# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from win32com import client as wc def readDocx2(): word = wc.Dispatch(‘Word.Application‘) # 使用WORD应用程序 word.Visible = 0 # 不打开界面 my_worddoc = word.Documents.Open(u‘新建文本文档.docx‘) # 打开word文档 paragraphs = my_worddoc.Paragraphs.Count # 计算段落数 for i in range(paragraphs): my_pr = my_worddoc.Paragraphs[i].Range # 读取每段并打印 print my_pr.text my_worddoc.Close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import docx def read_docx(filename): #filename为文件地址 doc = docx.Document(filename) #打开docx文档 fulltext = [] #创建空列表 for para in doc.paragraphs: #遍历所有段落的文字内容 fulltext.append(para.text) #将所有文字内容添加到列表fulltext中 return ‘\n‘.join(fulltext) #进行分段,返回原文 a = read_docx(u‘新建文本文档.docx‘) print a #打印出来
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from docx import Document from docx.shared import Inches document = Document() document.add_heading(‘This is a Title‘, 0) #添加题目 p = document.add_paragraph(‘This is a paragraph‘) #添加段落内容 p.add_run(‘bold‘).bold = True #设置粗体和格式 p.add_run(‘ and some ‘) p.add_run(‘italic.‘).italic = True document.add_heading(‘This is a heading with level1‘, level=1) #级别为1的小标题 document.add_paragraph(‘Intense quote‘, style=‘IntenseQuote‘) #添加段落内容 document.add_paragraph( ‘first item in unordered list‘, style=‘ListBullet‘ #添加段落内容并设置格式,不带序号 ) document.add_paragraph( ‘first item in ordered list‘, style=‘ListNumber‘ #添加段落内容并设置格式,带有序号 )
text = ‘‘‘ aaaa
document.add_paragraph(text) #添加大量文本内容... document.add_page_break() document.save(‘demo.docx‘) #保存路径...