在这里给出了一个Word操作的类,该类具备了对word 文档操作的基本功能,包括word 文档的新建,打开,保存,另存,插入图片,插入表格,插入文字,读取文字,定位光标位置,移动光标,移动到指定页等等操作。在下一篇文章中我将给出这个类实现的实例,读者可以借鉴下
程序引用的是Microsoft Word 14.0 Object Library 使用word 2007 +VS2010
1 ‘********************************************************************* 2 ‘作者:章鱼哥,QQ:3107073263 群:309816713 3 ‘如有疑问或好的建议请联系我,大家一起进步 4 ‘********************************************************************* 5 Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop 6 Public Class Class_Word1 7 8 Public ZWordApplic As Word.Application 9 10 Private ZDocument As Word.Document 11 12 Public Sub New() ‘生成类实例 13 ZWordApplic = New Word.Application 14 ZWordApplic.Visible = True 15 16 End Sub 17 18 ‘新建一个Word文档 19 Public Sub NewDocument() 20 21 ZDocument = ZWordApplic.Documents.Add() ‘新建一个文档 22 23 End Sub 24 ‘使用模板新建一个文档 25 Public Sub ModulNewDocument(ByVal FileAddress As String) 26 ZDocument = ZWordApplic.Documents.Add(FileAddress) 27 28 End Sub 29 ‘打开一个文档 30 Public Sub OpenWordDocument(ByVal FileAddress As String, ByVal IsReadOnly As Boolean) 31 Try 32 ZDocument = ZWordApplic.Documents.Open(FileAddress, Nothing, IsReadOnly) 33 Catch ex As Exception 34 MsgBox("您输入的地址不正确") 35 End Try 36 End Sub 37 38 ‘关闭一个文档 39 Public Sub CloseWordDocument() 40 ZWordApplic.Quit() 41 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ZWordApplic) 42 ZWordApplic = Nothing 43 End Sub 44 ‘关闭所有打开的文档 45 Public Sub CloseAllDocuments() 46 47 ‘ ZWordApplic.Documents.Close(Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges) 48 ZWordApplic.Documents.Close(Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges) 49 End Sub 50 ‘保存文档 51 Public Sub Save() 52 Try 53 ZDocument.Save() 54 MsgBox("保存成功") 55 Catch ex As Exception 56 MsgBox(ex.Message) 57 End Try 58 End Sub 59 ‘另存为 60 Public Sub SaveAs(ByVal FileAdress As String) 61 Try 62 ZDocument.SaveAs2(FileAdress) 63 MsgBox("另存为成功!") 64 Catch ex As Exception 65 MsgBox(ex.Message) 66 End Try 67 End Sub 68 ‘插入文字 69 Public Sub InsertText(ByVal text As String) 70 71 ZWordApplic.Selection.TypeText(text) 72 73 End Sub 74 75 ‘插入表格 76 Public Sub InsertTabel(ByVal Tabel As DataTable) 77 Dim ZTabel As Word.Table 78 ZTabel = ZDocument.Tables.Add(ZWordApplic.Selection.Range, Tabel.Rows.Count + 1, Tabel.Columns.Count) 79 80 81 ‘添加表头 82 For i = 1 To Tabel.Columns.Count 83 ZTabel.Rows(1).Cells(i).Range.InsertAfter(Tabel.Columns(i - 1).ColumnName) 84 Next 85 ‘添加表格数据 86 For i = 2 To Tabel.Rows.Count + 1 87 For j = 1 To Tabel.Columns.Count 88 ZTabel.Rows(i).Cells(j).Range.InsertAfter(Tabel.Rows(i - 2).Item(j - 1).ToString) 89 Next 90 Next 91 92 93 ZTabel.AllowAutoFit = True 94 95 ZTabel.ApplyStyleFirstColumn = True 96 97 ZTabel.ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True 98 End Sub 99 ‘插入图片 100 Public Sub InsertPic(ByVal PicAddress As String) 101 102 Try 103 ZWordApplic.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(PicAddress, False, True) 104 105 Catch ex As Exception 106 MsgBox("图片地址不正确 ") 107 End Try 108 109 110 End Sub 111 ‘读取文字 112 Public Sub ReadText() 113 ZWordApplic.Selection.WholeStory() 114 ZWordApplic.Selection.Copy() 115 116 End Sub 117 ‘获取当前的光标位置信息,存放在数组中 118 Public Function GetCursor() As ArrayList 119 Try 120 Dim cursor As New ArrayList 121 ‘当前光标所在的页数 122 Dim Page As Object = ZDocument.Application.Selection.Information(Word.WdInformation.wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber) 123 ‘当前光标所在行数 124 Dim row As Object = ZDocument.Application.Selection.Information(Word.WdInformation.wdFirstCharacterLineNumber) 125 ‘当前光标所在列数 126 Dim cul As Object = ZDocument.Application.Selection.Information(Word.WdInformation.wdFirstCharacterColumnNumber) 127 cursor.AddRange({Page, row, cul}) 128 Return cursor 129 Catch ex As Exception 130 MsgBox(ex.Message) 131 Return Nothing 132 End Try 133 End Function 134 135 136 ‘鼠标定位到指定页 137 Public Sub GoToPage(ByVal Page As Integer) 138 Try 139 ‘跳转到指定页码 140 ZDocument.Application.Selection.GoTo(Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToPage, Word.