set<int> st[10]; int all = 1 << 10, ans = INF; int change(char x) { if (x == 'B') return 0; else if (x == 'Y') return 1; else if (x == 'W') return 2; else if (x == 'G') return 3; else return 4; //R } void fun(int num, set<int> st[]) { int one = 0, t[10] = {0}; for (int j = 1, ct = 0; j < all; j <<= 1, ct++) if (num & j) { one++; t[ct] = 1; } REP(i, 5) FF(j, 5, 10) if (t[i] && t[j]) { st[i].erase(j); st[j].erase(i); } REP(i, 10) if (t[i] && st[i].size() == 1) { st[*(st[i].begin())].erase(i); st[i].clear(); } int len = 0; REP(i, 5) len += st[i].size(); if (len <= 1) ans = min(ans, one); } int main() { int n; char x; int y; cin >> n; REP(i, n) { cin >> x >> y; st[change(x)].insert(y + 4); st[y + 4].insert(change(x)); } FF(i, 0, all) { set<int> tt[10]; REP(j, 10) tt[j] = st[j]; fun(i, tt); } WI(ans); return 0; }
Codeforces Round #253 (Div. 2)——Borya and Hanabi,布布扣,
Codeforces Round #253 (Div. 2)——Borya and Hanabi