Clone an undirected graph. Each node in the graph contains a label
a list of its neighbors
Nodes are labeled uniquely.
We use#
as a separator for each node, and ,
a separator for node label and each neighbor of the node.
As an example, consider the serialized graph {0,1,2#1,2#2,2}
The graph has a total of three nodes, and therefore contains three parts as separated by #
Connect node 0
to both nodes 1
and 2
Connect node 1
to node 2
Connect node 2
to node 2
thus forming a self-cycle.Visually, the graph looks like the following:
1 / / 0 --- 2 / \_/
/** * Definition for undirected graph. * struct UndirectedGraphNode { * int label; * vector<UndirectedGraphNode *> neighbors; * UndirectedGraphNode(int x) : label(x) {}; * }; */ class Solution { public: UndirectedGraphNode *cloneGraph(UndirectedGraphNode *node) { if(node==NULL)return NULL; queue<UndirectedGraphNode*> qe; queue<UndirectedGraphNode*> qe_copy; map<int, UndirectedGraphNode*> createdMap; //已经复制的节点 //创建第一个节点 //注意本题使用(UndirectedGraphNode*)malloc(sizeof(UndirectedGraphNode))会RUNTIME ERROR UndirectedGraphNode * newFirstNode = new UndirectedGraphNode(node->label); qe.push(node); qe_copy.push(newFirstNode); createdMap[node->label]=newFirstNode; while(!qe.empty()){ UndirectedGraphNode * qe_top = qe.front(); qe.pop(); UndirectedGraphNode * qe_copy_top = qe_copy.front();qe_copy.pop(); //创建邻接节点 int neighborsSize = qe_top->neighbors.size(); for(int i=0; i<neighborsSize; i++){ node = qe_top->neighbors[i]; //判断当前节点是否已经创建过 if(createdMap[node->label]!=NULL){ //如果已经创建了,直接从createdmap中取即可 qe_copy_top->neighbors.push_back(createdMap[node->label]); } else{ //如果还没创建,则创建新节点 //注意本题使用(UndirectedGraphNode*)malloc(sizeof(UndirectedGraphNode))会RUNTIME ERROR UndirectedGraphNode * node_copy = new UndirectedGraphNode(node->label); qe.push(node); qe_copy.push(node_copy); createdMap[node->label]=node_copy; //添加到qe_copy_top的邻接节点 qe_copy_top->neighbors.push_back(node_copy); } } } return newFirstNode; } };
LeetCode: Clone Graph [133],布布扣,