做到现在感觉目前还没有使用umbrella的必要(也许以后会发现必要吧),model 应用完全可以合并到game_server。
代码还在https://github.com/rubyist1982/simple 上。
model 应用新增 simple_poker.ex , 代码不多,做了点简单注释,可以贴下
defmodule SimplePoker do @cards for i <- 1..4, j<- 1..13, do: {i, j} @ten 10 @ace 1 @tian_gong [8,9] @ignore 0 def init_cards, do: @cards # 洗牌 def shuffle(cards), do: cards |> Enum.shuffle # 初始发牌 def init_deal(cards, seat_num) do {cs, left} = cards |> Enum.split(seat_num * 2) {:ok, Enum.chunk_every(cs, 2), left} end # 补单张 def deal([card| left]), do: {:ok, card, left} def single_point({_, p}) when p < @ten, do: p def single_point(_), do: @ten def normal_power(cards) do sum = cards |> Enum.map( &single_point(&1) ) |> Enum.sum rem(sum, @ten) end # 牌力计算, 需参考是否开牌 def power([_a, _b] = cards, is_open) do p = normal_power(cards) cond do p in @tian_gong and is_open -> {:tian_gong, p} true ->{:normal, p} end end def power(cards, false) do cond do is_flush_straight?(cards) -> {:flush_straight, @ignore} is_three?(cards) -> {:three, @ignore} is_flush?(cards) -> {:flush, @ignore} is_straight?(cards) -> {:straight, @ignore} true -> {:normal, normal_power(cards)} end end # a 是否赢 b # 都是天公,比点数 def win?({:tian_gong, p1}, {:tian_gong, p2}), do: p1 > p2 # 天公比其他都大 def win?({:tian_gong, _}, _), do: true def win?(_, {:tian_gong, _}), do: false # 非普通牌,通牌型一样大 def win?({same, _}, {same, _}) when same != :normal, do: false # 同花顺比余下都大, 以下类推 def win?({:flush_straight, _}, _), do: true def win?(_, {:flush_straight, _}), do: false def win?({:three, _}, _), do: true def win?(_, {:three, _}), do: false def win?({:flush, _}, _), do: true def win?(_, {:flush, _}), do: false def win?({:straight, _}, _), do: true def win?(_, {:straight, _}), do: false # 普通牌需要比较点数 def win?({:normal, p1}, {:normal, p2}), do: p1 > p2 # 赢多少倍 def multiply({:tian_gong, _}), do: 1 def multiply({:flush_straight, _}), do: 16 def multiply({:three, _}), do: 8 def multiply({:flush, _}), do: 4 def multiply({:straight, _}), do: 2 def multiply({:normal, _}), do: 1 def is_flush?([{s, _}, {s, _}, {s, _}]), do: true def is_flush?(_), do: false def is_straight?([{_, p1}, {_, p2}, {_, p3}]) do [n1, n2, n3] = [p1, p2, p3] |> Enum.sort cond do n1 + 1 == n2 and n2 + 1 == n3 -> true n1 == @ace and n2 + 1 == n3 -> true n1 == @ace and n2 + 2 == n3 -> true true -> false end end def is_three?([{_, p}, {_, p}, {_, p}]), do: true def is_three?([{_, p1}, {_, p2}, {_, p3}]) do case [p1, p2, p3] |> Enum.sort do [@ace, @ace, _] -> true [@ace, n, n] -> true _other -> false end end def is_flush_straight?(cards), do: is_flush?(cards) and is_straight?(cards) end # SimplePoker.init_cards |> SimplePoker.shuffle |> IO.inspect # SimplePoker.init_cards |> SimplePoker.init_deal(2) |> IO.inspect
测试代码 simple_poker_test.exs
