一直想写一个很全很好移植的Makefile模板,我觉得一个完整makefile 应该包含如下内容。
1、可以编译成 动态库.a 静态库.so 或者是直接编译成可执行文件。
2、编译可执行文件可以指定宏 ,自有添加头文件,指定链接的各种库
1 # Generic Makefile for C/C++ Program 2 # Author: 3 # Description: 4 # This is an easily customizable makefile template. The purpose is to 5 # provide an instant building environment for C/C++ programs. 6 # 7 # It searches all the C/C++ source files in the specified directories, 8 # makes dependencies, compiles and links to form an executable. 9 # 10 # Besides its default ability to build C/C++ programs which use only 11 # standard C/C++ libraries, you can customize the Makefile to build 12 # those using other libraries. Once done, without any changes you can 13 # then build programs using the same or less libraries, even if source 14 # files are renamed, added or removed. Therefore, it is particularly 15 # convenient to use it to build codes for experimental or study use. 16 # 17 # GNU make is expected to use the Makefile. Other versions of makes 18 # 19 20 .PHONY : all clean 21 22 # Curstomer build output file directory and filename 23 EXES = 24 DIR_EXES = 25 DIR_OBJS = 26 DIR_DEPS = 27 DIR_INCS = 28 29 LINK_LIBS = 30 LIBS_TYPE = dynamic 31 #LIBS_TYPE = static 32 DIR_LIBS = 33 LIBS = 34 35 # Top directory Makefile 36 CURDIR = $(shell pwd) 37 38 # The C program compiler 39 COPTION = -O2 40 MACRO = -DDEBUGALL 41 CFLAGS += -g -werror $(MACRO) $(COPTION) 42 CC = gcc 43 AR = ar 44 ARFLAGES = crv 45 46 # default execute output directory 47 ifeq ($(DIR_EXES),) 48 DIR_EXES = $(TOPDIR)/build/out 49 endif 50 51 # defaulet libaray creat directory 52 ifeq ($(DIR_LIBS),) 53 DIR_LIBS = $(TOPDIR)/build/libs 54 endif 55 56 # directory 57 DIRS = $(DIR_OBJS) $(DIR_DEPS) $(DIR_EXES) $(DIR_LIBS) 58 59 # include directory 60 ifneq ($(DIR_INCS),"") 61 DIR_INCS := $(strip $(DIR_INCS)) 62 DIR_INCS := $(addprefix -I,$(DIR_INCS)) 63 endif 64 65 # build execute file 66 ifneq ($(EXES),) 67 EXES := $(addprefix $(DIR_EXES)/,$(EXES)) 68 RMS += $(EXES) 69 DIR_LIBS := $(strip $(DIR_LIBS)) 70 DIR_LIBS := $(addprefix -L,$(DIR_LIBS)) 71 endif 72 73 # build libaray file 74 ifneq ($(LIBS),"") 75 LIBS := $(addprefix $(DIR_LIBS)/,$(LIBS)) 76 RMS += $(LIBS) 77 endif 78 79 # default source code file directory 80 ifeq ($(DIR_SRCS),) 81 DIR_SRCS = . 82 endif 83 84 # scan source code 85 SRCS = $(wildcard $(DIR_SRCS)/*.c) 86 OBJS = $(patsubst %.c, %.o,$(notdir $(SRCS))) 87 OBJS := $(addprefix $(DIR_OBJS)/,$(OBJS)) 88 RMS += $(OBJS) $(DIR_OBJS) 89 90 # dependant file 91 DEPS = $(patsubst %.c, %.dep,$(notdir $(SRCS))) 92 DEPS := $(addprefix $(DIR_DEPS)/,$(DEPS)) 93 RMS += $(DEPS) $(DIR_DEPS) 94 95 # build execute file 96 ifneq ($(EXES),"") 97 all : $(EXES) 98 endif 99 100 # build library 101 ifneq ($(LIBS),"") 102 all : $(LIBS) 103 endif 104 105 # link libs name 106 ifneq ($(LINK_LIBS),"") 107 LINK_LIBS := $(strip $(LINK_LIBS)) 108 LINK_LIBS := $(addprefix -l,$(LINK_LIBS)) 109 endif 110 111 # include dependent files 112 ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean) 113 -include $(DEPS) 114 endif 115 116 $(DIRS): 117 mkdir -p $@ 118 119 # creat execute file 120 $(EXES) : $(DIR_OBJS) $(OBJS) $(DIR_EXES) 121 $(CC) $(DIR_INCS) $(CFLAGES) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(DIR_LIBS) $(LINK_LIBS) 122 123 # creat libaray file 124 $(LIBS) : $(DIR_LIBS) $(DIR_OBJS) $(OBJS) 125 # library type is static 126 ifeq ($(LIB_TYPE),static) 127 $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS) 128 endif 129 130 # library type is dynamic 131 ifeq ($(LIB_TYPE),dynamic) 132 $(CC) -shared -o $@ $(OBJS) 133 endif 134 135 # creat object file 136 $(DIR_OBJS)/%.o : $(DIR_SRCS)/%.c 137 @echo "source files:" $< 138 @echo "object files:" $@ 139 ifeq ($(LIB_TYPE),static) 140 $(CC) $(DIR_INCS) $(CFLAGES) -o $@ -c $< 141 else 142 $(CC) $(DIR_INCS) $(CFLAGES) -fPIC -o $@ -c $< 143 endif 144 145 # creat depandant file 146 $(DIR_DEPS)/%.dep : $(DIR_SRCS)/%.c $(DIR_DEPS) 147 @echo "creating depend file ..." $@ 148 @set -e;\ 149 $(CC) $(DIR_INCS) -MM $< > $@.tmp;\ 150 sed ‘s,$?\.o[ :]*,$(DIR_OBJS)/\1.o $@ : ,g‘ < $@.tmp > $@ 151 152 clean: 153 rm -rf $(RMS)
对整个makefle 分析如下:
1、line 23-33
DIR_OBJS 为目标文件输出目录,DIR_DEPS为依赖文件输出目录,DIR_INC为包含头文件的目录。
LINK_LIBS 为当生成可执行文件如果需要链接外面的库,则在这里指定库的名字。
DIR_LIBS 为库的路径,LIBS 为库的 libXX.so 或 libXX.a 格式的名字。
2、line 38 - 34
为gcc 编译相关
COPTION 为编译优化等选项
MACRO 为编译时定义的宏配置
3、line 44 - 109
4、line 19 - 121
5、line 123 - 133
6、line 146 - 150
这可以是整个makefile 的关键所在,这是生成依赖文件的地方,有人会问编译代码不就是将.c --> .o ----> 可执行文件么,表面上是这样。
但实际上很多时候我们编译c但还包含了.h 或者是其他配置文件,当这时候.h和配置文件改变了,但当已经完整make后,但make却没检查到这种改变,导致修改后的文件无法编译进去,这时候只能make clean 才能make 。大工程中这个明显浪费很多时间。其实不能怪make不够只能,那是因将这些配置文件作为依赖关系包含进去。而makefile 只检查目标文件所依赖的文件的更新。
在gcc 中有一个MM 很好地解决这个问题,假如 test.c 除了包含了头文件还包含了test.h test1.h 那么
gcc -MM test.c
结果为 test.o : test.c test.h test1.h
sed 命令应用有点复杂但他的作用加上必要的路径,输出到test.dep文件中,这个方法在uboot 和 android ,Linux 编译系统中使用的。
这样一个比较完整的单目录结果makefile 就写好,我们可以根据自己的需要配置成是生成可执行文件还是库,很方便移植到不是很复杂的应用当中去。