According to Bartjens |
The wide dissemination of calculators and computers has itsdisadvantages. Even students in technical disciplinestend to exhibit a surprising lack of calculating ability. Accustomed tothe use of calculators and computers, many ofthem are unable to make calculations like 7 * 8 mentally or like 13 *17 using pencil and paper. We all know, butwho cares?
Professor Bartjens cares. Professor Bartjens is a bit old fashioned.Hedecided to give his students some training incalculating without electronic equipment by creating a collection ofcalculation problems, (like 2100 - 100 = ...). Tosimplify grading the problems, he constructed them so that almost allof them had 2000 as an answer. Not all ofthem, of course. His students would be smart enough to recognize thepattern, and fill in 2000 everywhere withoutfurther thinking.
Unfortunately Professor Bartjens’ printer driver turned out to be evenmore old-fashioned than the professor himself,and it could not interface with his new printer. Inspecting the printedproblems, he soon recognized the pattern: noneof the operations was
transmitted to the printer. A problem like:
was printed as:
Fortunately, all the digits and the equal sign were still printed.
To make this bad situation much worse, Professor Bartjens’ source filehad disappeared. So Professor Bartjens hasanother problem: what were his original problems? Given the fact thatthe answer (most likely) should be 2000, theline 2100100= could have been
any one of the lines:
2100-100= 2*100*10+0= 2*100*10-0= 2*10*0100= 2*-100*-10+0=
Professor Bartjens does remember a few things about how he wrote theproblems:
The input consists of one or more test cases. Each test case is asingle line containing n digits (‘0‘–‘9‘), 1 ≤n ≤9,followed by an equal sign. There will not be any blanks embedded in theinput, but there may be some after theequal sign.
The last test case is followed by a line containing only the equalsign. This line should not be processed.
For each test case, print the word Problem, then the number of thecase, then all possible ways of insertingoperators in the row of digits such that the resulting expression hasthe value 2000, subject to Professor Bartjens’memory of how he wrote the problems. Use the format shown below. Ifthere is more than one possible problem,write the problems in lexicographic order. Each possible problemshould be on a new line, indented 2 spaces. If there is no solution theanswer IMPOSSIBLE should be printed,indented 2 spaces.
Sample Input | Output for the Sample Input |
2100100= 77= = |
Problem 1 2*100*10+0= 2*100*10-0= 2100-100= Problem 2 IMPOSSIBLE |
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <stack> #include <set> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 200; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; typedef long long ll; string str; ll res[MAXN]; int N, M, op[MAXN]; set<string> f; ll tran(int st, int ed) { if (str[st] == '0' && ed-st > 0) return -1; ll x = 0; for (int i = st; i <= ed; i++) x = x*10 + str[i]-'0'; return x; } void cal() { int m = N-1; int len = str.length()+N-2; string p(len+1, '*'); p[len--] = '='; for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) { ll x = res[i]; if (x == 0) p[len--] = '0'; while (x) { p[len--] = x%10+'0'; x /= 10; } if (i) { if (op[m-1] == 0) { p[len--] = '+'; m--; } else if (op[m-1] == 1) { p[len--] = '-'; m--; } else { p[len--] = '*'; m--; } } } f.insert(p); } void findExpression(int cur, stack<ll> s) { if (cur == N-1) { ll ans = 0; while (!s.empty()) { ans +=; s.pop(); } if (N > 1 && ans == 2000) cal(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { op[cur] = i; if (i == 0) { s.push(res[cur+1]); findExpression(cur+1, s); s.pop(); } else if (i == 1) { s.push(-res[cur+1]); findExpression(cur+1, s); s.pop(); } else { ll x = res[cur+1]*; s.pop(); s.push(x); findExpression(cur+1, s); } } } void solve(int cur, int n) { if (cur == str.length()-1) { N = n; stack<ll> s; s.push(res[0]); findExpression(0, s); return; } for (int i = cur; i < str.length()-1; i++) { ll x = tran(cur, i); if (x != -1) { res[n] = x; solve(i+1, n+1); } } } int main() { int cas = 1; while (cin>>str) { f.clear(); if (str.length() == 1 && str[0] == '=') break; printf("Problem %d\n", cas++); solve(0, 0); if (f.size() == 0) printf(" IMPOSSIBLE\n"); else { for (set<string>::iterator it = f.begin(); it != f.end(); it++) cout << " " << *it << endl; } } return 0; }
UVA - 817 According to Bartjens,布布扣,
UVA - 817 According to Bartjens