修改被 DB Control 监控的db (10g and 11g)中 dbsnmp密码的方法
How to Change DBSNMP Password in Database 10g and 11g Monitored by DB Control (Doc ID 259387.1)
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database - Version to [Release 10.1 to 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
当10g 和 11g的 db被DB Control 监控时, 修改 该db中的dbsnmp用户密码的方法。
ATTENTION: Enterprise Manager 10g is now in extended support. Oracle strongly recommends that you upgrade your environment to either Enterprise Manager 11g or 12c, both of which are still in premier Support.
所有使用db control 来监控他们的10g or 11g db 的数据库管理员
修改dbsnmp密码时,你必须严格遵守下面的步骤,否则 管理你的db的 10g or 11g DB Control 会运行异常。
注意: 对于安装在Windows 2008 / Vista上的 DB Control Release 以及更高版本,emctl命令可能会失败,报错为 "Permission Denied".
Document 1164293.1 - Executing Any EMCTL Command on Windows 2008 / Vista Returns "Permission denied" Error
1.stop the standalone dbconsole
On Unix - DB Control Release up to 11.1.x
$ export ORACLE_SID=<database_sid>
$ emctl stop dbconsole
On Unix - DB Control Release 11.2.x and higher
$ export ORACLE_SID=<database_sid>
$ export ORACLE_UNQNAME=<value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME database parameter>
$ emctl stop dbconsole
On Windows - DB Control Release up to 11.1.x
Stop the Windows Service OracleDBConsole<database_sid>
Open a DOS Command Window and type
C> set ORACLE_SID=<database_sid>
C> set ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home_name>
C> cd %ORACLE_HOME%/bin
C> emctl stop dbconsole
On Windows - DB Control Release 11.2.x and higher
Stop the Windows Service OracleDBConsole<database_sid>
Open a DOS Command Window and type
C> set ORACLE_SID=<database_sid>
C> set ORACLE_UNQNAME=<value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME database parameter>
C> set ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home_name>
C> cd %ORACLE_HOME%/bin
C> emctl stop dbconsole
2. 检查DB Control 已经被停止
On Unix
$ emctl status dbconsole
On Windows
Check the status of the Windows Service OracleDBConsole
Open a DOS Command Window, cd to the database $ORACLE_HOME\bin and type
C> emctl status dbconsole
SQL> alter user dbsnmp identified by <new dbsnmp password> ;
SQL> connect dbsnmp/[@database_alias]
5.到$ORACLE_HOME/host_sid/sysman/emd目录下----->本步骤应该是在 standalone dbconsole主机上操作吧?
5.1 将targets.xml文件复制为targets.xml.orig
5.2 用文本编辑器编辑targets.xml文件
5.2.1 找下面的行:
<property name="password" value="<encrypted_string>" encrypted="TRUE">
5.2.2 用新密码替换掉加密后的值
5.3.3 用FALSE替换掉TRUE
5.3 重启standalone dbconsole
On Unix - DB Control Release up to 11.1.x
$ export ORACLE_SID=<database_sid>
$ emctl start dbconsole
On Unix - DB Control Release 11.2.x and higher
$ export ORACLE_SID=<database_sid>
$ export ORACLE_UNQNAME=<value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME database parameter>
$ emctl start dbconsole
On Windows - DB Control Release up to 11.1.x
Start the Windows Service OracleDBConsole<database_sid>
Open a DOS Command Window and type
C> set ORACLE_SID=<database_sid>
C> set ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home_name>
C> cd %ORACLE_HOME%/bin
C> emctl start dbconsole
On Windows - DB Control Release 11.2.x and higher
Start the Windows Service OracleDBConsole<database_sid>
Open a DOS Command Window and type
C> set ORACLE_SID=<database_sid>
C> set ORACLE_UNQNAME=<value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME database parameter>
C> set ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home_name>
C> cd %ORACLE_HOME%/bin
C> emctl start dbconsole
5.4 确认密码已经被加密
搜索:<property name="password" value="<encrypted_string>" encrypted="TRUE">
检查 密码value 已经被加密
【翻译自mos文章】修改被 DB Control 监控的db (10g and 11g)中 dbsnmp密码的方法,布布扣,bubuko.com
【翻译自mos文章】修改被 DB Control 监控的db (10g and 11g)中 dbsnmp密码的方法