下面以 TPathData 为例,它有一个私有属性 PathData,储存了每一个曲线点,但一般无法修改它,需要利用下面方法,才能访问修改(若有更好的方法,歡迎分享):
一、利用 RTTI 取得类私有属性(建议使用此方法):
type TPathDataHelper = class helper for TPathData public function PathData: TList<TPathPoint>; end; function TPathDataHelper.PathData: TList<TPathPoint>; var Context1: TRttiContext; Type1: TRttiType; Field1: TRttiField; begin Context1 := TRttiContext.Create; Type1 := Context1.GetType(TPathData); Field1 := Type1.GetField(‘FPathData‘); if Assigned(Field1) then Result := Field1.GetValue(Self).AsObject as TList<TPathPoint> else Result := nil; end;
参考:http://blog.qdac.cc/?p=2541 (VKHelper,感谢 swish)
type TPathDataHack = class(TInterfacedPersistent) public FOnChanged: TNotifyEvent; FStyleResource: TObject; FStyleLookup: string; FStartPoint: TPointF; FPathData: TList<TPathPoint>; end; TPathDataHelper = class helper for TPathData public function PathData: TList<TPathPoint>; end; function TPathDataHelper.PathData: TList<TPathPoint>; begin Result := TPathDataHack(Self).FPathData; end;
三、直接使用 with Self do (此法最简单):(2017/09/04)
type TPathDataHelper = class helper for TPathData public procedure SetPoint(const AIndex: Integer; const PathPoint: TPathPoint); end; procedure TPathDataHelper.SetPoint(const AIndex: Integer; const PathPoint: TPathPoint); begin with Self do // 必需使用 with Self do FPathData[AIndex] := PathPoint; end;
(感谢 [深圳]cjc 提供)