前段时间做了一个android的网游项目,现在优化减少体积和防止别人反编译,需要把编译后.class进行混淆,开始在网上看了一些关于 ProGuard的介绍,基本上都是使用ADT自带的打包方式,那个打包方式太慢了,还要手工输密码,一个字烦。
好吧,看来得食自己了,!@#¥@#!@#!@##¥@#¥!@#@ 转眼一周,我++,终于把东西搞出来
1. [代码][xml]代码 跳至 [1] [全屏预览]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="xiyou_base_" default="deployableAllDevice">
<!-- proguard4的路径 -->
<property name="proguard.home" value="D:/software/j2me/proguard4.5.1/proguard4.5.1"/>
<!-- sdk的路径 -->
<property name="sdk.dir" value="E:\dev\android-sdk-windows"/>
<!-- 是否使用签名 -->
<property name="has.keystore" value="true" />
<!-- 签名密码 -->
<property name="has.password" value="true" />
<!--签名相关的key -->
<property name="key.alias" value="key.keystore" />
<property name="key.store" value="key.keystore" />
<!-- 签名相关的密码 -->
<property name="key.store.password" value="xxxx" />
<property name="key.alias.password" value="xxxx" />
default.properties 内容
<property file="default.properties" />
<!-- Custom Android task to deal with the project target, and import the
proper rules.
This requires ant 1.6.0 or above. -->
<path id="android.antlibs">
<pathelement path="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/anttasks.jar" />
<pathelement path="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/sdklib.jar" />
<pathelement path="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/androidprefs.jar" />
<taskdef name="setup" classname="com.android.ant.SetupTask" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
<setup import="false" />
<!-- Custom tasks -->
<taskdef name="aapt" classname="com.android.ant.AaptExecLoopTask" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
<taskdef name="aidl" classname="com.android.ant.AidlExecTask" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
<taskdef name="apkbuilder" classname="com.android.ant.ApkBuilderTask" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
<taskdef name="xpath" classname="com.android.ant.XPathTask" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
<taskdef name="if" classname="com.android.ant.IfElseTask" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
<!-- Properties -->
<!-- Tells adb which device to target. You can change this from the command line
by invoking "ant -Dadb.device.arg=-d" for device "ant -Dadb.device.arg=-e" for
the emulator. -->
<property name="adb.device.arg" value="" />
<property name="android.tools.dir" location="${sdk.dir}/tools" />
<property name="android.platform.tools.dir" location="${sdk.dir}/platform-tools" />
<!-- Name of the application package extracted from manifest file -->
<xpath input="AndroidManifest.xml" expression="/manifest/@package" output="manifest.package" />
<!-- Value of the hasCode attribute (Application node) extracted from manifest file -->
<xpath input="AndroidManifest.xml" expression="/manifest/application/@android:hasCode" output="manifest.hasCode" default="true" />
<!-- 源文件及资源路径 -->
<property name="source.dir" value="src" />
<property name="source.absolute.dir" location="${source.dir}" />
<property name="gen.dir" value="gen" />
<property name="gen.absolute.dir" location="${gen.dir}" />
<property name="resource.dir" value="res" />
<property name="resource.absolute.dir" location="${resource.dir}" />
<property name="asset.dir" value="assets" />
<property name="asset.absolute.dir" location="${asset.dir}" />
<!-- Directory for the third party java libraries -->
<property name="jar.libs.dir" value="libs" />
<property name="jar.libs.absolute.dir" location="${jar.libs.dir}" />
<!-- create a path with all the jar files, from the main project and the
libraries -->
<path id="jar.libs.ref">
<fileset dir="${jar.libs.absolute.dir}" includes="*.jar" />
<path refid="project.libraries.jars" />
<!-- Directory for the native libraries -->
<property name="native.libs.dir" value="libs" />
<property name="native.libs.absolute.dir" location="${native.libs.dir}" />
<!-- 输出路径 -->
<property name="out.dir" value="out" />
