or pslist -t
Name Pid Pri Thd Hnd VM WS Priv
Idle 0 0 2 0 0 28 0
System 4 8 69 1222 1824 308 0
smss 832 11 3 20 3748 408 172
csrss 900 13 12 807 72428 16152 2568
winlogon 924 13 21 516 61272 4704 8536
services 968 9 15 280 22556 4516 1868
avp 256 8 36 7185 190528 22332 50308
explorer 2060 8 16 575 122880 13400 17752
msnmsgr 1604 8 33 778 222560 19240 32792
cmd 3680 8 1 31 31084 3004 2164
pslist 5476 13 2 91 30500 2744 1236
notepad 4276 8 1 45 33692 3956 1344
IEXPLORE 5184 8 61 2143 403392 31236 105436
eclipse 6088 8 1 33 29884 3184 960
javaw 4484 8 40 1197 729124 139424 193496
javaw 4252 8 11(十一个线程) 310 187820 8080 13908
2.查看进程中的线程 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896682.aspx
pslist -dmx 4252
Name Pid VM WS Priv Priv Pk Faults NonP Page
javaw 4252 202224 21848 23968 24476 7927 4 47
Tid Pri Cswtch State User Time Kernel Time Elapsed Time
5428 8 2617 Wait:UserReq 0:00:01.312 0:00:00.515 0:06:41.625
5312 15 614 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.078 0:00:00.000 0:06:41.484
1380 15 7 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.000 0:00:00.000 0:06:41.468
2012 10 7 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.000 0:00:00.000 0:06:41.468
3876 9 1037 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.046 0:00:00.187 0:06:41.187
5884 9 65 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.000 0:00:00.015 0:06:41.187
4444 10 236 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.000 0:00:00.015 0:06:41.171
4564 15 12 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.000 0:00:00.000 0:06:40.953
4644 15 270 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.234 0:00:00.015 0:06:40.953
4292 8 5 Wait:UserReq 0:00:00.000 0:00:00.000 0:06:40.953
5964 15 6422 Wait:DelayExec 0:00:00.000 0:00:00.000 0:06:40.937
pslist exp | would show statistics for all the processes that start with "exp", which would include Explorer. |
-d | Show thread detail. |
-m | Show memory detail. |
-x | Show processes, memory information and threads. |
-t | Show process tree. |
-s [n] | Run in task-manager mode, for optional seconds specified. Press Escape to abort. |
-r n | Task-manager mode refresh rate in seconds (default is 1). |
\\computer | Instead of showing process information for the local system, PsList will show information for the NT/Win2K system specified. Include the -u switch with a username and password to login to the remote system if your security credentials do not permit you to obtain performance counter information from the remote system. |
-u | username If you want to kill a process on a remote system and the account you are executing in does not have administrative privileges on the remote system then you must login as an administrator using this command-line option. If you do not include the password with the -p option then PsList will prompt you for the password without echoing your input to the display. |
-p | password This option lets you specify the login password on the command line so that you can use PsList from batch files. If you specify an account name and omit the -p option PsList prompts you interactively for a password. |
name | Show information about processes that begin with the name specified. |
-e | Exact match the process name. |
pid | Instead of listing all the running processes in the system, this parameter narrows PsList‘s scan to tthe process that has the specified PID. Thus: pslist 53 would dump statistics for the process with the PID 53. |
Like Windows NT/2K‘s built-in PerfMon monitoring tool, PsList uses the Windows NT/2K performance counters to obtain the information it displays. You can find documentation for Windows NT/2K performance counters, including the source code to Windows NT‘s built-in performance monitor, PerfMon, in MSDN.
All memory values are displayed in KB.
以下是非Windows系统本身附带的外部命令,均存放于光盘 PE 系统目录下的 System32 目录下。
AUTORAMRESIZER.EXE 自动根据物理内存调整虚拟盘大小(PE)。
DEVCON.EXE 设备控制台命令行工具
FINDPASS.EXE 查找系统管理员口令的命令行工具(可能有病毒虚警)
HWPnp.exe 重新检测即插即用硬件的实用工具,可激活移动存储器等
KEYBOARD.EXE 更改键盘区域属性的命令行工具
KEYDOWN.EXE 检测键盘按键的命令行工具
NC.EXE 大名鼎鼎的网络强力命令行工具!
NETCFG.EXE Windows PE 环境的网络配置命令行工具
PASSWDRENEW.EXE Windows 口令离线修改工具
PENETCFG.EXE 牛人编写的 PE 网络环境配置工具
PSINFO.EXE 本地和远程系统信息检测命令行工具
PSKILL.EXE 结束本地或远程进程的命令行工具
PSLIST.EXE 系统进程查看工具
PSPASSWD.EXE 更改本地或远程系统口令命令行工具
PSSERVICE.EXE 管理系统服务的命令行工具
PULIST.EXE 系统进程列表查看
TCPVCON.EXE 查看活动进程的TCP连接状态
WGET.EXE 功能强大的命令行下载工具
XCACLS.EXE 文件及目录访问控制列表的命令行加强工具
XNVIEW.EXE 袖珍图像查看工具(小巧够用,不需升级)