1、磁盘检查成功!‘) # 检查Tomcat if not check_Tomcat(): print(‘2、Tomcat检查失败,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘2、Tomcat检查成功!‘) # 检查Tomcat2,各地区不一样,有的需要进行检查 if NeedCheckTomcat2: if not check_Tomcat2(): print(‘3、Tomcat_2检查失败,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘3、Tomcat_2检查成功!‘) # 检查端口 ret = check_serviceport() if ret != None: print(‘4、‘ + ret + ‘端口检查失败,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘4、端口检查成功!‘) # 检查定时磁盘检查 if not check_disk_crontab(): print(‘5、磁盘定时探测服务检查失败,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘5、磁盘定时探测服务检查成功!‘) # 检查磁盘探测程序是不是与启动脚本中的挂载磁盘方式一致? if not check_diskShAndRcLocal(): print(‘6、磁盘挂载方式不一致,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘6、磁盘挂载方式一致性检查成功!‘) # 检查处理程序的状态 if not checkWinFormExist(): print(‘7、处理程序没有正确开启,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘7、处理程序检查成功!‘) # 检查Sphinx服务状态 ret = checkSphinx() if ret != None: print(‘8、检查Sphinx失败,‘ + ret + ‘,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘8、检查Sphinx成功完成!‘) # 检查Sphinx增量脚本的编写 ret = checkSphinxInc() if ret != None: print(‘9、检查Sphinx增量索引失败,‘ + ret + ‘,请马上处理!‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘9、检查Sphinx增量索引完成!‘) # 检查Sphinx自启动脚本的编写 ret = checkSphinxRcLocal() if ret != None: print(‘10、检查Sphinx自启动脚本失败,‘ + ret + ‘,请马上处理!文件位置:/etc/crontab‘) sys.exit() else: print(‘10、检查Sphinx自启动脚本完成!‘) print(‘恭喜,所有检查成功完成!没有发现异常!‘)