Class Implementation
Let‘s create an implementation, starting with the getters:
#import "Photo.h"
@implementation Photo
- (NSString*) caption {
return caption;
- (NSString*) photographer {
return photographer;
This part of the code starts with @implementation and the class name, and has @end, just like the interface. All methods must appear between these two statements.
跟类接口一样,这段代码都有@end结束,不同的是以 @implementation加上类名开始。所有的方法必须出现在这两句中间。
The getters should look very familiar if you‘ve ever written code, so let‘s move on to the setters, which need a bit more explanation:
- (void) setCaption: (NSString*)input
[caption autorelease];
caption = [input retain];
- (void) setPhotographer: (NSString*)input
[photographer autorelease];
photographer = [input retain];
Each setter deals with two variables. The first is a reference to the existing object, and the second is the new input object. In a garbage collected environment, we could just set the new value directly:
- (void) setCaption: (NSString*)input {
caption = input;
But if you can‘t use garbage collection, you need to release the old object, and retain the
new one.
There are actually two ways to free a reference to an object: release and autorelease. The standard release will remove the reference immediately. The autorelease method will release it sometime
soon, but it will definitely stay around until the end of the current function (unless you add custom code to specifically change this).
实际上有两种方式释放对一个对象的引用:release 和 autorelease。前者是标准的释放,立即移除引用。后者自动释放autorelease则会在不远的将来尽快释放掉,最久也会在方法结束之前释放掉,除非你做了特别处理。
The autorelease method is safer inside a setter because the variables for the new and old values could point to the same object. You wouldn‘t want to immediately release an object which you‘re about to retain.
This may seem confusing right now, but it will make more sense as you progress. You don‘t need to understand it all yet.
We can create an init method to set inital values for our instance variables:
- (id) init
if ( self = [super init] )
[self setCaption:@"Default Caption"];
[self setPhotographer:@"Default Photographer"];
return self;
This is fairly self-explanatory, though the second line may look a bit unusual. This is a single equals sign, which assigns the result of [super init] to self.
这是完全不言自明的,尽管第二行可能看起来有点不同寻常。这是一个单等号,把 [super init] 的结果赋值给self。
This essentially just asks the superclass to do its own initialization. The if statement is verifying that the initialization was successful before trying to set default values.
The dealloc method is called on an object when it is being removed from memory. This is usually the best time to release references to all of your child instance variables:
- (void) dealloc
[caption release];
[photographer release];
[super dealloc];
On the first two lines, we just send release to each of the instance variables. We don‘t need to use autorelease here, and the standard release is a bit faster.
The last line is very important. We have to send the message [super dealloc] to ask the superclass to do its cleanup. If we don‘t do this, the object will not be removed, which is a memory leak.
最后一行很重要。我们需要给父类发送[super dealloc] 消息让它自我释放。如果没有这么做,对象不会被移除,从而导致内存泄露。
The dealloc method is not called on objects if garbage collection is enabled. Instead, you implement the finalize method.