If you don‘t use jupyter, you may have to edit your source codes on your pc and upload them to your server.
1.install ipython
sudo apt -y install ipython ipython-notebook
python -m pip install jupyter
3.start a new screen session
screen -U -S jupyter
4.run jupyter and make it visible to all machines on your LAN, simply instruct it to listen on all interfaces:
jupyter notebook --ip=‘*‘
5.then it will ask you to copy an address to your pc browser
6.replace the localhost with the server ip and we can see
Enabling the password looks unnecessary. So I didn‘t do that.
Next time you log in, you can just visit
which requires the token.
Use ssh to connect to your server and run
jupyter notebook list
It will display the token
How to edit codes on the server which runs jupyter notebook using your pc's bwroser