‘--与文件及文件夹操作相关的函数 ‘--必须引用FSO的ACTIVE OBJECT Dim strList As String ‘--列表串,返回文件列表 ‘================ ‘--文件操作区 Public Function CopyFile(SourseStr As String, WhereStr As String, Optional WhereStr2 As String = "") As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim myFso As New FileSystemObject Dim myFile As File If myFso.FileExists(SourseStr) Then Set myFile = myFso.GetFile(SourseStr) myFile.Copy (WhereStr) If WhereStr2 <> "" Then myFile.Copy (WhereStr2) End If CopyFile = True Set myFile = Nothing Else CopyFile = False End If End Function Public Function DeleteFileX(ByVal strFileAndPath As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo deleteError DeleteFileX = False Dim myFso As New FileSystemObject Dim myFile As File If myFso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = True Then Set myFile = myFso.GetFile(strFileAndPath) myFile.Attributes = Normal myFso.DeleteFile strFileAndPath, True DeleteFileX = True Set myFile = Nothing End If Exit Function deleteError: DeleteFileX = False Err.Clear End Function ‘--检查文件是否存在 Public Function IsFileExits(ByVal strFile As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo IsFileExitsErr IsFileExits = True Dim myFso As New FileSystemObject If Dir(strFile) = "" And myFso.FileExists(strFile) = False Then IsFileExits = False End If Set myFso = Nothing Exit Function IsFileExitsErr: Err.Clear IsFileExits = False End Function ‘==================================== ‘--文件夹操作区 ‘--复制文件夹 ‘--若要复制C盘下的window文件夹到“d:\dd"文件夹的下面,必须使用 ‘--copydir "c:\window\","d:\dd\"表示 Public Function CopyDir(SourseStr As String, WhereStr As String, Optional WhereStr2 As String = "") As Boolean On Error GoTo CopyDirErr Dim myFso As New FileSystemObject Dim myFolder As Folder If myFso.FolderExists(SourseStr) Then Set myFolder = myFso.GetFolder(SourseStr) myFolder.Copy (WhereStr) If WhereStr2 <> "" Then myFolder.Copy (WhereStr2) End If CopyDir = True Set myFolder = Nothing Else CopyDir = False End If ‘------ Exit Function CopyDirErr: CopyDir = False Err.Clear End Function ‘--删除文件 夹 Public Function DeleteDirX(strFileAndPath As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo deleteError DeleteDirX = False ‘----- Dim myFso As New FileSystemObject Dim myFolder As Folder If myFso.FolderExists(strFileAndPath) = True Then Set myFolder = myFso.GetFolder(strFileAndPath) myFolder.Attributes = Normal myFso.DeleteFolder strFileAndPath DeleteDirX = True End If Set myFolder = Nothing Set myFso = Nothing Exit Function deleteError: DeleteDirX = False End Function ‘------ Public Function IsFolderExist(ByVal strFolder As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo IsFolderExistERR IsFolderExist = False ‘------------------------- Dim myFso As New FileSystemObject If myFso.FolderExists(strFolder) = True Then IsFolderExist = True End If Set myFso = Nothing ‘------------------------------------ Exit Function IsFolderExistERR: Err.Clear End Function ‘--创建新文件夹-在本地创建 Public Function CreateDir(strLongDir As String) As Boolean Dim strDir$, i As Integer Dim strdirX$ Dim strN$ On Error GoTo yy Dim myFso As New FileSystemObject If Right(strLongDir, 1) <> "\" And Right(strLongDir, 1) <> "/" Then strDir = strLongDir & "\" Else strDir = strLongDir End If For i = 1 To Len(strDir) strN = Mid(strDir, i, 1) If strN = "\" Or strN = "/" Then If i = 3 Then GoTo xx strdirX = Left(strDir, i - 1) If myFso.FolderExists(strdirX) = False Then MkDir strdirX End If End If xx: Next CreateDir = True Exit Function yy: CreateDir = False End Function ‘--得到某个Folder下所有的文件列表 Public Function ShowFolderList(ByVal folderSpec As String) As String On Error GoTo ShowFolderListErr ShowFolderList = "" ‘------------------------------ Dim fS As New FileSystemObject, F As Folder, F1 As File, fC As Files, s As String Set F = fS.GetFolder(folderSpec) Set fC = F.Files s = "" For Each F1 In fC If s = "" Then s = F1.Name Else s = s & "|" & F1.Name End If Next ShowFolderList = s ‘------------- Exit Function ShowFolderListErr: Err.Clear End Function ‘----得到某个FOLDER下所有的夹 Public Function ShowFolderFolderList(ByVal folderSpec As String) As String On Error GoTo ShowFolderFolderListERR ShowFolderFolderList = "" ‘----------------------- Dim fS As New FileSystemObject, F As Folder, F1 As Folder, fC As Folders, s As String Set F = fS.GetFolder(folderSpec) Set fC = F.SubFolders s = "" For Each F1 In fC If s = "" Then s = F1.Name Else s = s & "|" & F1.Name End If Next ShowFolderFolderList = s ‘-------------------------- Exit Function ShowFolderFolderListERR: Err.Clear End Function