下面的代码示例演示如何使用 Screen 类的各种方法和属性。 该示例调用 AllScreens 属性来检索连接到系统的所有屏幕的数组。 对于每个返回的 Screen,该示例将设备名称、边界、类型、工作区和主屏幕添加到 ListBox。
1 private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 2 { 3 int index; 4 int upperBound; 5 6 // Gets an array of all the screens connected to the system. 7 8 9 Screen [] screens = Screen.AllScreens; 10 upperBound = screens.GetUpperBound(0); 11 12 for(index = 0; index <= upperBound; index++) 13 { 14 15 // For each screen, add the screen properties to a list box. 16 17 18 listBox1.Items.Add("Device Name: " + screens[index].DeviceName); 19 listBox1.Items.Add("Bounds: " + screens[index].Bounds.ToString()); 20 listBox1.Items.Add("Type: " + screens[index].GetType().ToString()); 21 listBox1.Items.Add("Working Area: " + screens[index].WorkingArea.ToString()); 22 listBox1.Items.Add("Primary Screen: " + screens[index].Primary.ToString()); 23 24 } 25 26 }
主屏幕 (MainForm) index=0 |
扩展屏幕1 (Form1) index=1 |
扩展屏幕2 (Form2) index=... |
扩展屏幕3 (Form3) index=... |
WinForm 的实现办法:
1 Screen[] sc; 2 sc = Screen.AllScreens; 3 this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; 4 this.Location = new Point(sc[1].Bounds.Left, sc[1].Bounds.Top); 5 // If you intend the form to be maximized, change it to normal then maximized. 6 this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; 7 this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; 8 MessageBox.Show(this.Handle.ToString());
1 protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) 2 { 3 base.OnStartup(e); 4 5 Window1 w1 = new Window1(); 6 Window2 w2 = new Window2(); 7 8 9 Screen s1 = Screen.AllScreens[0]; 10 Screen s2 = Screen.AllScreens[1]; 11 12 Rectangle r1 = s1.WorkingArea; 13 Rectangle r2 = s2.WorkingArea; 14 15 w1.Top = r1.Top; 16 w1.Left = r1.Left; 17 18 w2.Top = r2.Top; 19 w2.Left = r2.Left; 20 21 w1.Show(); 22 w2.Show(); 23 24 w2.Owner = w1; 25 26 27 }
C# Screen 类(多屏幕开发),布布扣,bubuko.com