# include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> int stack[100]={}; int top=-1; int size=100; int main() { void push(int a[],int); int pop(int a[]); int isempty(int a[]); push(stack,1); push(stack,2); push(stack,3); printf("%d\n",isempty(stack)); printf("%d\n",pop(stack)); printf("%d\n",pop(stack)); system("pause"); return 0; } void push(int a[],int x) { if(top>=size) printf("out of range"); else top++; stack[top]=x; } int pop(int a[]) { if (top==-1){ printf("stack is empty"); exit(-1); } return a[top--]; } int isempty(int a[]) { return top==-1; }
# include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> struct node { int num; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node *link; int main() { link stack=NULL; link push(link,int); int pop(link); int isempty(link); link s=push(stack,1); s=push(s,2); s=push(s,3); printf("%d\n",pop(s)); printf("%d\n",isempty(s)); system("pause"); return 0; } link push(link stack,int x) { link newele=(link)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(!newele) exit(-1); newele->next=stack; newele->num=x; stack=newele; return stack; } int pop(link stack) { if(!stack) return -1; int t; link temp=stack; stack=stack->next; t=temp->num; free(temp); return t; } int isempty(link stack) { return stack==NULL; }
# include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> int stack[100]={}; int top=-1; int size=100; int main() { int t; void push(int a[],int); int pop(int a[]); int isempty(int a[]); printf("input the decimal number\n"); scanf("%d",&t); if(t>0){ while(t) { push(stack,t%8); t=t/8; } while(!isempty(stack)) { printf("%d",pop(stack)); } } else { t=-t; while(t) { push(stack,t%8); t=t/8; } printf("-"); while(!isempty(stack)) { printf("%d",pop(stack)); } } printf("\n"); system("pause"); return 0; } void push(int a[],int x) { if(top>=size) printf("out of range"); else top++; stack[top]=x; } int pop(int a[]) { if (top==-1){ printf("stack is empty"); exit(-1); } return a[top--]; } int isempty(int a[]) { return top==-1; }