<property name="out.absolute.dir" location="${out.dir}" />
<property name="out.classes.dir" value="${out.absolute.dir}/classes" />
<property name="out.classes.absolute.dir" location="${out.classes.dir}" />
<!-- Intermediate files -->
<property name="dex.file.name" value="classes.dex" />
<property name="intermediate.dex.file" location="${out.absolute.dir}/${dex.file.name}" />
<property name="resource.package.file.name" value="${ant.project.name}.ap_" />
<!-- The final package file to generate
These can be overridden by setting them earlier to
different values -->
<property name="out.debug.unaligned.file" location="${out.absolute.dir}/${ant.project.name}-debug-unaligned.apk" />
<property name="out.debug.file" location="${out.absolute.dir}/${ant.project.name}-debug.apk" />
<property name="out.unsigned.file.name" value="${ant.project.name}-unsigned.apk" />
<property name="out.unsigned.file" location="${out.absolute.dir}/${out.unsigned.file.name}" />
<property name="out.unaligned.file.name" value="${ant.project.name}-unaligned.apk" />
<property name="out.unaligned.file" location="${out.absolute.dir}/${out.unaligned.file.name}" />
<property name="out.release.file.name" value="${ant.project.name}-release.apk" />
<property name="out.release.file" location="${out.absolute.dir}/${out.release.file.name}" />
<property name="proguard.enabled" value="true" />
<property name="android-jar" value="${sdk.dir}/platforms/${target}/android.jar" />
<!-- set some properties used for filtering/override. If those weren‘t defined
before, then this will create them with empty values, which are then ignored
by the custom tasks receiving them. -->
<property name="version.code" value="" />
<property name="aapt.resource.filter" value="" />
<property name="filter.abi" value="" />
<!-- java源文件编码,编译的目标平台,为1.5 or 1.6都可以 -->
<property name="java.encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<property name="java.target" value="1.5" />
<property name="java.source" value="1.5" />
<!-- Verbosity -->
<property name="verbose" value="false" />
<!-- Verbosity -->
<property name="verbose" value="false" />
<!-- This is needed by emma as it uses multilevel verbosity instead of simple ‘true‘ or ‘false‘
The property ‘verbosity‘ is not user configurable and depends exclusively on ‘verbose‘
<condition property="verbosity" value="verbose" else="quiet">
<istrue value="${verbose}" />
<!-- This is needed to switch verbosity of zipalign. Depends exclusively on ‘verbose‘
<condition property="v.option" value="-v" else="">
<istrue value="${verbose}" />
<!-- This is needed to switch verbosity of dx. Depends exclusively on ‘verbose‘ -->
<condition property="verbose.option" value="--verbose" else="">
<istrue value="${verbose}" />
<!-- properties for signing in release mode -->
<condition property="has.keystore" value="true">
<isset property="key.store" />
<length string="${key.store}" when="greater" length="0" />
<isset property="key.alias" />
<condition property="has.password" value="passwordxxxxx">
<isset property="has.keystore" />
<isset property="key.store.password" />
<isset property="key.alias.password" />
<!-- Tools -->
<condition property="exe" value=".exe" else="">
<os family="windows" />
<property name="adb" location="${android.platform.tools.dir}/adb${exe}" />
<property name="zipalign" location="${android.tools.dir}/zipalign${exe}" />
<!-- Emma configuration -->
<property name="emma.dir" value="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib" />
<path id="emma.lib">
<pathelement location="${emma.dir}/emma.jar" />
<pathelement location="${emma.dir}/emma_ant.jar" />
<taskdef resource="emma_ant.properties" classpathref="emma.lib" />
<!-- End of emma configuration -->
<!-- Macros -->
<!-- Configurable macro, which allows to pass as parameters output directory,
output dex filename and external libraries to dex (optional) -->
<macrodef name="dex-helper">
