1.Default Parameters(默认参数) in ES6
1 var link = function (height, color, url) { 2 var height = height || 50; 3 var color = color || ‘red‘; 4 var url = url || ‘http://azat.co‘; 5 ... 6 }
var link = function(height = 50, color = ‘red‘, url = ‘http://azat.co‘) { ... }
2.Template Literals(模板对象) in ES6
es6之前定义模版字符串要这样写,其中first和last 是变量
1 var name = ‘Your name is ‘ + first + ‘ ‘ + last + ‘.‘; 2 var url = ‘http://localhost:3000/api/messages/‘ + id;
es6中使用新的语法${ },就简单多啦,注意es6中的模版字符串用得是反引号``
var name = `Your name is ${first} ${last}. `; var url = `http://localhost:3000/api/messages/${id}`;
3.Multi-line Strings (多行字符串)in ES6
1 var roadPoem = ‘Then took the other, as just as fair,nt‘ 2 + ‘And having perhaps the better claimnt‘ 3 + ‘Because it was grassy and wanted wear,nt‘ 4 + ‘Though as for that the passing therent‘ 5 + ‘Had worn them really about the same,nt‘; 6 var fourAgreements = ‘You have the right to be you.n 7 You can only be you when you do your best.‘;
1 var roadPoem = `Then took the other, as just as fair, 2 And having perhaps the better claim 3 Because it was grassy and wanted wear, 4 Though as for that the passing there 5 Had worn them really about the same,`; 6 var fourAgreements = `You have the right to be you. 7 You can only be you when you do your best.`;
4.Destructuring Assignment (解构赋值)in ES6
1 var data = $(‘body‘).data(), // data has properties house and mouse 2 house = data.house, 3 mouse = data.mouse;
1 var jsonMiddleware = require(‘body-parser‘).jsonMiddleware ; 2 var body = req.body, // body has username and password 3 username = body.username, 4 password = body.password;
1 var { house, mouse} = $(‘body‘).data(); // we‘ll get house and mouse variables 2 var {jsonMiddleware} = require(‘body-parser‘); 3 var {username, password} = req.body;
1 var [col1, col2] = $(‘.column‘), 2 [line1, line2, line3, , line5] = file.split(‘n‘);
5.Enhanced Object Literals (增强的对象字面量)in ES6
1 var serviceBase = {port: 3000, url: ‘azat.co‘}, 2 getAccounts = function(){return [1,2,3]}; 3 var accountServiceES5 = { 4 port: serviceBase.port, 5 url: serviceBase.url, 6 getAccounts: getAccounts, 7 toString: function() { 8 return JSON.stringify(this.valueOf()); 9 }, 10 getUrl: function() {return "http://" + this.url + ‘:‘ + this.port}, 11 valueOf_1_2_3: getAccounts() 12 }
1 var accountServiceES5ObjectCreate = Object.create(serviceBase) 2 var accountServiceES5ObjectCreate = { 3 getAccounts: getAccounts, 4 toString: function() { 5 return JSON.stringify(this.valueOf()); 6 }, 7 getUrl: function() {return "http://" + this.url + ‘:‘ + this.port}, 8 valueOf_1_2_3: getAccounts() 9 }
在ES6的对象文本中,既可以直接分配getAccounts: getAccounts,也可以只需用一个getAccounts,此外,我们在这里通过__proto__(并不是通过’proto’)设置属性,如下所示:
1 var serviceBase = {port: 3000, url: ‘azat.co‘}, 2 getAccounts = function(){return [1,2,3]}; 3 var accountService = { 4 __proto__: serviceBase, 5 getAccounts, 6 toString() { 7 return JSON.stringify((super.valueOf())); 8 }, 9 getUrl() {return "http://" + this.url + ‘:‘ + this.port}, 10 [ ‘valueOf_‘ + getAccounts().join(‘_‘) ]: getAccounts() 11 }; 12 console.log(accountService)
6.Arrow Functions in(箭头函数) ES6、
在ES6中,有了丰富的箭头函数。这些丰富的箭头是令人惊讶的因为它们将使许多操作变成现实,比如,以前我们使用闭包,this总是预期之外地产生改变,而箭头函数的迷人之处在于,现在你的this可以按照你的预期使用了,身处箭头函数里面,this还是原来的this。有了箭头函数在ES6中, 我们就不必用that = this或 self = this 或 _this = this 或.bind(this)。例如,下面的代码用ES5就不是很优雅:
1 var _this = this; 2 $(‘.btn‘).click(function(event){ 3 _this.sendData(); 4 })
在ES6中就不需要用 _this = this:
1 $(‘.btn‘).click((event) =>{ 2 this.sendData(); 3 })
一个另外的例子,我们通过call传递文本给logUpperCase() 函数在ES5中:
1 var logUpperCase = function() { 2 var _this = this; 3 4 this.string = this.string.toUpperCase(); 5 return function () { 6 return console.log(_this.string); 7 } 8 } 9 10 logUpperCase.call({ string: ‘ES6 rocks‘ })();
1 var logUpperCase = function() { 2 this.string = this.string.toUpperCase(); 3 return () => console.log(this.string); 4 } 5 logUpperCase.call({ string: ‘ES6 rocks‘ })();
1 var ids = [‘5632953c4e345e145fdf2df8‘,‘563295464e345e145fdf2df9‘]; 2 var messages = ids.map(function (value) { 3 return "ID is " + value; // explicit return 4 });
