<template> <v-layout> <v-card contextual-style="dark" v-if="show"> <span slot="header"> 一级主页面 </span> <div slot="body">主内容页 <!-- <div v-for="item in listTittle" :key="item.id">{{item}}</div> --> <!-- <div v-for="item in list" :key="item.id"> <p>{{listTittle}}{{item.name }}</p> </div> --> <div> <ul> <li>需求:{{lists.demand}}</li> <li>用户:{{lists.user}}</li> <li>时间:{{lists.time}}</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div slot="footer" :showDate="showDate"> <div>来自主页面</div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-info " @click="toggle1">去子组件并传递数据</button> </div> </v-card> <v-card contextual-style="dark" v-else> <span slot="header"> 组件主页 </span> <div slot="body">组件内容页</div> <div slot="footer"> <div>来自组件页面</div> <my-button showDate="***父组件传递的数据***" @toggleEvent="toggle"></my-button> </div> </v-card> </v-layout> </template> <script> /* ============ * Home Index Page * ============ * * The home index page. */ import VLayout from ‘@/layouts/Default‘; import VCard from ‘@/components/Card‘; import MyButton from ‘@/components/MyButton‘; export default { /** * The name of the page. */ name: ‘home-index‘, data() { return { show: true, showDate: "父子间传过来的数据", lists: { demand: [], user: [], time: [] }, list: [{ id: 1, name: ‘需求1‘, code: ‘admin.demand‘ }, { id: 2, name: ‘需求2‘, code: ‘admin.demand‘ }, { id: 3, name: ‘用户1‘, code: ‘admin.user‘ }, { id: 4, name: ‘用户2‘, code: ‘admin.user‘ }, { id: 5, name: ‘时间1‘, code: ‘admin.time‘ }, { id: 6, name: ‘时间2‘, code: ‘admin.time‘ }, { id: 7, name: ‘用户3‘, code: ‘admin.user‘ },] } }, methods: { toggle1() { this.show = false; }, toggle(data) { console.log(data) this.show = data; }, listinfo() { this.list.map((x) => { console.log(x.code.split(".")[1]) switch (x.code.split(".")[1]) { case "demand": this.lists.demand.push(x.name); // 执行代码块 1 break; case "user": // 执行代码块 2 this.lists.user.push(x.name); break; case "time": // 执行代码块 3 this.lists.time.push(x.name); break; default: } }) } }, mounted() { // this.toggle(); this.listinfo(); }, /** * The components that the page can use. */ components: { VLayout, VCard, MyButton }, }; </script>