1.实例: 下载一首英文的歌词或文章,将所有,.?!等替换为空格,将所有大写转换为小写,统计某几个单词出现的次数,分隔出一个一个的单词。
str=‘‘‘Just one last dance The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar I‘ll never forget how romantic they are But I know‘ tomorrow I‘ll lose the one I love There‘s no way to come with you. It‘s the only thing to do Just one last dance Before we say goodbye When we sway and turn round and round and round It‘s like the first time Just one more chance Hold me tight and keep me warm Cause the night is getting cold And I don‘t know where I belong Just one last dance Oh‘Baby Just one last dance Before we say goodbye When we sway and turn round and round and round It‘s like the first time Just one more chance Hold me tight and keep me warm‘‘‘ #将所有大写转换为小写# str=str.lower()print(‘全部转换为小写的结果:‘+str+‘\n‘) #将所有分隔符(,.?!)替换为空格 for i in ‘,.?!‘: str=str.replace(i,‘ ‘)print(‘分隔符替换为空格的结果:‘+str+‘\n‘) #统计单词‘just’出现的次数 count=str.count(‘just‘)print(‘单词just出现的次数为:‘,count) #分隔出一个一个单词 str=str.split(‘ ‘)print(‘分隔结果为:‘,str)
str=list(‘1223211231212123‘) print(‘作业评分表:‘,str) a=str.index(‘3‘) print(‘第一个3分的下标为:‘,a) one=str.count(‘1‘) print(‘1分的同学有:‘,one) three=str.count(‘3‘) print(‘3分的同学有:‘,three) str.sort() print(‘排序为:‘,str)