catch(Exception e)
try { int i = 1/0; } catch(Exception e) { ........ }
try catch 是捕捉try部分的异常,当你没有trycatch的时候,如果出现异常则程序报错,加上try,catch,出现异常程序正常运行,只是把错误信息存储到Exception里,所以catch是用来提取异常信息的,你可以在catch部分加上一句System.out.println(e.ToString());,如果出现异常可以把异常打印出来~~
1 public class TestException 2 { 3 public TestException() 4 { 5 } 6 boolean testEx() throws Exception 7 { 8 boolean ret = true; 9 try 10 { 11 ret = testEx1(); 12 } 13 catch (Exception e) 14 { 15 System.out.println("testEx, catch exception"); 16 ret = false; 17 throw e; 18 } 19 finally 20 { 21 System.out.println("testEx, finally; return value=" + ret); 22 return ret; 23 } 24 } 25 boolean testEx1() throws Exception 26 { 27 boolean ret = true; 28 try 29 { 30 ret = testEx2(); 31 if (!ret) 32 { 33 return false; 34 } 35 System.out.println("testEx1, at the end of try"); 36 return ret; 37 } 38 catch (Exception e) 39 { 40 System.out.println("testEx1, catch exception"); 41 ret = false; 42 throw e; 43 } 44 finally 45 { 46 System.out.println("testEx1, finally; return value=" + ret); 47 return ret; 48 } 49 } 50 boolean testEx2() throws Exception 51 { 52 boolean ret = true; 53 try 54 { 55 int b = 12; 56 int c; 57 for (int i = 2; i >= -2; i--) 58 { 59 c = b / i; 60 System.out.println("i=" + i); 61 } 62 return true; 63 } 64 catch (Exception e) 65 { 66 System.out.println("testEx2, catch exception"); 67 ret = false; 68 throw e; 69 } 70 finally 71 { 72 System.out.println("testEx2, finally; return value=" + ret); 73 return ret; 74 } 75 } 76 public static void main(String[] args) 77 { 78 TestException testException1 = new TestException(); 79 try 80 { 81 testException1.testEx(); 82 } 83 catch (Exception e) 84 { 85 e.printStackTrace(); 86 } 87 } 88 }
i=2 i=1 testEx2, catch exception testEx2, finally; return value=false testEx1, catch exception testEx1, finally; return value=false testEx, catch exception testEx, finally; return value=false
i=2 i=1 testEx2, catch exception testEx2, finally; return value=false testEx1, finally; return value=false testEx, finally; return value=false
用面向对象的方法处理例外,就必须建立类的层次。类 Throwable位于这一类层次的最顶层,只有它的后代才可以做为一个例外被抛弃。图1表示了例外处理的类层次。
Throws: Lists the exceptions a method could throw.
Throw: Transfers control of the method to the exception handler.
Try: Opening exception-handling statement.
Catch: Captures the exception.
Finally: Runs its code before terminating the program.
throws总是出现在一个函数头中,用来标明该成员函数可能抛出的各种异常。对大多数Exception子类来说,Java 编译器会强迫你声明在一个成员函数中抛出的异常的类型。如果异常的类型是Error或 RuntimeException, 或它们的子类,这个规则不起作用, 因为这在程序的正常部分中是不期待出现的。 如果你想明确地抛出一个RuntimeException,你必须用throws语句来声明它的类型。
1 class MultiNest { 2 static void procedure() { 3 try { 4 int a = 0; 5 int b = 42/a; 6 } catch(java.lang.ArithmeticException e) { 7 System.out.println("in procedure, catch ArithmeticException: " + e); 8 } 9 } 10 public static void main(String args[]) { 11 try { 12 procedure(); 13 } catch(java.lang. Exception e) { 14 System.out.println("in main, catch Exception: " + e); 15 } 16 } 17 }
in procedure, catch ArithmeticException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
成员函数procedure里有自己的try/catch控制,所以main不用去处理 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExc
eption;当然如果如同最开始我们做测试的例子一样,在procedure中catch到异常时使用throw e;语句将异常抛出,那么main当然还是能够捕捉并处理这个procedure抛出来的异常。例如在procedure函数的catch中的System.out语句后面增加throw e;语句之后,执行结果就变为:
in procedure, catch ArithmeticException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero in main, catch Exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
-->如果异常V没有catch块与之匹配,那么这个try-catch程序块的结果就是“由于抛出异常V而突然中止(completes abruptly)”。
3. 如果try由于其他原因R突然中止(completes abruptly),那么这个try-catch程序块的结果就是“由于原因R突然中止(completes abruptly)”。
