1、PyFuzz (0.1.3) - Simple fuzz testing for unit tests, i18n, and
2、flawfinder (2.0.4) - a program that examines source code looking
for security weaknesses
3、Flask-Goat (0.2.1) - Flask plugin for security and user
administration via GitHub OAuth &
4、modsecurity-exception-factory (0.1.4) - A tool that generates ModSecurity exception
rules by automatically analyzing ModSecurity
audit logs.
5、safety-cli (0.0.4) - Safety checks your installed dependencies for
known security vulnerabilities
6、pypi-security-check (1.4) - A test of PyPi security
7、pysectools (0.4.2) - A package of security-related Python
functions. Dropping privileges, entering
sandboxes, generating random numbers, asking
for passwords...
8、bandit (1.4.0) - Security oriented static analyser for python
9、attackapi (0.1.2) - attack api is a cli tool to find security
vulnerabilities in an API.
10、pytest-peach (1.3.26) - pytest plugin for fuzzing with Peach API Security