<element name="external-libs" optional="yes" />
<element name="extra-parameters" optional="yes" />
<!-- sets the primary input for dex. If a pre-dex task sets it to
something else this has no effect -->
<property name="out.dex.input.absolute.dir" value="${out.classes.absolute.dir}" />
<!-- set the secondary dx input: the project (and library) jar files
If a pre-dex task sets it to something else this has no effect -->
<isreference refid="out.dex.jar.input.ref" />
<path id="out.dex.jar.input.ref">
<path refid="jar.libs.ref" />
<echo>Converting compiled files and external libraries into ${intermediate.dex.file}...</echo>
<apply executable="${dx}" failonerror="true" parallel="true">
<arg value="--dex" />
<arg value="--output=${intermediate.dex.file}" />
<extra-parameters />
<arg line="${verbose.option}" />
<arg path="${out.dex.input.absolute.dir}" />
<path refid="out.dex.jar.input.ref" />
<external-libs />
<!-- This is macro that enable passing variable list of external jar files to ApkBuilder
Example of use:
<package-helper output.filepath="/path/to/foo.apk">
<jarfolder path="my_jars" />
<jarfile path="foo/bar.jar" />
<jarfolder path="your_jars" />
</package-helper> -->
<macrodef name="package-helper">
<attribute name="output.filepath" />
<element name="extra-jars" optional="yes" />
<apkbuilder outfolder="${out.absolute.dir}" resourcefile="${resource.package.file.name}" apkfilepath="@{output.filepath}" debugpackaging="${build.packaging.debug}" debugsigning="${build.signing.debug}" abifilter="${filter.abi}" verbose="${verbose}" hascode="${manifest.hasCode}">
<dex path="${intermediate.dex.file}" />
<sourcefolder path="${source.absolute.dir}" />
<sourcefolder refid="project.libraries.src" />
<jarfolder path="${jar.libs.absolute.dir}" />
<jarfolder refid="project.libraries.libs" />
<nativefolder path="${native.libs.absolute.dir}" />
<nativefolder refid="project.libraries.libs" />
<extra-jars />
<!-- This is macro which zipaligns in.package and outputs it to out.package. Used by targets
debug, -debug-with-emma and release.-->
<macrodef name="zipalign-helper">
<attribute name="in.package" />
<attribute name="out.package" />
<echo>Running zip align on final apk...</echo>
<exec executable="${zipalign}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="${v.option}" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="4" />
<arg path="@{in.package}" />
<arg path="@{out.package}" />
<!-- This is macro used only for sharing code among two targets, -install and
-install-with-emma which do exactly the same but differ in dependencies -->
<macrodef name="install-helper">
<echo>Installing ${out.debug.file} onto default emulator or device...</echo>
<exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="${adb.device.arg}" />
<arg value="install" />
<arg value="-r" />
<arg path="${out.debug.file}" />
<!-- Rules -->
<!-- Creates the output directories if they don‘t exist yet. -->
<target name="-dirs">
<echo>Creating output directories if needed...</echo>
<mkdir dir="${resource.absolute.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${jar.libs.absolute.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${out.absolute.dir}" />
<if condition="${manifest.hasCode}">
<mkdir dir="${gen.absolute.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${out.classes.absolute.dir}" />
<!-- empty default pre-build target. Create a similar target in
your build.xml and it‘ll be called instead of this one. -->
<target name="-pre-build" />
<!-- Generates the R.java file for this project‘s resources. -->
<target name="-resource-src" depends="-dirs, -pre-build">
<if condition="${manifest.hasCode}">
<echo>Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...</echo>
<aapt executable="${aapt}" command="package" verbose="${verbose}" manifest="AndroidManifest.xml" androidjar="${android.jar}" rfolder="${gen.absolute.dir}">
<res path="${resource.absolute.dir}" />