-->如果finally块由于原因R突然中止,那么try-catch-finally程序块的结局是“由于原因R突然中止(completes abruptly)”
-->如果finally块由于原因R突然中止,那么try-catch-finally程序块的结局是“由于原因R突然中止(completes abruptly)”
-->如果如果finally块执行顺利,那么整个try-catch-finally程序块的结局是“由于原因R突然中止(completes abruptly)”。
-->如果finally块由于原因S突然中止,那么整个try-catch-finally程序块的结局是“由于原因S突然中止(completes abruptly)”,原因R将被抛弃。
-->如果finally块执行顺利,那么整个try-catch-finally程序块的结局就是“由于抛出异常V而突然中止(completes abruptly)”。
-->如果finally块由于原因S突然中止,那么整个try-catch-finally程序块的结局是“由于原因S突然中止(completes abruptly)”,异常V将被抛弃。
3.如果try由于其他原因R突然中止(completes abruptly),那么finally块被执行,分为两种情况:
-->如果finally块执行顺利,那么整个try-catch-finally程序块的结局是“由于原因R突然中止(completes abruptly)”。
-->如果finally块由于原因S突然中止,那么整个try-catch-finally程序块的结局是“由于原因S突然中止(completes abruptly)”,原因R将被抛弃。
3.4 try-catch-finally程序块中的return
例如,在try或者catch中return false了,而在finally中又return
3.5 如何抛出异常
第一种方式:直接在函数头中throws SomeException,函数体中不需要try/catch。比如将最开始的例子中的testEx2改为下面的方式,那么testEx1就能捕捉到testEx2抛出的异常了。
1 boolean testEx2() throws Exception{ 2 boolean ret = true; 3 int b=12; 4 int c; 5 for (int i=2;i>=-2;i--){ 6 c=b/i; 7 System.out.println("i="+i); 8 } 9 return true; 10 }
1 boolean testEx2() throws Exception{ 2 boolean ret = true; 3 try{ 4 int b=12; 5 int c; 6 for (int i=2;i>=-2;i--){ 7 c=b/i; 8 System.out.println("i="+i); 9 } 10 return true; 11 }catch (Exception e){ 12 System.out.println("testEx2, catch exception"); 13 Throw e; 14 } 15 }
1 boolean testEx2() throws Exception{ 2 boolean ret = true; 3 try{ 4 int b=12; 5 int c; 6 for (int i=2;i>=-2;i--){ 7 c=b/i; 8 System.out.println("i="+i); 9 throw new Exception("aaa"); 10 } 11 return true; 12 }catch (java.lang.ArithmeticException e){ 13 System.out.println("testEx2, catch exception"); 14 ret = false; 15 throw new Exception("aaa"); 16 }finally{ 17 System.out.println("testEx2, finally; return value="+ret); 18 } 19 }
前面提到了complete abruptly(暂且理解为“突然中止”或者“异常结束”吧),它主要包含了两种大的情形:abrupt completion of expressions and statements,下面就分两种情况进行解释。
每一个表达式(expression)都有一种使得其包含的计算得以一步步进行的正常模式,如果每一步计算都被执行且没有异常抛出,那么就称这个表达式“正常结束(complete normally)”;如果这个表达式的计算抛出了异常,就称为“异常结束(complete abruptly)”。异常结束通常有一个相关联的原因(associated reason),通常也就是抛出一个异常V。
-->A class instance creation expression, array creation expression ,
or string concatenation operatior expression throws an OutOfMemoryError
if there is insufficient memory available.
-->An array creation expression throws a NegativeArraySizeException if the value of any dimension expression is less than zero.
-->A field access throws a NullPointerException if the value of the object reference expression is null.
-->A method invocation expression that invokes an instance method
throws a NullPointerException if the target reference is null.
-->An array access throws a NullPointerException if the value of the array reference expression is null.
-->An array access throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the value of the array index expression is negative or greater than or equal to the length of the array.
-->A cast throws a ClassCastException if a cast is found to be impermissible at run time.
-->An integer division or integer remainder operator throws an
ArithmeticException if the value of the right-hand operand expression is
-->An assignment to an array component of reference type throws an
ArrayStoreException when the value to be assigned is not compatible with
the component type of the array.
正常情况我们就不多说了,在这里主要是列出了abrupt completion的几种情况:
-->break, continue, and return 语句将导致控制权的转换,从而使得statements不能正常地、完整地执行。
如果上述事件发生了,那么这些statement就有可能使得其正常情况下应该都执行的语句不能完全被执行到,那么这些statement也就是被称为是complete abruptly.