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToFirst, Page) 141 142 143 Catch ex As Exception 144 MsgBox(ex.Message) 145 End Try 146 End Sub 147 ‘光标调到指定行。这个是绝对跳转 148 Public Sub GoToAbsolutLine(ByVal Row As Integer) 149 Try 150 ‘跳转到指定行,说明:这个行是相对于整个文档来算的,将如第一页就2行,你跳到第三行的时候,就是第2页的第1行 151 ‘读者可自行测试,目前还实现不了给定页,行,列调到精确位置的功能。至少我还没实现。这里就不进行实现了 152 ZDocument.Application.Selection.GoTo(Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToLine, Word.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToFirst, Row) 153 154 155 Catch ex As Exception 156 MsgBox(ex.Message) 157 End Try 158 End Sub 159 ‘光标调到指定行。这个是相对跳转。大家应该理解什么意思的 160 Public Sub GoToOppsiteLine(ByVal Row As Int16) 161 Try 162 163 164 ‘读者可自行测试,目前还实现不了给定页,行,列调到精确位置的功能。至少我还没实现 165 If Row >= 0 Then ‘如果大于0,像后跳转 166 ZDocument.Application.Selection.GoTo(Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToLine, Word.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToNext, Math.Abs(Row)) 167 Else ‘小于0,像前跳转 168 ZDocument.Application.Selection.GoTo(Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToLine, Word.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToPrevious, Math.Abs(Row)) 169 End If 170 171 172 173 174 Catch ex As Exception 175 MsgBox(ex.Message) 176 End Try 177 End Sub 178 ‘左移光标 179 Public Sub MoveLeft() 180 ZDocument.Application.Selection.MoveLeft() ‘每次移动1位 181 End Sub 182 ‘右移 183 Public Sub MoveRight() 184 ZDocument.Application.Selection.MoveRight() ‘每次移动1位 185 End Sub 186 ‘上移 187 Public Sub MoveUp() 188 ZDocument.Application.Selection.MoveUp() ‘每次移动1位 189 End Sub 190 ‘下移 191 Public Sub MoveDown() 192 ZDocument.Application.Selection.MoveDown() ‘每次移动1位 193 End Sub 194 End class
1 ‘作者:章鱼哥,QQ:3107073263 群:309816713 2 ‘如有疑问或好的建议请联系我,大家一起进步 3 ‘********************************************************************* 4 Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop 5 Public Class Form1 6 Dim Array_Word As New ArrayList 7 8 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 9 RichTextBox1.Text = "章鱼哥出品VB.NET" 10 End Sub 11 ‘新建一个Word文档 12 Private Sub But_NewWord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_NewWord.Click 13 Dim My_word As New Class_Word1 14 My_word.NewDocument() 15 Array_Word.Add(My_word) 16 End Sub 17 ‘以模板新建 18 Private Sub But_ModuleNewWord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_ModuleNewWord.Click 19 Dim My_word As New Class_Word1 20 My_word.ModulNewDocument(TextBox1.Text) 21 Array_Word.Add(My_word) 22 End Sub 23 ‘打开一个文档 24 Private Sub But_OpenWord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_OpenWord.Click 25 Dim My_word As New Class_Word1 26 My_word.OpenWordDocument(TextBox1.Text, False) 27 Array_Word.Add(My_word) 28 End Sub 29 30 31 ‘关闭当前打开的所有文档 32 Private Sub But_CloseAllDocument_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_CloseAllDocument.Click 33 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 34 Word_Class.CloseWordDocument() 35 Next 36 Array_Word.Clear() 37 End Sub 38 39 ‘保存文档 40 Private Sub But_Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_Save.Click 41 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 42 Word_Class.Save() 43 Next 44 End Sub 45 ‘另存为 46 Private Sub But_SaveAs_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_SaveAs.Click 47 48 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 49 