#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <vector> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <queue> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define _LL __int64 #define eps 1e-8 #define PI acos(-1.0) using namespace std; const int maxn = 310; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { double x,y,vx,vy; }p[maxn],tp[maxn]; int n; double mindis,time; double dis(node a, node b) { return sqrt((a.x - b.x)*(a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y)*(a.y - b.y)); } double cal(double t) { for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { tp[i].x = p[i].x + t * p[i].vx; tp[i].y = p[i].y + t * p[i].vy; } double Max = -1.0; for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) { for(int j = i+1; j <= n; j++) { double ans = dis(tp[i], tp[j]); if(Max < ans) Max = ans; } } return Max; } void solve() { double low = 0, high = INF, mid,midmid; while(high - low > eps) { mid = (high + low)/2; midmid = (mid + high)/2; double ans1 = cal(mid); double ans2 = cal(midmid); if(ans1 > ans2) low = mid; else high = midmid; } time = low; mindis = cal(low); } int main() { int test; scanf("%d",&test); for(int item = 1; item <= test; item++) { scanf("%d",&n); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",&p[i].x, &p[i].y, &p[i].vx,&p[i].vy); solve(); printf("Case #%d: %.2lf %.2lf\n",item,time,mindis); } return 0; }
hdu 4717 The Moving Points(三分),布布扣,
hdu 4717 The Moving Points(三分)