1952年, David A. Huffman提出了一个不同的算法,这个算法能够为不论什么的可能性提供出一个理想的树。香农-范诺编码(Shanno-Fano)是从树的根节点到叶子节点所进行的的编码,哈夫曼编码算法却是从相反的方向,暨从叶子节点到根节点的方向编码的。
符号 | A | B | C | D | E |
计数 | 15 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 5 |
概率 | 0.38461538 | 0.17948718 | 0.15384615 | 0.15384615 | 0.12820513 |
字符 | A | B | C | D | E |
代码 | 0 | 100 | 101 | 110 | 111 |
1: begin
2: count frequencies of single characters (source units)
3: output(frequencies using Fibonacci Codes of degree 2)
4: sort them to non-decreasing sequence
5: create a leaf node (character, frequency c, left son = NULL, right son = NULL)
6: of the tree for each character and put nodes into queue F
7: while (|F|>=2) do
8: begin
9: pop the first two nodes (u1, u2) with the lowest
10: frequencies from sorted queue
11: create a node evaluated with sum of the chosen units,
12: successors are chosen units (eps, c(u1)+c(u2), u1, u2)
13: insert new node into queue
14: end
15: node evaluate with way from root to leaf node (left son 1, right son 0)
16: create output from coded intput characters
17: end
/************************************************************************/ /* File Name: Huffman.cpp * @Function: Lossless Compression @Author: Sophia Zhang @Create Time: 2012-9-26 10:40 @Last Modify: 2012-9-26 11:10 */ /************************************************************************/ #include"iostream" #include "queue" #include "map" #include "string" #include "iterator" #include "vector" #include "algorithm" using namespace std; #define NChar 8 //suppose use at most 8 bits to describe all symbols #define Nsymbols 1<<NChar //can describe 256 symbols totally (include a-z, A-Z) typedef vector<bool> Huff_code;//8 bit code of one char map<char,Huff_code> Huff_Dic; //huffman coding dictionary class HTree { public : HTree* left; HTree* right; char ch; int weight; HTree(){left = right = NULL; weight=0;} HTree(HTree* l,HTree* r,int w,char c){left = l; right = r; weight=w; ch=c;} ~HTree(){delete left; delete right;} int Getweight(){return weight?weight:left->weight+right->weight;} bool Isleaf(){return !left && !right; } bool operator < (const HTree tr) const { return tr.weight < weight; } }; HTree* BuildTree(int *frequency) { priority_queue<HTree*> QTree; //1st level add characters for (int i=0;i<Nsymbols;i++) { if(frequency[i]) QTree.push(new HTree(NULL,NULL,frequency[i],(char)i)); } //build while (QTree.size()>1) { HTree* lc =; QTree.pop(); HTree* rc =; QTree.pop(); HTree* parent = new HTree(lc,rc,parent->Getweight(),(char)256); QTree.push(parent); } //return tree root return; } void Huffman_Coding(HTree* root, Huff_code& curcode) { if(root->Isleaf()) { Huff_Dic[root->ch] = curcode; return; } Huff_code& lcode = curcode; Huff_code& rcode = curcode; lcode.push_back(false); rcode.push_back(true); Huffman_Coding(root->left,lcode); Huffman_Coding(root->right,rcode); } int main() { int freq[Nsymbols] = {0}; char *str = "this is the string need to be compressed"; //statistic character frequency while (*str!=‘\0‘) freq[*str++]++; //build tree HTree* r = BuildTree(freq); Huff_code nullcode; nullcode.clear(); Huffman_Coding(r,nullcode); for(map<char,Huff_code>::iterator it = Huff_Dic.begin(); it != Huff_Dic.end(); it++) { cout<<(*it).first<<‘\t‘; Huff_code vec_code = (*it).second; for (vector<bool>::iterator vit = vec_code.begin(); vit!=vec_code.end();vit++) { cout<<(*vit)<<endl; } } }
那我们将friend bool operator >(Node node1,Node node2)改动为friend bool operator >(Node* node1,Node* node2),也就是传递的是Node的指针行不行呢?
答案是不能够,由于依据c++primer中重载操作符中讲的“程序猿仅仅能为类类型或枚举类型的操作数定义重载操作符,在把操作符声明为类的成员时,至少有一个类或枚举类型的參数依照值或者引用的方式传递”,也就是说friend bool operator >(Node* node1,Node* node2)形參中都是指针类型的是不能够的。我们仅仅能再建一个类,用当中的重载()操作符作为优先队列的比較函数。
/************************************************************************/ /* File Name: Huffman.cpp * @Function: Lossless Compression @Author: Sophia Zhang @Create Time: 2012-9-26 10:40 @Last Modify: 2012-9-26 12:10 */ /************************************************************************/ #include"iostream" #include "queue" #include "map" #include "string" #include "iterator" #include "vector" #include "algorithm" using namespace std; #define NChar 8 //suppose use 8 bits to describe all symbols #define Nsymbols 1<<NChar //can describe 256 symbols totally (include a-z, A-Z) typedef vector<bool> Huff_code;//8 bit code of one char map<char,Huff_code> Huff_Dic; //huffman coding dictionary /************************************************************************/ /* Tree Class elements: *2 child trees *character and frequency of current node */ /************************************************************************/ class HTree { public : HTree* left; HTree* right; char ch; int weight; HTree(){left = right = NULL; weight=0;ch =‘\0‘;} HTree(HTree* l,HTree* r,int w,char c){left = l; right = r; weight=w; ch=c;} ~HTree(){delete left; delete right;} bool Isleaf(){return !left && !right; } }; /************************************************************************/ /* prepare for pointer sorting*/ /*because we cannot use overloading in class HTree directly*/ /************************************************************************/ class Compare_tree { public: bool operator () (HTree* t1, HTree* t2) { return t1->weight> t2->weight; } }; /************************************************************************/ /* use priority queue to build huffman tree*/ /************************************************************************/ HTree* BuildTree(int *frequency) { priority_queue<HTree*,vector<HTree*>,Compare_tree> QTree; //1st level add characters for (int i=0;i<Nsymbols;i++) { if(frequency[i]) QTree.push(new HTree(NULL,NULL,frequency[i],(char)i)); } //build while (QTree.size()>1) { HTree* lc =; QTree.pop(); HTree* rc =; QTree.pop(); HTree* parent = new HTree(lc,rc,lc->weight+rc->weight,(char)256); QTree.push(parent); } //return tree root return; } /************************************************************************/ /* Give Huffman Coding to the Huffman Tree*/ /************************************************************************/ void Huffman_Coding(HTree* root, Huff_code& curcode) { if(root->Isleaf()) { Huff_Dic[root->ch] = curcode; return; } Huff_code lcode = curcode; Huff_code rcode = curcode; lcode.push_back(false); rcode.push_back(true); Huffman_Coding(root->left,lcode); Huffman_Coding(root->right,rcode); } int main() { int freq[Nsymbols] = {0}; char *str = "this is the string need to be compressed"; //statistic character frequency while (*str!=‘\0‘) freq[*str++]++; //build tree HTree* r = BuildTree(freq); Huff_code nullcode; nullcode.clear(); Huffman_Coding(r,nullcode); for(map<char,Huff_code>::iterator it = Huff_Dic.begin(); it != Huff_Dic.end(); it++) { cout<<(*it).first<<‘\t‘; std::copy(it->second.begin(),it->second.end(),std::ostream_iterator<bool>(cout)); cout<<endl; } }