Word_Class.SaveAs(TextBox1.Text) 50 Next 51 52 End Sub 53 ‘插入文本 54 Private Sub But_Insert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_Insert.Click 55 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 56 Word_Class.InsertText(RichTextBox1.Text) 57 Next 58 End Sub 59 ‘插入表格 60 Private Sub But_InsertTabel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_InsertTabel.Click 61 Dim tabel As DataTable = GetTabel(ListView1) 62 63 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 64 Word_Class.InsertTabel(GetTabel(ListView1)) 65 Next 66 End Sub 67 ‘从listview 中读取数据生成DataTable 68 Private Function GetTabel(ByVal lis As ListView) As DataTable 69 Dim Tabel As New DataTable() 70 ‘加表头 71 For i = 0 To lis.Columns.Count - 1 72 Tabel.Columns.Add(lis.Columns(i).Text.ToString) 73 Next 74 75 For i = 0 To lis.Items.Count - 1 76 Dim row As DataRow = Tabel.NewRow 77 For j = 0 To lis.Columns.Count - 1 78 79 row.Item(j) = lis.Items(i).SubItems(j).Text 80 81 82 Next 83 Tabel.Rows.Add(row) 84 Next 85 Return Tabel 86 End Function 87 ‘插入图片 88 Private Sub But_InsertPic_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_InsertPic.Click 89 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 90 Word_Class.InsertPic(TextBox2.Text) 91 Next 92 End Sub 93 ‘读取文档的内容 94 Private Sub But_ReadText_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_ReadText.Click 95 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 96 Word_Class.ReadText() 97 RichTextBox1.Paste() 98 Next 99 End Sub 100 <pre name="code" class="vb">‘********************************************************************* 101 ‘获取文档路径 102 Private Sub But_GetAdrress_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_GetAdrress.Click 103 Dim opendialog As New OpenFileDialog 104 If opendialog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then 105 TextBox1.Text = opendialog.FileName 106 End If 107 End Sub 108 ‘获取当前鼠标的位置 109 Private Sub But_GetCursor_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_GetCursor.Click 110 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 111 Dim Cursor As ArrayList = Word_Class.GetCursor() 112 If Cursor IsNot Nothing Then 113 For i = 0 To Cursor.Count - 1 114 RichTextBox1.Text &= " " & Cursor(i) 115 Next 116 End If 117 Next 118 End Sub 119 120 ‘将光标移动到指定页 121 Private Sub But_GoTo_Page_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_GoTo_Page.Click 122 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 123 Word_Class.GoToPage(Tex_Page.Text) 124 Next 125 End Sub 126 ‘光标移动到指定行(绝对) 127 Private Sub But_GotoAbsoultRow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_GotoAbsoultRow.Click 128 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 129 Word_Class.GoToAbsolutLine(Tex_Row_Absoult.Text) 130 Next 131 End Sub 132 ‘光标移动到指定行(相对) 133 Private Sub But_GotoOppsitRow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_GotoOppsitRow.Click 134 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 135 Word_Class.GoToOppsiteLine(Tex_Row_Oppsit.Text) 136 Next 137 End Sub 138 139 ‘上下左右按钮,点击按钮一次移动一位 140 Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseUp 141 ‘MsgBox("X:" & e.X & "Y:" & e.Y) 142 Dim x As Integer = e.X 143 Dim y As Integer = e.Y 144 ‘RichTextBox1.Text &= "|" & e.X & ":" & e.Y 145 For Each Word_Class As Class_Word1 In Array_Word 146 If x > 70 And x < 130 Then 147 If y > 20 And y < 45 Then 148 Word_Class.MoveUp() 149 ElseIf y > 110 And y < 135 Then 150 Word_Class.MoveDown() 151 End If 152 153 End If 154 If y > 45 And y < 105 Then 155 If x > 40 And x < 65 Then 156 Word_Class.MoveLeft() 157 ElseIf x > 135 And y < 160 Then 158 Word_Class.MoveRight() 159 End If 160 End If 161 Next 162 End Sub 163 End Class