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(1) 根据指定学生个数,逐个输入学生信息;

(2) 逐个显示学生表中所有学生的相关信息;

(3) 根据姓名进行查找,返回此学生的学号和成绩;

(4) 根据指定的位置可返回相应的学生信息(学号,姓名,成绩);

(5) 给定一个学生信息,插入到表中指定的位置;

(6) 删除指定位置的学生记录;

(7) 统计表中学生个数。

typedef struct {
    char no[8];   //8位学号
    char name[20]; //姓名
    int  score;     //成绩
1 typedef struct LNode{
2      Student   data;       //数据域
3      struct LNode  *next;   //指针域
4 }LNode,*LinkList; 


  1 /*
  2  * 一个简单的学生信息处理程序
  3  */
  5 #include <iostream>
  6 #include <cstdio>
  7 #include <fstream>
  8 #include <unistd.h>
  9 #include <cstdlib>
 10 #include <cstddef>
 11 #include <string>
 12 using std::cin;
 13 using std::cout;
 14 using std::endl;
 15 using std::ofstream;
 16 using std::string;
 18 struct StuData            //学生信息
 19 {
 20     string stuID;        //学生学号
 21     string stuName;        //学生姓名
 22     double stuScore;    //学生成绩
 23 };
 25 class LinkList
 26 {
 27 public:
 28     LinkList( )  { }    //构造函数,对成员变量初始化
 29     LinkList(StuData info, LinkList *previous, LinkList *next)
 30         : stuInfo(info), previousLink(previous), nextLink(next)
 31     {    }
 32     LinkList *getPreviousLink( )    //取值
 33     {
 34         return previousLink;
 35     }
 36     LinkList *getNextLink( )
 37     {
 38         return nextLink;
 39     }
 40     StuData &getData( )
 41     {
 42         return stuInfo;
 43     }
 44     void setPreviousLink(LinkList *pointer)        //赋值
 45     {
 46         previousLink = pointer;
 47     }
 48     void setNextLink(LinkList *pointer)
 49     {
 50         nextLink = pointer;
 51     }
 52 private:
 53     StuData stuInfo;        //学生信息 
 54     LinkList *previousLink;        //指向前节点 
 55     LinkList *nextLink;        //指向后节点 
 56 };
 57 typedef LinkList* linkPtr;
 59 void welcome(unsigned &choose);
 60 /* 功能:在控制台输出欢迎界面
 61  * 参数:choose的引用
 62  * 返回值:无
 63  */
 65 void headInsert(linkPtr &head, StuData &info);
 66 /*
 67  * 功能:在链表头部插入节点
 68  * 参数:head:链表头节点的引用  info:需要插入学生信息
 69  * 返回值:无
 70  */
 72 void insert(linkPtr &head, StuData &info, int order);
 73 /*
 74  * 功能:在指定的位置插入学生信息
 75  * 参数:head:链表头节点的引用   info:需要插入的学生信息   order: 插入到链表中的位置】
 76  * 返回值: 无
 77  */
 79 void add(linkPtr &head, StuData &info);
 80 /* 
 81  * 功能:(在尾部)增加学生信息
 82  * 参数:head:链表头节点的引用  info: 需要增加的学生信息
 83  * 返回值: 无
 84  */
 86 linkPtr search(linkPtr &head, string &target);
 87 /*
 88  * 功能:对于输入的ID/Name, 遍历查找各数据元素中是否存在相应的数据项
 89  * 参数:head:链表头节点的引用    target: 需要查找的ID/Name
 90  * 返回值:如果存在对应的匹配,返回其所在的节点指针,否则返回NULL
 91  */
 93 bool isContain(const linkPtr &head, const string &target);
 94 /*
 95  * 功能:判断输入的ID是否已经存在,增强健壮性
 96  * 参数:head:链表头节点的指针的引用   target:输入的学号
 97  * 返回值:若已经存在相应的学号,返回true, 否则返回false
 98  */
 99 void deleteNode(linkPtr &head, linkPtr &discard);
100 /*
101  * 功能:删除指定的数据项
102  * 参数:head:链表头节点指针的引用  discard: 需要删除的数据项的指针的引用
103  * 返回值:无
104  */
106 void print(linkPtr p, char type=o);
107 /*
108  * 功能:打印单个或所有信息
109  * 参数:p: 指向某个数据项   type: 打印类型,默认输出一个数据元素,为‘a‘时
110  *        表示输出p后所有数据项
111  */
112 void save(linkPtr &head, ofstream &allStuData);
113 /*
114  * 功能:将输入的所有数据项保存到文件中
115  * 参数:head: 链表头节点指针的引用    allStuData: 文件输出流,保存到其指向的文件
116  * 返回值:无
117  */
119 int main(void)
120 {
121     linkPtr head = NULL;
122     StuData info;
123     unsigned choose;
125     while (true)
126     {
127         fflush(stdin);
128         system("color 2F"); 
129         char ans = y;
130         welcome(choose);
131         switch (choose)
132         {
133             case 1:
134             {
135                 system("color 8F");
136                 while (ans == y)
137                 {
138                     printf("Please enter data:\n");
139                     printf("ID: ");
140                     cin >> info.stuID;
141                     printf("Name: ");
142                     getchar();
143                     getline(cin, info.stuName);
144                     printf("Score: ");
145                     cin >> info.stuScore;
146                     add(head, info);
147                     fflush(stdin);
148                     printf("Continue![y]: ");
149                     ans = getchar( );
150                     if (ans==\n)
151                     {
152                         ans = y;
153                     }
154                     system("cls");
155                 }
157                 break;
158             }
159             case 2:
160             {
161                 system("color 6F");
162                 string ID_Name;
163                 linkPtr locate;
164                 while (ans == y)
165                 {
166                     printf("Please give the stu‘s ID/Name: ");
167                     getchar();
168                     getline(cin, ID_Name);
169                     locate = search(head, ID_Name);
170                     if (locate != NULL)
171                     {
172                         putchar(\n);
