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     * Common base for tables of name/value settings.
    public static class NameValueTable implements BaseColumns {
        public static final String NAME = "name";
        public static final String VALUE = "value";

        protected static boolean putString(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri,
                String name, String value) {
            // The database will take care of replacing duplicates.
            try {
                ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
                values.put(NAME, name);
                values.put(VALUE, value);
                resolver.insert(uri, values);
                return true;
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Can't set key " + name + " in " + uri, e);
                return false;

        public static Uri getUriFor(Uri uri, String name) {
            return Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, name);



2.2、封装了getStringForUser方法。此方法分两部分,首先得到long newValuesVersion = SystemProperties.getLong(mVersionSystemProperty, 0);,首先从本地cache中得到想要的数据,如果本地cache中不存在想要的数据,那么进行第二部分,查询数据库。


// Our own user's settings data uses a client-side cache
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (mValuesVersion != newValuesVersion) {
                        if (LOCAL_LOGV || false) {
                            Log.v(TAG, "invalidate [" + mUri.getLastPathSegment() + "]: current "
                                    + newValuesVersion + " != cached " + mValuesVersion);

                        mValuesVersion = newValuesVersion;

                    if (mValues.containsKey(name)) {
                        return mValues.get(name);  // Could be null, that's OK -- negative caching

顾名思义   nameValue   的缓冲池。
// Thread-safe.
    private static class NameValueCache {
        private final String mVersionSystemProperty;
        private final Uri mUri;

        private static final String[] SELECT_VALUE =
            new String[] { Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE };
        private static final String NAME_EQ_PLACEHOLDER = "name=?";

        // Must synchronize on 'this' to access mValues and mValuesVersion.
        private final HashMap<String, String> mValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
        private long mValuesVersion = 0;

        // Initially null; set lazily and held forever.  Synchronized on 'this'.
        private IContentProvider mContentProvider = null;

        // The method we'll call (or null, to not use) on the provider
        // for the fast path of retrieving settings.
        private final String mCallGetCommand;
        private final String mCallSetCommand;

        public NameValueCache(String versionSystemProperty, Uri uri,
                String getCommand, String setCommand) {//传入mCallGetCommand以及mCallSetCommand
            mVersionSystemProperty = versionSystemProperty;
            mUri = uri;
            mCallGetCommand = getCommand;
            mCallSetCommand = setCommand;

        private IContentProvider lazyGetProvider(ContentResolver cr) {//IContentProvider的构造方法
            IContentProvider cp = null;
            synchronized (this) {
                cp = mContentProvider;
                if (cp == null) {
                    cp = mContentProvider = cr.acquireProvider(mUri.getAuthority());
            return cp;

        public boolean putStringForUser(ContentResolver cr, String name, String value,
                final int userHandle) {//putStringForUser
            try {
                Bundle arg = new Bundle();
                arg.putString(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, value);
                arg.putInt(CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, userHandle);
                IContentProvider cp = lazyGetProvider(cr);
                cp.call(cr.getPackageName(), mCallSetCommand, name, arg);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Can't set key " + name + " in " + mUri, e);
                return false;
            return true;

        public String getStringForUser(ContentResolver cr, String name, final int userHandle) {
            final boolean isSelf = (userHandle == UserHandle.myUserId());
            if (isSelf) {
                long newValuesVersion = SystemProperties.getLong(mVersionSystemProperty, 0);

                // Our own user's settings data uses a client-side cache
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (mValuesVersion != newValuesVersion) {
                        if (LOCAL_LOGV || false) {
                            Log.v(TAG, "invalidate [" + mUri.getLastPathSegment() + "]: current "
                                    + newValuesVersion + " != cached " + mValuesVersion);

                        mValuesVersion = newValuesVersion;

                    if (mValues.containsKey(name)) {
                        return mValues.get(name);  // Could be null, that's OK -- negative caching
            } else {
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) Log.v(TAG, "get setting for user " + userHandle
                        + " by user " + UserHandle.myUserId() + " so skipping cache");