导致abrupt completion的几种原因:
-->A break with no label
-->A break with a given label
-->A continue with no label
-->A continue with a given label
-->A return with no value
-->A return with a given value A
-->throw with a given value, including exceptions thrown by the Java virtual machine
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try"; 9 return t; 10 } catch (Exception e) { 11 // result = "catch"; 12 t = "catch"; 13 return t; 14 } finally { 15 t = "finally"; 16 } 17 } 18 19 public static void main(String[] args) { 20 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 21 } 22 23 }
首先程序执行try语句块,把变量t赋值为try,由于没有发现异常,接下来执行finally语句块,把变量t赋值为finally,然后return t,则t的值是finally,最后t的值就是finally,程序结果应该显示finally,但是实际结果为try。为什么会这样,我们不妨先看看这段代码编译出来的class对应的字节码,看虚拟机内部是如何执行的。
我们用javap -verbose TryCatchFinally 来显示目标文件(.class文件)字节码信息
系统运行环境:mac os lion系统 64bit
jdk信息:Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_29-b11-402-11M3527) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.4-b02-402, mixed mode)
1 public static final java.lang.String test(); 2 Code: 3 Stack=1, Locals=4, Args_size=0 4 0: ldc #16; //String 5 2: astore_0 6 3: ldc #18; //String try 7 5: astore_0 8 6: aload_0 9 7: astore_3 10 8: ldc #20; //String finally 11 10: astore_0 12 11: aload_3 13 12: areturn 14 13: astore_1 15 14: ldc #22; //String catch 16 16: astore_0 17 17: aload_0 18 18: astore_3 19 19: ldc #20; //String finally 20 21: astore_0 21 22: aload_3 22 23: areturn 23 24: astore_2 24 25: ldc #20; //String finally 25 27: astore_0 26 28: aload_2 27 29: athrow 28 Exception table: 29 from to target type 30 8 13 Class java/lang/Exception 31 8 24 any 32 19 24 any 33 LineNumberTable: 34 line 5: 0 35 line 8: 3 36 line 9: 6 37 line 15: 8 38 line 9: 11 39 line 10: 13 40 line 12: 14 41 line 13: 17 42 line 15: 19 43 line 13: 22 44 line 14: 24 45 line 15: 25 46 line 16: 28 47 48 LocalVariableTable: 49 Start Length Slot Name Signature 50 27 0 t Ljava/lang/String; 51 10 1 e Ljava/lang/Exception; 52 53 StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 2 54 frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */ 55 offset_delta = 13 56 locals = [ class java/lang/String ] 57 stack = [ class java/lang/Exception ] 58 frame_type = 74 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */ 59 stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ]
首先看LocalVariableTable信息,这里面定义了两个变量 一个是t String类型,一个是e Exception 类型
第[0-2]行,给第0个变量赋值“”,也就是String t="";
第[3-6]行,也就是执行try语句块 赋值语句 ,也就是 t = "try";
第[8-10] 行,对第0个变量进行赋值操作,也就是t="finally"
通过字节码,我们发现,在try语句的return块中,return 返回的引用变量(t 是引用类型)并不是try语句外定义的引用变量t,而是系统重新定义了一个局部引用t’,这个引用指向了引用t对应的值,也就是try ,即使在finally语句中把引用t指向了值finally,因为return的返回引用已经不是t ,所以引用t的对应的值和try语句中的返回值无关了。
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try"; 9 return t; 10 } catch (Exception e) { 11 // result = "catch"; 12 t = "catch"; 13 return t; 14 } finally { 15 t = "finally"; 16 return t; 17 } 18 } 19 20 public static void main(String[] args) { 21 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 22 } 23 24 }
这里稍微修改了 第一段代码,只是在finally语句块里面加入了 一个 return t 的表达式。
这里面有两个return语句,但是程序到底返回的是try 还是 finally。接下来我们还是看字节码信息
1 public static final java.lang.String test(); 2 Code: 3 Stack=1, Locals=2, Args_size=0 4 0: ldc #16; //String 5 2: astore_0 6 3: ldc #18; //String try 7 5: astore_0 8 6: goto 17 9 9: astore_1 10 10: ldc #20; //String catch 11 12: astore_0 12 13: goto 17 13 16: pop 14 17: ldc #22; //String finally 15 19: astore_0 16 20: aload_0 17 21: areturn 18 Exception table: 19 from to target type 20 9 9 Class java/lang/Exception 21 16 16 any 22 LineNumberTable: 23 line 5: 0 24 line 8: 3 25 line 9: 6 26 line 10: 9 27 line 12: 10 28 line 13: 13 29 line 14: 16 30 line 15: 17 31 line 16: 20 32 33 LocalVariableTable: 34 Start Length Slot Name Signature 35 19 0 t Ljava/lang/String; 36 6 1 e Ljava/lang/Exception; 37 38 StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 3 39 frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */ 40 offset_delta = 9 41 locals = [ class java/lang/String ] 42 stack = [ class java/lang/Exception ] 43 frame_type = 70 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */ 44 stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ] 45 frame_type = 0 /* same */
