Jamie loves sleeping. One day, he decides that he needs to wake up at exactly hh: mm. However, he hates waking up, so he wants to make waking up less painful by setting the alarm at a lucky time. He will then press the snooze button every x minutes until hh: mm is reached, and only then he will wake up. He wants to know what is the smallest number of times he needs to press the snooze button.
A time is considered lucky if it contains a digit ‘7‘. For example, 13: 07 and 17: 27 are lucky, while 00: 48 and 21: 34 are not lucky.
Note that it is not necessary that the time set for the alarm and the wake-up time are on the same day. It is guaranteed that there is a luckytime Jamie can set so that he can wake at hh: mm.
Formally, find the smallest possible non-negative integer y such that the time representation of the time x·y minutes before hh: mmcontains the digit ‘7‘.
Jamie uses 24-hours clock, so after 23: 59 comes 00: 00.
The first line contains a single integer x (1 ≤ x ≤ 60).
The second line contains two two-digit integers, hh and mm (00 ≤ hh ≤ 23, 00 ≤ mm ≤ 59).
Print the minimum number of times he needs to press the button.
Sample Input
11 23
01 07
In the first sample, Jamie needs to wake up at 11:23. So, he can set his alarm at 11:17. He would press the snooze button when the alarm rings at 11:17 and at 11:20.
In the second sample, Jamie can set his alarm at exactly at 01:07 which is lucky.
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <stdio.h> 3 using namespace std; 4 int main() 5 { 6 int n,h,m,count; 7 while(scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&h,&m)!=EOF) 8 { 9 count=0; 10 while(1) 11 { 12 if(h==17||h==7||m%10==7) 13 { 14 break; 15 } 16 else 17 { 18 count++; 19 m=m-n; 20 if(m<0) 21 { 22 m=m+60; 23 h--; 24 } 25 if(h<0) 26 { 27 h=h+24; 28 } 29 } 30 } 31 printf("%d\n",count); 32 } 33 return 0; 34 }