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2.5 定义FTP工具的各种方法

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import os,sys
from ftplib import FTP
from mimetypes import guess_type,add_type
from getpass import getpass

dfltSite =
dfltUser = ()
dfltRdir = .

class FtpTools:

    #allows these 3 to be redefined
    def getlocaldir(self):
        return (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or .                           #返回本地路径

    def getcleanall(self):
        return input( Clean local directory first? )[:1] in [y,Y]             #是否清除所有
   # def getpassword(self):
   #     print(password)
   #     return getpass(Password for %s on %s%(self.remoteuser,self.remotesite))   #键入密码
    def configTransfer(self,site=dfltSite,rdir=dfltRdir,user=dfltUser):
        self.nonpassive = False                                                     # passive FTP by default
        self.remotesite = site
        self.remotedir = rdir                                                       # FTP的路径
        self.remoteuser = user                                                      # 因为我没设置密码,所以为空集

        self.localdir =self.getlocaldir()
        self.cleanall = self.getcleanall()
        self.remotepass = ‘‘ #密码
#判断文件格式 def isTextKind(self,remotename,trance=True): ‘‘‘ use mimetypes to guess if filanme means text or binary‘‘‘ add_type(text/x-python-win,.pyw) #not in tables mimetype, encoding = guess_type(remotename,strict=False) #allow extras mimetype = mimetype or ?/? mimetype = mimetype.split(/)[0] if trance: print(mimetype,encoding or ‘‘) return mimetype == text and encoding == None

def connectFtp(self): # 连接PFTP print(connecting...) connection = FTP(self.remotesite) connection.login(self.remoteuser,self.remotepass) connection.cwd(self.remotedir) #most do passive if self.nonpassive: connection.set_pasv(False) self.connection = connection
def cleanLocals(self): ‘‘‘try to delete all local files first to remove garbage‘‘‘ #清除本地文件 if self.cleanall: for localname in os.listdir(self.localdir): try: print(deleting local, localname) os.remove(os.path.join(self.remotedir, localname)) except: print(cannot delete, localname)
def cleanRemotes(self): ‘‘‘try to delete all remote files to remove garbage‘‘‘ if self.cleanall: for remotename in self.connection.nlst(): try: print(deleting local, remotename) self.connection.delete(remotename) except: print(cannot delete, remotename) #下载文件 def downloadOne(self,remotename,localpath): if self.isTextKind(remotename): localfile = open(localpath,w,encoding=self.connection.encoding) def callback(line): localfile.write(line + \n) self.connection.retrlines(RETR +remotename,callback) else: localfile = open(localpath,wb) self.connection.retrbinary(RETR + remotename, localfile.write) localfile.close() #上传文件 def uploadOne(self, localname,remotename, localpath): if self.isTextKind(localname): localfile = open(localpath,rb) self.connection.storlines(RETR + remotename, localfile) else: localfile = open(localpath, rb) self.connection.storbinary(RETR +remotename,localfile) localfile.close() #下载目录 def downloadDir(self): remotefiles = self.connection.nlst() for remotename in remotefiles: if remotename in (., ..) or not . in remotename: continue # 判断是否目录,这里根据实际情况更改 localpath = os.path.join(self.localdir, remotename) print(downing, remotename, to, localpath, as,end= ) self.downloadOne(remotename,localpath) print(Done,len(remotefiles),files downloaded) #上传目录 def uploadDir(self): localfiles = os.listdir(self.localdir) for localname in localfiles: localpath = os.path.join(self.localdir, localname) print(uploading, localpath, to, localname, as,end= ) self.uploadOne(localname,localpath,localname) print(Done,len(localfiles),files uploaded) def run(self,cleanTarget=lambda:None, transferAct=lambda:None): self.connectFtp() cleanTarget() transferAct() self.connection.quit() if __name__ == __main__: ftp = FtpTools() xfermode = download if len(sys.argv) > 1: xfermode = sys.argv.pop(1) if xfermode == download: ftp.configTransfer() ftp.run(cleanTarget=ftp.cleanLocals, transferAct=ftp.downloadDir) if xfermode == upload: ftp.configTransfer(site= #根据自己情况更改IP ftp.run(cleanTarget=ftp.cleanRemotes, transferAct=ftp.uploadDir) else: print(Usage: ftptools.py["download/upload"] [loacldir] )


2.5 定义FTP工具的各种方法


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