            IContentProvider cp = lazyGetProvider(cr);

            // Try the fast path first, not using query().  If this
            // fails (alternate Settings provider that doesn't support
            // this interface?) then we fall back to the query/table
            // interface.
            if (mCallGetCommand != null) {
                try {
                    Bundle args = null;
                    if (!isSelf) {
                        args = new Bundle();
                        args.putInt(CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, userHandle);
                    Bundle b = cp.call(cr.getPackageName(), mCallGetCommand, name, args);
                    if (b != null) {
                        String value = b.getPairValue();
                        // Don't update our cache for reads of other users' data
                        if (isSelf) {
                            synchronized (this) {
                                mValues.put(name, value);
                        } else {
                            if (LOCAL_LOGV) Log.i(TAG, "call-query of user " + userHandle
                                    + " by " + UserHandle.myUserId()
                                    + " so not updating cache");
                        return value;
                    // If the response Bundle is null, we fall through
                    // to the query interface below.
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    // Not supported by the remote side?  Fall through
                    // to query().

            Cursor c = null;
            try {
                c = cp.query(cr.getPackageName(), mUri, SELECT_VALUE, NAME_EQ_PLACEHOLDER,
                             new String[]{name}, null, null);
                if (c == null) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Can't get key " + name + " from " + mUri);
                    return null;

                String value = c.moveToNext() ? c.getString(0) : null;
                synchronized (this) {
                    mValues.put(name, value);
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "cache miss [" + mUri.getLastPathSegment() + "]: " +
                            name + " = " + (value == null ? "(null)" : value));
                return value;
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Can't get key " + name + " from " + mUri, e);
                return null;  // Return null, but don't cache it.
            } finally {
                if (c != null) c.close();

3、public static final class Bookmarks implements BaseColumns{
     public static Intent getIntentForShortcut(ContentResolver cr, char shortcut)//构建shortCut的intent
            Intent intent = null;

            Cursor c = cr.query(CONTENT_URI,
                    sIntentProjection, sShortcutSelection,
                    new String[] { String.valueOf((int) shortcut) }, ORDERING);
            // Keep trying until we find a valid shortcut
            try {
                while (intent == null && c.moveToNext()) {
                    try {
                        String intentURI = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(INTENT));
                        intent = Intent.parseUri(intentURI, 0);
                    } catch (java.net.URISyntaxException e) {
                        // The stored URL is bad...  ignore it.
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        // Column not found
                        Log.w(TAG, "Intent column not found", e);
            } finally {
                if (c != null) c.close();

            return intent;

        public static Uri add(ContentResolver cr,
                                           Intent intent,
                                           String title,
                                           String folder,
                                           char shortcut,
                                           int ordering)
            // If a shortcut is supplied, and it is already defined for
            // another bookmark, then remove the old definition.
            if (shortcut != 0) {
                cr.delete(CONTENT_URI, sShortcutSelection,
                        new String[] { String.valueOf((int) shortcut) });

            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
            if (title != null) values.put(TITLE, title);
            if (folder != null) values.put(FOLDER, folder);
            values.put(INTENT, intent.toUri(0));
            if (shortcut != 0) values.put(SHORTCUT, (int) shortcut);
            values.put(ORDERING, ordering);
            return cr.insert(CONTENT_URI, values);

public static CharSequence getTitle(Context context, Cursor cursor) {//得到title
            int titleColumn = cursor.getColumnIndex(TITLE);
            int intentColumn = cursor.getColumnIndex(INTENT);
            if (titleColumn == -1 || intentColumn == -1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The cursor must contain the TITLE and INTENT columns.");

            String title = cursor.getString(titleColumn);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
                return title;

            String intentUri = cursor.getString(intentColumn);
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(intentUri)) {
                return "";

            Intent intent;
            try {
                intent = Intent.parseUri(intentUri, 0);
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                return "";

            PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
            ResolveInfo info = packageManager.resolveActivity(intent, 0);
            return info != null ? info.loadLabel(packageManager) : "";




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