defmodule SimplePokerTest do use ExUnit.Case doctest SimplePoker setup do %{ s_ace: {1,1}, # 黑桃A h_ace: {2, 1}, # 红桃A, c_ace: {3, 1}, # 梅花A s_two: {1, 2}, # 黑桃2 h_two: {2, 2}, # 红桃2 c_two: {3, 2}, # 梅花2 s_three: {1, 3}, # 黑桃3 h_three: {2, 3}, # 红桃3 s_four: {1, 4}, # 黑桃4 h_four: {2, 4}, # 红桃4 s_five: {1, 5}, # 黑桃5 s_eight: {1, 8}, # 黑桃8 s_nine: {1, 9}, # 黑桃9 s_ten: {1, 10}, # 黑桃10 s_jack: {1, 11} } end test "同花: 黑桃A,黑桃2, 黑桃3 ", cards do flush_cards = [cards.s_ace, cards.s_two, cards.s_three] assert SimplePoker.is_flush?(flush_cards) end test "非同花: 黑桃A, 红桃A, 黑桃2 ", cards do not_flush_cards = [cards.s_ace, cards.h_ace, cards.s_two] refute SimplePoker.is_flush?(not_flush_cards) end test "三条: 普通", cards do normal_three = [cards.s_two, cards.h_two, cards.c_two] assert SimplePoker.is_three?(normal_three) end test "三条:1张A + 1对 ", cards do one_ace_and_one_pair = [cards.s_two, cards.h_two, cards.s_ace] assert SimplePoker.is_three?(one_ace_and_one_pair) end test "三条: 2张A + 1张2 ", cards do two_ace_and_one = [cards.s_ace, cards.h_ace, cards.s_two] assert SimplePoker.is_three?(two_ace_and_one) end test "非三条: A, 2, 3", cards do not_three = [cards.s_ace, cards.s_two, cards.s_three] refute SimplePoker.is_three?(not_three) end test "顺子: 普通 黑桃2, 黑桃3, 红桃4", cards do normal_straight = [cards.s_two, cards.s_three, cards.h_four] assert SimplePoker.is_straight?(normal_straight) end test "顺子: 普通 黑桃A, 黑桃2, 红桃3", cards do one_ace_normal_straight = [cards.s_ace, cards.s_two, cards.h_three] assert SimplePoker.is_straight?(one_ace_normal_straight) end test "顺子: 普通 黑桃A, 黑桃2, 红桃4", cards do one_ace_normal_straight = [cards.s_ace, cards.s_two, cards.h_four] assert SimplePoker.is_straight?(one_ace_normal_straight) end test "非顺子: 黑桃A, 黑桃2, 红桃2", cards do not_straight = [cards.s_ace, cards.s_two, cards.h_two] refute SimplePoker.is_straight?(not_straight) end test "同花顺: 普通", cards do normal_flush_straight = [cards.s_two, cards.s_three, cards.s_four] assert SimplePoker.is_flush_straight?(normal_flush_straight) end test "普通三张", cards do normal = [cards.s_two, cards.s_two, cards.h_three] assert {:normal, _} = SimplePoker.power(normal, false) end test "天公9点", cards do assert {:tian_gong, 9} = [cards.s_ace, cards.s_eight] |> SimplePoker.power(true) assert {:tian_gong, 9} = [cards.s_four, cards.s_five] |> SimplePoker.power(true) end test "普通9点", cards do assert {:normal, 9} = [cards.s_ace, cards.s_eight] |> SimplePoker.power(false) end test "single_point", cards do assert 1 == cards.s_ace |> SimplePoker.single_point assert 10 == cards.s_ten |> SimplePoker.single_point assert 10 == cards.s_jack |> SimplePoker.single_point end test "win?" do tian_gong_9 = {:tian_gong, 9} tian_gong_8 = {:tian_gong, 8} flush_straight = {:flush_straight, 0} three = {:three, 0} flush = {:flush, 0} straight = {:straight, 0} normal_9 = {:normal, 9} normal_8 = {:normal, 8} assert SimplePoker.win?(tian_gong_9, tian_gong_8) refute SimplePoker.win?(tian_gong_9, tian_gong_9) refute SimplePoker.win?(tian_gong_8, tian_gong_9) assert SimplePoker.win?(tian_gong_9, flush_straight) refute SimplePoker.win?(flush_straight, tian_gong_9) refute SimplePoker.win?(flush_straight, flush_straight) assert SimplePoker.win?(flush_straight, three) refute SimplePoker.win?(three, flush_straight) assert SimplePoker.win?(three, flush) refute SimplePoker.win?(flush, three) assert SimplePoker.win?(flush, straight) refute SimplePoker.win?(straight, flush) assert SimplePoker.win?(straight, normal_9) refute SimplePoker.win?(normal_9, straight) assert SimplePoker.win?(normal_9, normal_8) refute SimplePoker.win?(normal_9, normal_9) refute SimplePoker.win?(normal_8, normal_9) end end