<echo>hasCode = false. Skipping...</echo>
<!-- Generates java classes from .aidl files. -->
<target name="-aidl" depends="-dirs">
<if condition="${manifest.hasCode}">
<echo>Compiling aidl files into Java classes...</echo>
<aidl executable="${aidl}" framework="${android.aidl}" genFolder="${gen.absolute.dir}">
<source path="${source.absolute.dir}" />
<source refid="project.libraries.src" />
<echo>hasCode = false. Skipping...</echo>
<!-- empty default pre-compile target. Create a similar target in
your build.xml and it‘ll be called instead of this one. -->
<target name="-pre-compile" />
<!-- Compiles this project‘s .java files into .class files. -->
<target name="compile" depends="-resource-src, -aidl, -pre-compile" description="Compiles project‘s .java files into .class files">
<if condition="${manifest.hasCode}">
<!-- If android rules are used for a test project, its classpath should include
tested project‘s location -->
<condition property="extensible.classpath" value="${tested.project.absolute.dir}/${out.dir}/classes" else=".">
<isset property="tested.project.absolute.dir" />
<condition property="extensible.libs.classpath" value="${tested.project.absolute.dir}/libs" else="${jar.libs.dir}">
<isset property="tested.project.absolute.dir" />
<javac encoding="${java.encoding}" source="${java.source}" target="${java.target}" debug="true" extdirs="" destdir="${out.classes.absolute.dir}" bootclasspathref="android.target.classpath" verbose="${verbose}" classpath="${extensible.classpath}" classpathref="jar.libs.ref">
<src path="${source.absolute.dir}" />
<src path="${gen.absolute.dir}" />
<src refid="project.libraries.src" />
<fileset dir="${extensible.libs.classpath}" includes="*.jar" />
<echo>hasCode = false. Skipping...</echo>
<!-- empty default post-compile target. Create a similar target in
your build.xml and it‘ll be called instead of this one. -->
<target name="-post-compile" />
<!-- Obfuscate target
This is only active in release builds when proguard.config is defined
in default.properties.
To replace Proguard with a different obfuscation engine:
Override the following targets in your build.xml, before the call to <setup>
Check whether obfuscation should happen, and put the result in a property.
Obfuscation should not happen. Set the same property to false.
** Make sure unless="do.not.compile" is used in the target definition **
check if the property set in -debug/release-obfuscation-check is set to true.
If true:
Perform obfuscation
Set property out.dex.input.absolute.dir to be the output of the obfuscation
<target name="-obfuscate" unless="do.not.compile">
<if condition="${proguard.enabled}">
<property name="obfuscate.absolute.dir" location="${out.absolute.dir}/proguard" />
<property name="preobfuscate.jar.file" value="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/original.jar" />
<property name="obfuscated.jar.file" value="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/obfuscated.jar" />
<!-- input for dex will be proguard‘s output -->
<property name="out.dex.input.absolute.dir" value="${obfuscated.jar.file}" />
<!-- Add Proguard Tasks -->
<property name="proguard.jar" location="${proguard.home}/lib/proguard.jar" />
<taskdef name="proguard" classname="proguard.ant.ProGuardTask" classpath="${proguard.jar}" />
<!-- Set the android classpath Path object into a single property. It‘ll be
all the jar files separated by a platform path-separator.
<property name="android.libraryjars" refid="android.target.classpath" />
<!-- Build a path object with all the jar files that must be obfuscated.
This include the project compiled source code and any 3rd party jar
files. -->
<path id="project.jars.ref">
<pathelement location="${preobfuscate.jar.file}" />
<path refid="jar.libs.ref" />
<!-- Set the project jar files Path object into a single property. It‘ll be
all the jar files separated by a platform path-separator.
