#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; class B1 { public: B1(int i) { cout<<"constructing B1 "<<i<<endl; } }; class B2 { public: B2(int j) { cout<<"constructing B2 "<<j<<endl; } }; class B3 { public: B3() { cout<<"constructing B3"<<endl; } }; class C: public B2, public B1, public B3 { public: C(int a, int b, int c, int d):B1(a), memberB2(d), memberB1(c),B2(b) { } private: B1 memberB1; B2 memberB2; B3 memberB3; }; int main() { C obj(1,2,3,4); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; class B1 { public: B1(int i) { cout<<"constructing B1 "<<i<<endl; } ~B1() { cout<<"destructing B1"<<endl; } }; class B2 { public: B2(int j) { cout<<"constructing B2 "<<j<<endl; } ~B2() { cout<<"destructing B2"<<endl; } }; class B3 { public: B3() { cout<<"constructing B3"<<endl; } ~B3() { cout<<"destructing B3"<<endl; } }; class C: public B2, public B1, public B3 { public: C(int a, int b, int c, int d):B1(a), memberB2(d), memberB1(c),B2(b) { } private: B1 memberB1; B2 memberB2; B3 memberB3; }; int main() { C obj(1,2,3,4); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; class B1 { public: int nV; void fun() { cout<<"member of B1 "<<nV<<endl; } }; class B2 { public: int nV; void fun() { cout<<"member of B2 "<<nV<<endl; } }; class D1: public B1, public B2 { public: int nV; void fun() { cout<<"member of D1 "<<nV<<endl; } }; int main() { D1 d1; d1.nV = 1; d1.fun(); d1.B1::nV = 2; d1.B1::fun(); d1.B2::nV = 3; d1.B2::fun(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; class B0 { public: int nV; void fun() { cout<<"member of B0 "<<nV<<endl; } }; class B1:public B0 { public: int nV1; }; class B2:public B0 { public: int nV2; }; class D1:public B1, public B2 { public: int nVd; void fund() { cout<<"member of D1"<<endl; } }; int main() { D1 d1; d1.B1::nV = 2; d1.B1::fun(); d1.B2::nV = 3; d1.B2::fun(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; class B0 { public: int nV; void fun() { cout<<"member of B0 "<<nV<<endl; } }; class B1:virtual public B0 { public: int nV1; }; class B2:virtual public B0 { public: int nV2; }; class D1:public B1, public B2 { public: int nVd; void fund() { cout<<"member of D1"<<endl; } }; int main() { D1 d1; d1.nV = 2; d1.fun(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; class B0 { public: B0(int n) { nV = n; } int nV; void fun() { cout<<"member of B0 "<<nV<<endl; } }; class B1:virtual public B0 { public: B1(int a):B0(a) { } int nV1; }; class B2:virtual public B0 { public: B2(int a):B0(a) { } int nV2; }; class D1:public B1, public B2 { public: D1(int a):B0(a), B1(a), B2(a) { } int nVd; void fund() { cout<<"member of D1"<<endl; } }; int main() { D1 d1(1); d1.nV = 2; d1.fun(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; class B0 { public: void display() { cout<<"B0::display()"<<endl; } }; class B1:public B0 { public: void display() { cout<<"B1::display()"<<endl; } }; class B2:public B0 { public: void display() { cout<<"B2::display()"<<endl; } }; void fun(B0 *ptr) { ptr->display(); } int main() { B0 b0; B1 b1; B2 b2; fun(&b0); b0 = b1; fun(&b0); b0 = b2; fun(&b0); return 0; }