173                         print(locate, o);
174                     }
175                     else
176                     {
177                         printf("\nWarning: You entered information is not exist!\n");
178                     }
179                     putchar(\n);
180                     fflush(stdin);
181                     printf("Continue![y]: ");
182                     scanf("%c", &ans);
183                     if (ans==\n)
184                     {
185                         ans = y;
186                     }
187                     system("cls");
188                 }
189                 break;
190             }
191             case 3:
192             {
193                 system("color B4");
194                 linkPtr discard;
195                 string litter;
196                 printf("Please input the ID/Name of the student you want to delete: ");
197                 fflush(stdin);
198                 getline(cin, litter);
199                 discard = search(head, litter);
200                 if (discard != NULL)
201                 {
202                     deleteNode(head, discard);
203                     printf("\aDelete succeed!\n");
204                 }
205                 getchar( );
206                 system("cls");
208                 break;
209             }
210             case 4:
211             {
212                 system("color DF");
213                 print(head, a);
214                 system("cls");
215                 break;
216             }
217             case 5:
218             {
219                 ofstream allStuData;
220                 allStuData.open("stuInformation.dat");
221                 save(head, allStuData);
222                 allStuData.close();
223                 system("cls");
224                 break;
225             }
226             case 6:
227             {
228                 printf("\a\n\n\t\tBye Bye!\n");
229                 sleep(1);
230                 system("color 0F");
231                 exit(0);
232                 break;
233             }
235             default :
236             {
237                 printf("\a\n\tSorry! I haven‘t been creat this operation!\n");
238                 sleep(2);
239                 system("cls");
240                 break;
241             }
242         }
243     }
245     return 0;
246 }
249 void welcome(unsigned &choose)
250 {
251     printf("\n\n\n\n\n                       WELCOME\n");
252     string reticule  = "-------------------------------------------------------\n";
253     string prompt1   = "--                 1.增加或建立学生信息\n";
254     string prompt2   = "--                 2.根据姓名或学号找人\n";
255     string prompt3   = "--                 3.删除不必要学生信息\n";
256     string prompt4   = "--                 4.显示所有的学生信息\n";
257     string prompt5     = "--                 5.保存\n";
258     string prompt6   = "--                 6.退出\n\n";
259     unsigned sleepTime = 900;
261     cout << reticule << endl;
262     for (unsigned i=0; i<prompt1.length(); i++)
263     {
264         usleep(sleepTime);
265         putchar(prompt1[i]);
266         fflush(stdout);
267     }
268     for (unsigned i=0; i<prompt2.length(); i++)
269     {
270         usleep(sleepTime);
271         putchar(prompt2[i]);
272         fflush(stdout);
273     }
274     for (unsigned i=0; i<prompt3.length(); i++)
275     {
276         usleep(sleepTime);
277         putchar(prompt3[i]);
278         fflush(stdout);
279     }
280     for (unsigned i=0; i<prompt4.length(); i++)
281     {
282         usleep(sleepTime);
283         putchar(prompt4[i]);
284         fflush(stdout);
285     }
286     for (unsigned i=0; i<prompt5.length(); i++)
287     {
288         usleep(sleepTime);
289         putchar(prompt5[i]);
290         fflush(stdout);
291     }
292     for (unsigned i=0; i<prompt6.length(); i++)
293     {
294         usleep(sleepTime);
295         putchar(prompt6[i]);
296         fflush(stdout);
297     }
298     cout << reticule << endl;
299     printf("你想进行什么操作: ");
300     scanf("%u", &choose);
301     system("cls");
302 }
304 void headInsert(linkPtr &head, StuData &info)
305 {
306     linkPtr newHead = new LinkList(info, NULL, head);
307     newHead->setPreviousLink(newHead);
308     head = newHead;
309 }
311 void insert(linkPtr &head, StuData &info, int order)
312 {
313     linkPtr p = head;
314     for (int i=0; i<order; i++)
315     {
316         p = p->getNextLink( );
317     }
318     linkPtr next = p->getNextLink( );
319     p->setNextLink(new LinkList(info, p, p->getNextLink( )));
320     p = p->getNextLink( );
321     next->setPreviousLink(p);
322 }
324 void add(linkPtr &head, StuData &info)
325 {
326     static unsigned int count = 0;
327     if (isContain(head, info.stuID))
328     {
329         printf("\a\n\n\t\t!!!Warning: This stu‘s ID have already exist!!!‘\n");
330         return;
331     }
332     else
333     {
