Target:on the VM image, we can make gcc32bit and gcc64bit build.
We need set up a bridge on the interface which connect to internet, then attach a tap device(VM) to the bridge, so that VM can connect to internet to download software and package.
1. Download OS version (*.iso file) from website. For some, you can get from: For others, you need to get from its official website.
2. Use WinSCP to copy the *.iso file to host. I put the iso to /home/img/
3. Allocate memory for VM image
qemu-img create –f qcow2 f23.img 20G
(The current directory is /home/osimg/)
4. Install guest OS from ISO to VM image using qemu
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -cdrom /home/img/Fedora-Server-DVD-x86_64-23.iso -boot d -drive file=/home/osimg/f23.img \
-vnc :10 -daemonize
5. Open Xming, install OS from vncviewer.
vncviewer :10
Select the default step by step for the OS installation. Then reboot. If it leads you to reinstall the OS, kill the procedure
ps -ef |grep qemu
kill -9 <the number of the procedure>
1. Edit a script file to start VM.
Add a tap to connect the VM and internet
qemu-system-x86_64 -mem-path /mnt/huge -mem-prealloc -enable-kvm -m 2048 -smp cores=2,sockets=1 -cpu host -name dpdk1-f23 -drive file=/home/osimg/f23.img -netdev tap,id=ipvm1,ifname=tap3,script=/etc/qemu-ifup -device rtl8139,netdev=ipvm1,id=net0,mac=00:00:00:00:00:01 -localtime -vnc :10 –daemonize
2. Add execute permission and run the script
chmod +x
3. Login the VM with VNC, check the IP address
vncviewer :10
3.1 When you get the IP address you can access to VM by SSH
Note: Fedora20 and before versions are graphical interface, if you want to get IP address, you need operate as follows:
Activities --> Type to search(input “IP”) --> Network
Then you can see the IP address.
3.2 Allocate an IP address manually If there is not IP address allocated automatically, you can assign a IP address manually.
If there is still not IP address allocated, you must set the IP address/netmask and gateway:
ifconfig ethx netmask
route add default gw<code>
4. When the VM has IP but can’t be connected, the reason may be firewall and proxy
Close the firewall:
<code>systemctl disable firewalld.service
systemctl stop firewalld.service
5. Optional settings
5.1 Set hostname
nmcli general hostname
Then check the hostname
[root@localhost ~]# hostname
Note: The command can work only on fedora21/22/23. On fedora20 and before you must configure hostname by ifcfg file.
5.2 Check the status of ssh
systemctl show sshd
You can see the following information:
Description=OpenSSH server daemon
It means no need to do extra operations.
Else, you may install and enable ssh manully.
yum install openssh
systemctl enable sshd.service
systemctl restart sshd.service
Fedora-23 installation in VM image