<property name="project.jars" refid="project.jars.ref" />
<mkdir dir="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}" />
<delete file="${preobfuscate.jar.file}" />
<delete file="${obfuscated.jar.file}" />
<jar basedir="${out.classes.dir}" destfile="${preobfuscate.jar.file}" />
<!-- 混淆相关参数 -->
-optimizationpasses 5
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*
-keep public class * extends android.app.Activity
-keep public class * extends android.app.Application
-keep public class * extends android.app.Service
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class com.android.vending.licensing.ILicensingService
-injars ${project.jars}
-outjars ${obfuscated.jar.file}
-libraryjars ${android.libraryjars}
<target name="pre" depends="-obfuscate">
<!-- Converts this project‘s .class files into .dex files -->
<!--<target name="-dex" depends="compile, -post-compile, -obfuscate" unless="do.not.compile">-->
<target name="-dex" depends="compile, -post-compile, optimize" unless="do.not.compile">
<if condition="${manifest.hasCode}">
<dex-helper />
<echo>hasCode = false. Skipping...</echo>
<target name="optimize" depends="compile,-obfuscate">
<if condition="${proguard.enabled}">
<mkdir dir="${out.dir}/out/class" />
<!-- 创建文件夹-->
<!--别人的<jar basedir="${out-folder}" destfile="temp.jar"/>-->
<property name="proguard-jar" value="${proguard.home}/lib/proguard.jar" />
<java jar="${proguard-jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true">
<jvmarg value="-Dmaximum.inlined.code.length=32" />
<arg value="-injars ${out.dir}/classes" />
<!-- 原来的类文件,使用Bin/classes下的-->
<arg value="-outjars ${out.dir}/out/classes" />
<!-- 生成的混淆Class位置-->
<arg value="-libraryjars ${android-jar}" />
<arg value=" -libraryjars ${library-jar}/some_lib_used.jar"/>
<arg value="-keep public class * extends android.app.Activity" />
<arg value="-keep public class * extends android.app.Service" />
<arg value="-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver" />
<arg value="-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider" />
<arg value="-keep public class * extends android.view.View" />
<arg value="-dontwarn" />
<arg value="-dontpreverify" />
<arg value="-optimizationpasses 7" />
<arg value="-dontusemixedcaseclassnames" />
<arg value="-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses" />
<arg value="-repackageclasses" />
<arg value="-allowaccessmodification" />
<!--<arg value="-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers"/>-->
<!--这些是原来的Jar<delete file="temp.jar"/>-->
<!--<delete dir="${out-folder}"/>-->
<!--<mkdir dir="${out-folder}"/>
<unzip src="optimized.jar" dest="${out-folder}"/>
<delete file="optimized.jar"/>-->
<!-- Puts the project‘s resources into the output package file
This actually can create multiple resource package in case
Some custom apk with specific configuration have been
declared in default.properties.
<target name="-package-resources">
<echo>Packaging resources</echo>
<aapt executable="${aapt}" command="package" versioncode="${version.code}" debug="${build.packaging.debug}" manifest="AndroidManifest.xml" assets="${asset.absolute.dir}" androidjar="${android.jar}" apkfolder="${out.absolute.dir}" resourcefilename="${resource.package.file.name}" resourcefilter="${aapt.resource.filter}">
<res path="${resource.absolute.dir}" />
<!-- <nocompress /> forces no compression on any files in assets or res/raw -->
<!-- <nocompress extension="xml" /> forces no compression on specific file extensions in assets and res/raw -->
<!-- Packages the application and sign it with a debug key. -->
<target name="-package-debug-sign" depends="-dex, -package-resources">
<package-helper output.filepath="${out.debug.unaligned.file}" />
<!-- Packages the application without signing it. -->
<target name="-package-release" depends="-dex, -package-resources">
<package-helper output.filepath="${out.unsigned.file}" />
<target name="-compile-tested-if-test" if="tested.project.dir" unless="do.not.compile.again">
<subant target="compile">
<fileset dir="${tested.project.absolute.dir}" includes="build.xml" />
<target name="-debug-obfuscation-check">
<!-- proguard is never enabled in debug mode -->
<property name="proguard.enabled" value="true" />
<target name="-set-debug-mode" depends="-debug-obfuscation-check">
<!-- property only set in debug mode.