334         if (head == NULL)
335         {
336             head = new LinkList(info, NULL, NULL);
337         }
338         else
339         {
340             static linkPtr point = head;
341             while (point->getNextLink() != NULL)
342             {
343                 point = point->getNextLink( );
344             }
345             point->setNextLink(new LinkList(info, point, NULL));
346             point = point->getNextLink( );
347         }
348         count++;
349         printf("\nAdd succeed!\t\t\tstu‘s num %u\n", count);
350     }
352 }
354 linkPtr search(linkPtr &head, string &target)
355 {
356     linkPtr here = head;
357     if (here == NULL)
358     {
359         printf("\a\n\t\t!!! Warning: NO data exist !!!\n\n");
360         return NULL;
361     }
362     else
363     {
364         while (here != NULL)
365         {
366             StuData ans = here->getData( );
367             if (ans.stuID == target || ans.stuName == target)
368             {
369                 return here;
370             }
371             here = here->getNextLink( );
372         }
373         return NULL;
374     }
375 }
377 bool isContain(const linkPtr &head, const string &target)
378 {
379     linkPtr here = head;
380     while (here != NULL)
381     {
382         StuData ans = here->getData( );
383         if (ans.stuID == target || ans.stuName == target)
384         {
385             return true;
386         }
387         else
388         {
389             here = here->getNextLink( );
390         }
391     }
392     return false;
393 }
395 void deleteNode(linkPtr &head, linkPtr &discard)
396 {
397     if (head == discard)
398     {
399         head = head->getNextLink( );
400         if (head != NULL)
401         {
402             head->setPreviousLink(NULL);
403         }
405     }
406     else
407     {
408         linkPtr prev = discard->getPreviousLink( );
409         linkPtr next = discard->getNextLink( );
410         prev->setNextLink(next);
411         if (next != NULL)
412         {
413             next->setPreviousLink(prev);
414         }
415     }
417     delete discard;
418 }
420 void print(linkPtr p, char type)
421 {
422     switch (type)
423     {
424         case o:
425         {
426             StuData ans = p->getData( );
427             cout << "-  ";
428             cout << ans.stuID;
429             cout << "\t\t";
430             cout << ans.stuName;
431             cout << "\t\t";
432             cout << ans.stuScore;
433             cout << endl;
434             break;
435         }
436         case a:
437         {
438             linkPtr point = p;
439             printf("All of the students are:\n");
440             printf("      ID                 Name                   Score\n");
441             printf("    -------------------------------------------------\n");
442             if (p == NULL)
443             {
444                 printf("\n\tError: No data exist!\n");
445             }
446             else
447             {
448                 unsigned count=0;
449                 while (point != NULL)
450                 {
451                     printf("%3d- ", ++count);
452                     StuData ans = point->getData( );
453                     cout << ans.stuID;
454                     cout << "\t\t";
455                     cout << ans.stuName;
456                     cout << "\t\t\t";
457                     cout << ans.stuScore;
458                     cout << endl;
459                     point = point->getNextLink( );
460                 }
461             }
462             printf("\n    -------------------------------------------------\n");
463             getchar();
464             getchar();
465             break;
466         }
467     }    
468 }
470 void save(linkPtr &head, ofstream &allStuData)
471 {
472     linkPtr point = head;
473     allStuData << "All of the students are:\n";
474     allStuData << "      ID                  Name               Score\n";
475     allStuData << "    ----------------------------------------------\n";
476     if (point == NULL)
477     {
478         allStuData << "\n\tError: No data exist!\n";
479     }
480     else
481     {
482         int count=0;
483         while (point != NULL)
484         {
485             StuData ans = point->getData( );
486             allStuData << "";
487             allStuData << (++count) << " - ";
488             allStuData << ans.stuID;
489             allStuData << "\t\t";
490             allStuData << ans.stuName;
491             allStuData << "\t\t";
492             allStuData << ans.stuScore;
493             allStuData << endl;
494             point = point->getNextLink( );
495         }
496     }
497     allStuData << "\a\n    ---------------------------------------------\n";
498     printf("\a\n\n\t\tSaving successfully!\n");
499     sleep(1);
500 }




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