<CREATE DATABASE cvv_db; SHOW DATABASES; ALTER DATABASE cvv_db SET DBPROPERTIES(‘edited-by‘=‘cvv54‘); USE DEFAULT; DESCRIBE DATABASE cvv_db; DROP DATABASE cvv_db; CREATE TABLE t2_part(user_id BIGINT, firstname STRING, lastname STRING) PARTITIONED BY(ds STRING); CREATE TABLE t1(id int,name string); SHOW TABLES; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,‘Smith‘),(10,‘Joy‘),(101,‘Jack‘); LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH ‘/home/samba/data.sql‘ INTO TABLE t1; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id > 2; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE t1 VALUES(1,‘Smith‘),(13,‘Joy‘),(104,‘Jack‘); CREATE TABLE t3 AS SELECT * from t1; CREATE VIEW t1_view AS SELECT id,name FROM t1 WHERE id>1; ALTER VIEW t1_view SET TBLPROPERTIES (‘id‘=‘view_id‘); ALTER VIEW t1_view RENAME TO new_t1_view; ALTER VIEW new_t1_view AS SELECT id,name FROM t1 WHERE id<100; DROP VIEW new_t1_view; ALTER TABLE t1 RENAME TO new_t1; ALTER TABLE new_t1 SET TBLPROPERTIES (‘ocean‘=‘blue‘); SHOW TBLPROPERTIES new_t1; ALTER TABLE new_t1 SET LOCATION ‘file:///home/samba/share‘; ALTER TABLE t2_part ADD PARTITION (ds=‘aaa‘); ALTER TABLE t2_part ADD PARTITION (ds=‘bbb‘) LOCATION ‘file:///home/samba/share/bbb_new/‘; SHOW COLUMNS FROM new_t1; DESCRIBE new_t1; DESCRIBE t2_part PARTITION (ds=‘aaa‘); ALTER TABLE new_t1 SET SERDEPROPERTIES (‘id‘=‘1‘); ALTER TABLE t2_part PARTITION (ds=‘aaa‘) SET SERDEPROPERTIES (‘id‘=‘1‘); SHOW PARTITIONS t2_part; SHOW CREATE TABLE new_t1; ANALYZE TABLE new_t1 COMPUTE STATISTICS FOR COLUMNS; ALTER TABLE t2_part DROP PARTITION (ds=‘bbb‘); ALTER TABLE t2_part ENABLE NO_DROP; ALTER TABLE t2_part ENABLE OFFLINE; ALTER TABLE t2_part PARTITION (ds=‘aaa‘) RENAME TO PARTITION (ds=‘new_aaa‘); DROP TABLE new_t1; DROP TABLE t2_part; DROP TABLE t2_part; SHOW FUNCTIONS;
<create table t3(id int, name string,species string); insert into table t3 values(1,"butterfly","a"),(2,"bee","b"),(3,"swallow","C"); create table t2(species string,location string, height string); insert into t2 values(‘a‘,‘Hunan‘,‘10000000000‘),(‘b‘,‘Beijing‘,‘1231‘),(‘c‘,"Sili",‘2000‘); create table t1 (species string,number int, abstract string); insert into t1 values("a",5,"a2002"),("a",10,"a2200"),("b",20,"b2000"),("b",10,"b2003"),("a",32,"a2003"),("c",92,"c2002"),("c",20,"c2011"); CREATE TABLE variables_new ( id INT, a_cost INT , b_cost INT ) STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES("transactional"="true"); select species,sum(number) as total from t1 group by species; select species,number,abstract from t1 order by species; select species,number,abstract from t1 cluster by species; select species,number,abstract from t1 sort by species; select species,number,abstract from t1 where number=10; select species,number,abstract from t1 where (number=10) <=> (species=‘a‘); select species,number,abstract from t1 where number==10; select species,number,abstract from t1 where number<>10; select species,number,abstract from t1 where number<10; select species,number,abstract from t1 where number>10; select species,number,abstract from t1 where number<=10; select species,number,abstract from t1 where number>=10; SELECT 20+30 FROM t1; SELECT 20-30 FROM t2; SELECT 20*30 FROM t3; SELECT 20/30 FROM t4; SELECT 20%30 FROM t5; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (species = ‘a‘) AND (number = 5); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (species = ‘a‘) && (number = 5);【报错】 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (species = ‘a‘) OR (number = 5); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (species = ‘a‘) || (number = 5);【报错】 select get_json_object(‘{"store":{"fruit":\[{"weight":8,"type":"apple"},{"weight":9,"type":"pear"}], "bicycle":{"price":19.95,"color":"red"}}, "email":"amy@only_for_json_udf_test.net", "owner":"amy" } ‘,‘$.owner‘) from t1; select round(number) from t1; select floor(number) from t1; select count(number) from t1; select sum(number) from t1; select count(species) from t1; select min(number) from t1; select max(number) from t1; select avg(number) from t1; select round(avg(number)) from t1; select ceil(avg(number)) from t1; select rand() from t1; select concat(species,abstract) from t1; select substr(‘csdfslk‘,2) from t1; select substr(‘csdfslk‘,2,3) from t1; select upper(abstract) from t1; select ucase(abstract) from t1; select lcase(abstract) from t1; select lower(abstract) from t1; select trim(abstract) from t1; select ltrim(abstract) from t1; select rtrim(abstract) from t1; select regexp_replace("aaacdsfsd","a","c") from t1; select to_date("1970-01-01 00:00:00") from t1; select sign(number) from t1; select ln(number) from t1; select cos(number) from t1; select length(abstract) from t1; select instr(abstract,"a") from t1; select printf(abstract) from t1; ALTER TABLE new_t1 SET SERDEPROPERTIES (‘id‘=‘1‘); select t1.species,t1.number,t1.abstract,t2.location,t2.height from t1,t2 where t1.species=t2.species; select t1.species,t1.number,t1.abstract,t2.location,t2.height from t1 inner join t2 on t1.species=t2.species order by t1.number; select t1.species,t1.number,t1.abstract,t2.location,t2.height from t1 full join t2 on t1.species=t2.species order by t1.number; select t1.species,t1.number,t1.abstract,t2.location,t2.height from t1 left join t2 on t1.species=t2.species order by t2.number; select t1.species,t1.number,t1.abstract,t2.location,t2.height from t1 right join t2 on t1.species=t2.species order by t3.number; select t1.species,t1.number,t1.abstract,t2.location,t2.height from t1 join t2 on t1.species=t2.species order by t3.number; select * from t1 outer join t2 ; select * from t1 left semi join t2 on t1.species=t2.species order by t1.number; select t1.species,t2.species,t1.number,t1.abstract,t2.location,t2.height from t1 cross join t2 on t1.species=t2.species order by t1.number; select * from(select * from t1 where t1.number>5 UNION ALL select * from t2 ) nature JOIN t3 on (nature.species = t3.species); select * from t3 where species in (select species from t1 where number >10); EXPLAIN create table t6 as select * from t3; create table t5 like t3; EXPLAIN create table t6 as select * from t3; alter table t6 rename to t66;
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