rpm工具原本是Red Hat Linux发行版专门用来管理Linux各项套件的程序,由于它遵循GPL规则且功能强大方便,因而广受欢迎,逐渐受到其他发行版的采用。
An RPM is delivered in a single file, normally in the format:
such as:libgnomeuimm-2.0-2.0.0-3.i386.rpm
where <name> is libgnomeuimm, <version> is 2.0, <release> is 2.0.0-3, and <architecture> is i386.
Source code may also be distributed in RPM packages in which case the <architecture> part is specified as src as in, libgnomeuimm-2.0-2.0.0-3.src.rpm
RPMs with the noarch.rpm extension refer to packages which do not depend on a certain computer‘s architecture. These include graphics and text for another program to use, and programs written in interpreted programming languages such as Python programs and shell scripts.
The RPM contents also include a package label, which contains the following pieces of information:
software name
software version (the version taken from original upstream source of the software)
package release (the number of times the package has been rebuilt using the same version of the software). This field is also often used for indicating the specific distribution the package is intended for by appending strings like "mdv" (formerly, "mdk") (Mandriva Linux), "mga" (Mageia), "fc4" (Fedora Core 4), "rhl9" (Red Hat Linux 9), "suse100" (SUSE Linux 10.0) etc.
architecture for which the package was built (i386, i686, x86_64, ppc, etc.)
The package label fields do not need to match the filename.