Queue是python中的标准库,可以直接import Queue引用;队列是线程间最常用的交换数据的形式
对于资源,加锁是个重要的环节。因为python原生的list,dict等,都是not thread safe的。而Queue,是线程安全的,因此在满足使用条件下,建议使用队列
初始化: class Queue.Queue(maxsize) FIFO 先进先出
Queue.qsize() 返回队列的大小
Queue.empty() 如果队列为空,返回True,反之False
Queue.full() 如果队列满了,返回True,反之False
Queue.full 与 maxsize 大小对应
Queue.get([block[, timeout]])获取队列,timeout等待时间
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 3 # 使用了线程库 4 import threading 5 # 队列 6 from Queue import Queue 7 # 解析库 8 from lxml import etree 9 # 请求处理 10 import requests 11 # json处理 12 import json 13 import time 14 15 class ThreadCrawl(threading.Thread): 16 def __init__(self, threadName, pageQueue, dataQueue): 17 #threading.Thread.__init__(self) 18 # 调用父类初始化方法 19 super(ThreadCrawl, self).__init__() 20 # 线程名 21 self.threadName = threadName 22 # 页码队列 23 self.pageQueue = pageQueue 24 # 数据队列 25 self.dataQueue = dataQueue 26 # 请求报头 27 self.headers = {"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0;"} 28 29 def run(self): 30 print "启动 " + self.threadName 31 while not CRAWL_EXIT: 32 try: 33 # 取出一个数字,先进先出 34 # 可选参数block,默认值为True 35 #1. 如果对列为空,block为True的话,不会结束,会进入阻塞状态,直到队列有新的数据 36 #2. 如果队列为空,block为False的话,就弹出一个Queue.empty()异常, 37 page = self.pageQueue.get(False) 38 url = "http://www.qiushibaike.com/8hr/page/" + str(page) +"/" 39 #print url 40 content = requests.get(url, headers = self.headers).text 41 time.sleep(1) 42 self.dataQueue.put(content) 43 #print len(content) 44 except: 45 pass 46 print "结束 " + self.threadName 47 48 class ThreadParse(threading.Thread): 49 def __init__(self, threadName, dataQueue, filename, lock): 50 super(ThreadParse, self).__init__() 51 # 线程名 52 self.threadName = threadName 53 # 数据队列 54 self.dataQueue = dataQueue 55 # 保存解析后数据的文件名 56 self.filename = filename 57 # 锁 58 self.lock = lock 59 60 def run(self): 61 print "启动" + self.threadName 62 while not PARSE_EXIT: 63 try: 64 html = self.dataQueue.get(False) 65 self.parse(html) 66 except: 67 pass 68 print "退出" + self.threadName 69 70 def parse(self, html): 71 # 解析为HTML DOM 72 html = etree.HTML(html) 73 74 node_list = html.xpath(‘//div[contains(@id, "qiushi_tag")]‘) 75 76 for node in node_list: 77 # xpath返回的列表,这个列表就这一个参数,用索引方式取出来,用户名 78 username = node.xpath(‘.//img/@alt‘)[0] 79 # 图片连接 80 image = node.xpath(‘.//div[@class="thumb"]//@src‘)#[0] 81 # 取出标签下的内容,段子内容 82 content = node.xpath(‘.//div[@class="content"]/span‘)[0].text 83 # 取出标签里包含的内容,点赞 84 zan = node.xpath(‘.//i‘)[0].text 85 # 评论 86 comments = node.xpath(‘.//i‘)[1].text 87 88 items = { 89 "username" : username, 90 "image" : image, 91 "content" : content, 92 "zan" : zan, 93 "comments" : comments 94 } 95 96 # with 后面有两个必须执行的操作:__enter__ 和 _exit__ 97 # 不管里面的操作结果如何,都会执行打开、关闭 98 # 打开锁、处理内容、释放锁 99 with self.lock: 100 # 写入存储的解析后的数据 101 self.filename.write(json.dumps(items, ensure_ascii = False).encode("utf-8") + "\n") 102 103 CRAWL_EXIT = False 104 PARSE_EXIT = False 105 106 107 def main(): 108 # 页码的队列,表示20个页面 109 pageQueue = Queue(20) 110 # 放入1~10的数字,先进先出 111 for i in range(1, 21): 112 pageQueue.put(i) 113 114 # 采集结果(每页的HTML源码)的数据队列,参数为空表示不限制 115 dataQueue = Queue() 116 117 filename = open("duanzi.json", "a") 118 # 创建锁 119 lock = threading.Lock() 120 121 # 三个采集线程的名字 122 crawlList = ["采集线程1号", "采集线程2号", "采集线程3号"] 123 # 存储三个采集线程的列表集合 124 threadcrawl = [] 125 for threadName in crawlList: 126 thread = ThreadCrawl(threadName, pageQueue, dataQueue) 127 thread.start() 128 threadcrawl.append(thread) 129 130 131 # 三个解析线程的名字 132 parseList = ["解析线程1号","解析线程2号","解析线程3号"] 133 # 存储三个解析线程 134 threadparse = [] 135 for threadName in parseList: 136 thread = ThreadParse(threadName, dataQueue, filename, lock) 137 thread.start() 138 threadparse.append(thread) 139 140 # 等待pageQueue队列为空,也就是等待之前的操作执行完毕 141 while not pageQueue.empty(): 142 pass 143 144 # 如果pageQueue为空,采集线程退出循环 145 global CRAWL_EXIT 146 CRAWL_EXIT = True 147 148 print "pageQueue为空" 149 150 for thread in threadcrawl: 151 thread.join() 152 print "1" 153 154 while not dataQueue.empty(): 155 pass 156 157 global PARSE_EXIT 158 PARSE_EXIT = True 159 160 for thread in threadparse: 161 thread.join() 162 print "2" 163 164 with lock: 165 # 关闭文件 166 filename.close() 167 print "谢谢使用!" 168 169 if __name__ == "__main__": 170 main()