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时间:2017-10-20 00:16:53      阅读:398      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]



        create table student(st_class CHAR(8),st_no CHAR(10) NOT NULL,st_name CHAR(8) NOT NULL,st_sex CHAR(2),st_age SMALLINT,PRIMARY KEY(st_no))


        create table subject(su_no CHAR(4) NOT NULL,su_subject CHAR(20) NOT NULL,su_credit INTEGER,su_period INTEGER,su_preno CHAR(4),PRIMARY KEY(su_no))


        create table score (st_no CHAR(10),st_nom CHAR(4),st_score INTEGERR NULL,FOREIGN KEY(st_no) REFERENCE student)

    查看表结构:DESC student

    删除表:    DROP TABLE student,score

    添加字段:  alter table student add (st_born date not null)

    删除字段:  alter table student drop (st_age)


                alter table student alter column name varchar(23) null



        create view womanview as select st_class,st_no,st_name,st_age from student where 




        create view woman_score as select student.st_class student.st_no,student.st_name,

        student.st_age,score.sc_score from student score where student.st_sex="女" and 

        score.sc_score >= 60 and student.st_no=score.st_no

    查看 woman_score 视图

        select * from woman_score


  对基本表student 中 st_no 和 st_age 创建索引,分别为升序和降序排列

       create unique index stindex on student (st_no ASC,st_age DESC)


        drop index stindex



    JOIN ON 语句   联接

    WHERE 语句     指定查询条件

    ORDER BY 语句  指定排序字段和排序方式

    GROUP BY 和 HAVING 语句  分组

    DISTINCT 语句和 UNIQUE 语句 指定是否要重复记录

    TOP语句        列在最前



        算术比较运算符: <  <=  > >= = <>

        逻辑运算符:    AND,OR,NOT

        集合运算符:    UNION(并),INTERSECT(交),EXCEPT(差)

        集合成员资格运算符:    IN,NOT IN

        谓词:          EXISTS(存在) , ALL ,SOME, UNIQUE

        聚合函数:      AVG,MIN,MAX,SUM,COUNT(计数)



         select unique student.st_class,student.st_no,student.st_name,student.sex,




        select unique su_no from score where score<60 order by su_no DESC



        select st_no,st_name from student where st_no in (select st_no from score where         su_no = ‘c03‘ and score>80)



        select count(*),AVG(st_age) from student where st_sex=‘男‘


        select count(DISTINCT st_no) from score



     INSERT语句:insert into score(st_no,su_no,score) value (‘10002‘,‘c02‘,95)

        DELETE语句:delete from student where st_no = ‘10002‘

        UPDATE语句:update subject set su_subject = ‘英语‘ where su_no = ‘c02‘




        授权语句:grant connect to sse identified by password

                  grant resource to sse

                  grant dba to sse


                  revoke connect from sse

                  revoke resource from sse

        将表student 查询权授予所有用户:

                grant select on student to public

        将表 subject 的插入及修改权力授予用户SSE并使得他具有将这种权力授予其他人的权力

                grant insert,update(su_subject) on subject to sse with grant option






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