lists statistics on shared SQL areas without the GROUP BY
clause and contains one row for each child of the original SQL text entered. Statistics displayed in V$SQL
are normally updated at the end of query execution. However, for long running queries, they are updated every 5 seconds. This makes it easy to see the impact of long running SQL statements while they are still in progress.
v$sql视图列举了共享SQL区(Shared SQL Area)中的SQL统计信息,这个视图中的信息未经分组,每个SQL指针都包含一条独立的记录。
v$sql 用于查看child cusor,v$sqlarae 用于查看parent cusor.
父游标辨别标识:sql_id 子游标辨别标识:SQL_ID和child_number标识
子游标伴随父游标而生,起始子游标标识为 0
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