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try"; 9 Integer.parseInt(null); 10 return t; 11 } catch (Exception e) { 12 t = "catch"; 13 return t; 14 } finally { 15 t = "finally"; 16 // System.out.println(t); 17 // return t; 18 } 19 } 20 21 public static void main(String[] args) { 22 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 23 } 24 25 }
这里面try语句里面会抛出 java.lang.NumberFormatException,所以程序会先执行catch语句中的逻辑,t赋值为catch,在执行return之前,会把返回值保存到一个临时变量里面t ‘,执行finally的逻辑,t赋值为finally,但是返回值和t‘,所以变量t的值和返回值已经没有关系了,返回的是catch
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try"; 9 Integer.parseInt(null); 10 return t; 11 } catch (Exception e) { 12 t = "catch"; 13 return t; 14 } finally { 15 t = "finally"; 16 return t; 17 } 18 } 19 20 public static void main(String[] args) { 21 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 22 } 23 24 }
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try"; 9 Integer.parseInt(null); 10 return t; 11 } catch (Exception e) { 12 t = "catch"; 13 Integer.parseInt(null); 14 return t; 15 } finally { 16 t = "finally"; 17 //return t; 18 } 19 } 20 21 public static void main(String[] args) { 22 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 23 } 24 25 }
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try"; 9 Integer.parseInt(null); 10 return t; 11 } catch (Exception e) { 12 t = "catch"; 13 Integer.parseInt(null); 14 return t; 15 } finally { 16 t = "finally"; 17 return t; 18 } 19 } 20 21 public static void main(String[] args) { 22 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 23 } 24 25 }
这个例子和上面例子中唯一不同的是,这个例子里面finally 语句里面有return语句块。try catch中运行的逻辑和上面例子一样,当catch语句块里面抛出异常之后,进入finally语句快,然后返回t。则程序忽略catch语句块里面抛出的异常信息,直接返回t对应的值 也就是finally。方法不会抛出异常
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try"; 9 Integer.parseInt(null); 10 return t; 11 } catch (NullPointerException e) { 12 t = "catch"; 13 return t; 14 } finally { 15 t = "finally"; 16 } 17 } 18 19 public static void main(String[] args) { 20 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 21 } 22 23 }
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try"; 9 Integer.parseInt(null); 10 return t; 11 } catch (NullPointerException e) { 12 t = "catch"; 13 return t; 14 } finally { 15 t = "finally"; 16 return t; 17 } 18 } 19 20 public static void main(String[] args) { 21 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 22 } 23 24 }
和上面的例子中try catch的逻辑相同,try语句执行完成执行finally语句,finally赋值s 并且返回s ,最后程序结果返回finally
1 public class TryCatchFinally { 2 3 @SuppressWarnings("finally") 4 public static final String test() { 5 String t = ""; 6 7 try { 8 t = "try";return t; 9 } catch (Exception e) { 10 t = "catch"; 11 return t; 12 } finally { 13 t = "finally"; 14 String.valueOf(null); 15 return t; 16 } 17 } 18 19 public static void main(String[] args) { 20 System.out.print(TryCatchFinally.test()); 21 } 22 23 }
这个例子中,对finally语句中添加了String.valueOf(null), 强制抛出NPE异常。首先程序执行try语句,在返回执行,执行finally语句块,finally语句抛出NPE异常,整个结果返回NPE异常。
1 try、catch、finally语句中,在如果try语句有return语句,则返回的之后当前try中变量此时对应的值,此后对变量做任何的修改,都不影响try中return的返回值
2 如果finally块中有return 语句,则返回try或catch中的返回语句忽略。
3 如果finally块中抛出异常,则整个try、catch、finally块中抛出异常
1 尽量在try或者catch中使用return语句。通过finally块中达到对try或者catch返回值修改是不可行的。
2 finally块中避免使用return语句,因为finally块中如果使用return语句,会显示的消化掉try、catch块中的异常信息,屏蔽了错误的发生
3 finally块中避免再次抛出异常,否则整个包含try语句块的方法回抛出异常,并且会消化掉try、catch块中的异常
completion 的原因,return、break、continue等这些看起来很正常的语句也是导致abrupt