Censys跟国外的Shodan和国内的ZoomEye类似,可以搜索世界范围内的联网设备。Shodan和ZoomEye是个人用的比较多的两款,当然国内还有傻蛋和fofa, 国外也有其他类似的搜索引擎,这里就不一一列举了。
先来膜拜一下发表在信息安全顶会CCS‘15 : A Search Engine Backed by Internet-Wide Scanning 。
当然在使用之前也是需要注册一个账号的,因为在使用API时需要提供API Credentials即你的ID和Secret,可以在个人信息中看到。
Search 的Data Parameters 主要有四个,分别是
Example: { "query":"80.http.get.headers.server: Apache", "page":1, "fields":["ip", "location.country", "autonomous_system.asn"], "flatten":true }
一般来说我们在查询的时候,会加上一定的限制条件,比如天朝的某些设备,如:"query": "weblogic and location.country_code: CN"。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys import json import requests import time API_URL = "https://www.censys.io/api/v1" UID = "aa7c1f3a-b6ab-497d-9788-5e9e4898a655" SECRET = "agcyou4JbRZpSadoH6i4D28VaB4XB2e4" page = 1 PAGES = 1 def getIp(query, page): ‘‘‘ Return ips and total amount when doing query ‘‘‘ iplist = [] data = { "query": query, "page": page, "fields": ["ip", "protocols", "location.country"] } try: res = requests.post(API_URL + "/search/ipv4", data=json.dumps(data), auth=(UID, SECRET)) except: pass try: results = res.json() except: pass if res.status_code != 200: print("error occurred: %s" % results["error"]) sys.exit(1) # total query result iplist.append("Total_count:%s" % (results["metadata"]["count"])) # add result in some specific form for result in results["results"]: for i in result["protocols"]: # iplist.append(result["ip"] + ‘:‘ + i + ‘ in ‘ + result["location.country"][0]) iplist.append(result["ip"] + ‘:‘ + i) # return ips and total count return iplist, results["metadata"]["count"] if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: query = input(‘please input query string : ‘) ips, num = getIp(query=query, page=page) print("Total_count:%s" % num) dst = input(‘please input file name to save data (censys.txt default) : ‘) # 保存数据到文件 if dst: dst = dst + ‘.txt‘ else: dst = ‘censys.txt‘ # get result and save to file page by page with open(dst, ‘a‘) as f: while page <= PAGES: print(‘page :‘ + str(page)) iplist, num = (getIp(query=query, page=page)) page += 1 print(iplist, ‘\nlen = ‘, len(iplist)) for i in iplist: f.write(i + ‘\n‘) time.sleep(3) print(‘Finished. data saved to file‘, dst)
好像结果不是很准确 ~ 哈哈 ~ 另外,个人可以对返回iplist做相应的改变以方便自己使用 ~