1 var ids = [‘5632953c4e345e145fdf2df8‘,‘563295464e345e145fdf2df9‘]; 2 var messages = ids.map(value => `ID is ${value}`); // implicit return
1 var ids = [‘5632953c4e345e145fdf2df8‘, ‘563295464e345e145fdf2df9‘]; 2 var messages = ids.map(function (value, index, list) { 3 return ‘ID of ‘ + index + ‘ element is ‘ + value + ‘ ‘; // explicit return 4 });
1 var ids = [‘5632953c4e345e145fdf2df8‘,‘563295464e345e145fdf2df9‘]; 2 var messages = ids.map((value, index, list) => `ID of ${index} element is ${value} `); // implicit return
Promises 是一个有争议的话题。因此有许多略微不同的promise 实现语法。Q,bluebird,deferred.js,vow, avow, jquery 一些可以列出名字的。也有人说我们不需要promises,仅仅使用异步,生成器,回调等就够了。但令人高兴的是,在ES6中有标准的Promise实现。
1 setTimeout(function(){ 2 console.log(‘Yay!‘); 3 }, 1000);
1 var wait1000 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { 2 setTimeout(resolve, 1000); 3 }).then(function() { 4 console.log(‘Yay!‘); 5 });
1 var wait1000 = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> { 2 setTimeout(resolve, 1000); 3 }).then(()=> { 4 console.log(‘Yay!‘); 5 });
1 setTimeout(function(){ 2 console.log(‘Yay!‘); 3 setTimeout(function(){ 4 console.log(‘Wheeyee!‘); 5 }, 1000) 6 }, 1000);
1 var wait1000 = ()=> new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {setTimeout(resolve, 1000)}); 2 wait1000() 3 .then(function() { 4 console.log(‘Yay!‘) 5 return wait1000() 6 }) 7 .then(function() { 8 console.log(‘Wheeyee!‘) 9 });
1 function calculateTotalAmount (vip) { 2 var amount = 0; 3 if (vip) { 4 var amount = 1; 5 } 6 { // more crazy blocks! 7 var amount = 100; 8 { 9 var amount = 1000; 10 } 11 } 12 return amount; 13 } 14 console.log(calculateTotalAmount(true)); //输出1000
function calculateTotalAmount (vip) { var amount = 0; // probably should also be let, but you can mix var and let if (vip) { let amount = 1; // first amount is still 0 } { // more crazy blocks! let amount = 100; // first amount is still 0 { let amount = 1000; // first amount is still 0 } } return amount; } console.log(calculateTotalAmount(true)); //0
如果你喜欢面向对象编程(OOP),那么你将喜爱这个特性。以后写一个类和继承将变得容易。类的创建和使用真是一件令人头疼的事情在过去的ES5中,因为没有一个关键字class (它被保留,但是什么也不能做)。在此之上,大量的继承模型像pseudo classical, classical, functional 更加增加了混乱,JavaScript 之间的宗教战争只会更加火上浇油。用ES5写一个类,有很多种方法,这里就先不说了。现在就来看看如何用ES6写一个类吧。ES6没有用函数, 而是使用原型实现类。我们创建一个类baseModel ,并且在这个类里定义了一个constructor 和一个 getName()方法:
1 class baseModel { 2 constructor(options, data) { // class constructor,node.js 5.6暂时不支持options = {}, data = []这样传参 3 this.name = ‘Base‘; 4 this.url = ‘http://azat.co/api‘; 5 this.data = data; 6 this.options = options; 7 } 8 9 getName() { // class method 10 console.log(`Class name: ${this.name}`); 11 } 12 }
注意我们对options 和data使用了默认参数值。此外方法名也不需要加function关键字,而且冒号(:)也不需要了。另外一个大的区别就是你不需要分配属性this。现在设置一个属性的值,只需简单的在构造函数中分配。
AccountModel 从类baseModel 中继承而来:
1 class AccountModel extends baseModel { 2 constructor(options, data) { 3 super({private: true}, [‘32113123123‘, ‘524214691‘]); 4 this.name = ‘Account Model‘; 5 this.url +=‘/accounts/‘; 6 } 7 get accountsData() { //calculated attribute getter 8 // ... make XHR 9 return this.data; 10 } 11 }
1 let accounts = new AccountModel(5); 2 accounts.getName(); 3 console.log(‘Data is %s‘, accounts.accountsData);
结果令人惊讶,输出是:Class name: Account Model Data is 32113123123,524214691
众所周知,在ES6以前JavaScript并不支持本地的模块。人们想出了AMD,RequireJS,CommonJS以及其它解决方法。现在ES6中可以用模块import 和export 操作了。在ES5中,你可以在 <script>中直接写可以运行的代码(简称IIFE),或者一些库像AMD。然而在ES6中,你可以用export导入你的类。下面举个例子,在ES5中,module.js有port变量和getAccounts 方法:
1 module.exports = { 2 port: 3000, 3 getAccounts: function() { 4 ... 5 } 6 }
在ES5中,main.js需要依赖require(‘module’) 导入module.js:
1 var service = require(‘module.js‘); 2 console.log(service.port); // 3000
但在ES6中,我们将用export and import。例如,这是我们用ES6 写的module.js文件库:
1 export var port = 3000; 2 export function getAccounts(url) { 3 ... 4 }
如果用ES6来导入到文件main.js中,我们需用import {name} from ‘my-module’语法,例如:
1 import {port, getAccounts} from ‘module‘; 2 console.log(port); // 3000
或者我们可以在main.js中把整个模块导入, 并命名为 service:
1 import * as service from ‘module‘; 2 console.log(service.port); // 3000
1、全新的Math, Number, String, Array 和 Object 方法
6、Generators (生成器)
7、New data structures like Map and Set(新的数据构造对像MAP和set)