Useful for if/unless attributes in target node
when using Ant before 1.8 -->
<property name="build.mode.debug" value="true" />
<!-- whether the build is a debug build. always set. -->
<property name="build.packaging.debug" value="true" />
<!-- signing mode: debug -->
<property name="build.signing.debug" value="true" />
<!-- Builds debug output package, provided all the necessary files are already dexed -->
<target name="debug" depends="-set-debug-mode, -compile-tested-if-test, -package-debug-sign" description="Builds the application and signs it with a debug key.">
<zipalign-helper in.package="${out.debug.unaligned.file}" out.package="${out.debug.file}" />
<echo>Debug Package: ${out.debug.file}</echo>
<!-- called through target ‘release‘. Only executed if the keystore and
key alias are known but not their password. -->
<target name="-release-prompt-for-password" if="has.keystore" unless="has.password">
<!-- Gets passwords -->
<echo>Gets passwords ${has.keystore} ${has.password}</echo>
<input message="Please enter keystore password (store:${key.store}):" addproperty="key.store.password" defaultvalue="5201314.." />
<input message="Please enter password for alias ‘${key.alias}‘:" addproperty="key.alias.password" defaultvalue="5201314.." />
<!-- called through target ‘release‘. Only executed if there‘s no
keystore/key alias set -->
<target name="-release-nosign" unless="has.keystore">
<echo>No key.store and key.alias properties found in build.properties.</echo>
<echo>Please sign ${out.unsigned.file} manually</echo>
<echo>and run zipalign from the Android SDK tools.</echo>
<target name="-release-obfuscation-check">
<condition property="proguard.enabled" value="true" else="false">
<isset property="build.mode.release" />
<isset property="proguard.config" />
<if condition="${proguard.enabled}">
<!-- Secondary dx input (jar files) is empty since all the
jar files will be in the obfuscated jar -->
<path id="out.dex.jar.input.ref" />
<target name="-set-release-mode">
<!-- release mode is only valid if the manifest does not explicitly
set debuggable to true. default is false.
We actually store build.packaging.debug, not build.release -->
<xpath input="AndroidManifest.xml" expression="/manifest/application/@android:debuggable" output="build.packaging.debug" default="false" />
<!-- signing mode: release -->
<property name="build.signing.debug" value="false" />
<if condition="${build.packaging.debug}">
<echo>**** Android Manifest has debuggable=true ****</echo>
<echo>**** Doing DEBUG packaging with RELEASE keys ****</echo>
<!-- property only set in release mode.
Useful for if/unless attributes in target node
when using Ant before 1.8 -->
<property name="build.mode.release" value="true" />
<!-- This runs -package-release and -release-nosign first and then runs
only if release-sign is true (set in -release-check,
called by -release-no-sign)-->
<target name="release" depends="-set-release-mode, -release-obfuscation-check, -package-release, -release-prompt-for-password, -release-nosign" if="has.keystore" description="Builds the application. The generated apk file must be signed before
it is published.">
<!-- Signs the APK -->
<echo>Signing final apk...</echo>
<signjar jar="${out.unsigned.file}" signedjar="${out.unaligned.file}" keystore="${key.store}" storepass="${key.store.password}" alias="${key.alias}" keypass="${key.alias.password}" verbose="${verbose}" />
<!-- Zip aligns the APK -->
<zipalign-helper in.package="${out.unaligned.file}" out.package="${out.release.file}" />
<echo>Release Package: ${out.release.file}</echo>
<target name="clean" description="Removes output files created by other targets.">
<delete dir="${out.absolute.dir}" verbose="${verbose}" />
<delete dir="${gen.absolute.dir}" verbose="${verbose}" />
<target name="deployableAllDevice" description="build all device packet">
<!-- uid和sdk都是自定义参数,可有可无,有多小个包要打,就在这里copy多小行,修改相关参数,传入到程序里即可 -->
<antcall target="release" inheritAll="true"><param name="uid" value="100" /><param name="sdk" value="91" /></antcall>
<antcall target="release" inheritAll="true"><param name="uid" value="101" /><param name="sdk" value="90" /></antcall>