CSDN下载RedisWatcher,运行InstallWatcher.msi,默认安装在C:\Program Files (x86)\RedisWatcher,修改watcher.conf
1 # required exepath and exename are combined to form full path 2 exepath D:\Demos\redisdev\redis 3 exename redis-server.exe 4 5 # optional fastfailMS is milliseconds after which failure is not failure to start (default 1000) 6 #fastfailMS 1000 7 8 # optional fastfailretries is number of times to retry if failure before fastfailMS (default 0) 9 #fastfailretries 0 10 11 # for each instance to run, put properties between ‘{‘ and ‘}‘ lines 12 # required workingdir is working directory for process - must be unique 13 # optional runmode may be ‘console‘ or ‘hidden‘ 14 # optional cmdparms is command line after exename (ex: cmdparms redis.conf) 15 # optional saveout is ‘1‘ or ‘0‘. To save stdout to file use ‘1‘. 16 { 17 workingdir D:\Demos\redisdev\redis 18 runmode hidden 19 saveout 1 20 cmdparms D:\Demos\redisdev\redis\redis.conf 21 } 22 #{ 23 # workingdir c:\redis\inst2 24 #runmode hidden 25 #saveout 1 26 #cmdparms redis.conf 27 #}
在Windows Service上安装运行Redis,布布扣,bubuko.com