由于网上下载的 libcurl 不支持 gzip,只好自己动手编译,期间走了很多弯路,下面是最终成功的记录。
我所使用的环境 Visual Studio 2010 、 Windows 7 64 bit
1 下载文件
1.1 libcurl
下载页面 http://curl.haxx.se/download.html
下载地址 http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.26.0.zip
1.2 zlib
下载页面 http://sourceforge.net/projects/libpng/files/zlib/
下载地址 http://sourceforge.net/projects/libpng/files/zlib/1.2.5/zlib125.zip/download
1.3 openssl
下载页面 http://www.openssl.org/source/
下载地址 http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.0c.tar.gz
官方下载 http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads
2 解压及安装文件
2.1 ActivePerl安装,双击直接下一步,默认设置到底。
2.2 zlib openssl libcurl分别解压,他们三个在同一级目录。
3 编译过程
3.1 zlib编译
用vs2010打开zlib-1.2.5/old/visualc6/zlib.dsw,选择DLL_Release编译,把编译生成的zlib-1.2.5/old/visualc6/Win32_DLL_Release/ zlib1.lib 复制到curl-7.26.0/lib目录下,重命名为 zdll.lib (注意必须为此文件名) 。
3.2 openssl编译
运行命令 perl Configure VC-WIN32
再运行 msdo_ms.bat
再运行 “C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0vcvars32.bat”
运行命令 nmake -f ms/ntdll.mak
3.3 编译curl-7.26.0
call “C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/bin/vcvars32.bat”
set CFG=release-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll
set OPENSSL_PATH=../../openssl-1.0.0c
set ZLIB_PATH=../../zlib-1.2.5
nmake -f Makefile.vc10
等待一会儿,就可以到 curl-7.26.0librelease-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll 目录下拷文件 libcurl_imp.lib和libcurl.dll 啦!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 |
Usage: nmake /f makefile.vc6 CFG=<config> <target> where <config> is one of: release - release static library release-ssl - release static library with ssl release-zlib - release static library with zlib release-ssl-zlib - release static library with ssl and zlib release-ssl-ssh2-zlib - release static library with ssl, ssh2 and zlib release-ssl-dll - release static library with dynamic ssl release-zlib-dll - release static library with dynamic zlib release-ssl-dll-zlib-dll - release static library with dynamic ssl and dynam ic zlib release-dll - release dynamic library release-dll-ssl-dll - release dynamic library with dynamic ssl release-dll-zlib-dll - release dynamic library with dynamic zlib release-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll - release dynamic library with dynamic ssl and dyna mic zlib debug - debug static library debug-ssl - debug static library with ssl debug-zlib - debug static library with zlib debug-ssl-zlib - debug static library with ssl and zlib debug-ssl-ssh2-zlib - debug static library with ssl, ssh2 and zlib debug-ssl-dll - debug static library with dynamic ssl debug-zlib-dll - debug static library with dynamic zlib debug-ssl-dll-zlib-dll - debug static library with dynamic ssl and dynamic zlib debug-dll - debug dynamic library debug-dll-ssl-dll - debug dynamic library with dynamic ssl debug-dll-zlib-dll - debug dynamic library with dynamic zlib1 debug-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll - debug dynamic library with dynamic ssl and dynami c zlib |
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本文永久链接: http://www.softwareace.cn/?p=525
VC++ 编译libcurl 支持SSL,GZIP(有脚本)